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Hello Everyone,
Welcome to HTML & CSS from the beginning week three. This week we're doing more work on tags — we'll be discovering some new tags, but also focusing on two important attributes that can be given to any tag - class and id. We're going to be focusing on the values that these attributes can have and you'll be discovering the principles of choosing good values to give to the class and id attributes.
Last lesson we looked at the world around us and applied markup to it. This week you'll do this again, but now you'll be asked to mark it up in a different way and where applicable assign values to the class or id attribute.
Finally as usual you'll be given some reading to consume that supports the broader aims of the course and also the scope of this weeks tasks.
p.s - You may have noticed that I'm still to go around everyones work from week two and that this weeks tasks are three days late. To give myself time to catch up on everyones work, the next lesson will be posted on Wednesday June 15th. Apologies to every one about the delay in posting the next lesson.
You were given five tasks to complete.
Working on the trinity concept (HTML - Structure, CSS - Appearance, JavaScript - Behaviour) you worked with a plain text template to add in markup that created a structure that you felt best described the content of the plain text template.
To begin your transition to markup craftsmen, you looked at the world around you and applied HTML markup to the items and objects that you encountered. HTML is not just about dull on a computer - it's about creating a contextual structure that represents content.
You're each going to produce something - what that something is will be entirely your choice. You should have started thinking about what it is that you want to create. If you've chosen something - great. If you haven't, that's fine, but do start to generate possibilities for yourself. You can always change your mind later on. If you're unsure about what to do post to the HTML & CSS from the Beginning Google Group
You were asked to read a chapter from the wonderful Dive Into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim and also to digest a page from HTML Dog on Tags, Attributes, and Elements.
I asked you to think about what you've learned and to reflect on the experience of acquiring new knowledge over the week. You'll be doing this every week.
This week you have four more tasks that build on what you've covered last week and starting from this week I'm going to leave a little bit of the 'discovery' of information to you :)
As usual if you get stuck help is available :)
To help interaction there is now a Google Group that is available to everyone on this course. The group is invite only at this point in time so if you'd like an invite, send an email to me (at) jamiecurle dot com and I'll arrange an invite for you. I don't like shaking up the experience whilst we're up and running but based on feedback IRC wasn't everyones cup of tea and let's face it - we already know how to send email so it makes more sense to use that method of interaction. Kudos to those that have been hanging out in IRC though :)
This weeks tasks are going to require you to author a number of html documents. In many courses involving html you'd be shown how to put files onto a web server via FTP/SFTP/SSH so that they can be accessed online. If you already know how to do this then great, but I don't want to burden those that don't know how to do this with configuring network based clients and the inevitable troubleshooting that you'd have to do to get everything working. This is why for this weeks task I want you all to use dropbox.
Dropbox a free service that gives you a super simple way to store files remotely without having to use FTP/SFTP/SSH to upload files. All you do to upload files is put your file into a the dropbox folder and it gets securely stored online.
What's even cooler is that you can effectively use dropbox as a webhost by placing files into the Dropbox/public folder. This is where I want you to store your html files to make it easy for your group members and myself to view your files in a browser, just like any other web page.
I want you to go to Dropbox and create an account, install the application and get to know it. It will not cost you anything because the free service will be more than adequate for our needs.
When you've created your account and installed the application I want you to put the helloworld file from week 1 into the public folder and create a new blog post called "Dropbox test" and I want you to link to the helloworld file from your blog. You should get your team mates to verify that they can view the html file using your link.
This week is all about attributes (specifically class and id attributes) and the values that they can have. Class & id can have anything as there value. For instance you could quite happily give something an id of "super-happy-monkey-kung-fu-power", but that wouldn't be very helpful unless the item you'd marked up in someway referred to a jolly hominoid with strong kung fu.
Your reading this week contains topics on classes and ids, history of markup and how to add commenting your html markup.
Last week you all looked at the world around you and attempted to markup the items and objects around you. The challenge was to match the essence of the item or object with the most suitable markup.
This week you're going to repeat this exercise using your newly acquired knowledge of classes and id to provide additional context to your markup. You're also going to be challenged further because I want you to hunt out items and objects that match specific tags.
You're also going to explain your thinking and choices inside the html document using your new knowledge of html comments.
The world around you.
Produce a…
… for each of the following block level tags …
… and each of the following inline tags…
… and consider and apply the application of a class and/or an id based on what you've learned about the rules about classes and ids. You should also use your new knowledge of comments to provide a little explanation outlining your thought process and choices.
Your html files should be placed in your Dropbox public folder. You should create a new blog post called "Marking Up The World Around You - Part 2" and link to the files from your blog post.
I've created an example on my blog that you can use to get an idea of what is expected. Remember to do a view source on the html file so you can view the comments to understand my thought process.
Your learning this week.
Reflection might sound a little bit cheesy, but it is a powerful force in your learning. Each week you'll reflect on what you've learned and explored noting any thoughts, ideas or feedback you have about your experience. It's also important to feedback to those in your group to help solidify your learning experience.
Don't worry if it seems hard at first, it is, but it does get easier.
I want you to create a blog post on your blogs called "Week 2 Reflection" or something equally creative and write about your experience this week. Focus on what you've learned, what you've not learned, how you've found it, what else you'd like to learn and anything else that pops to mind.
Try and do your blog post on Friday or Saturday after you've spent the week doing your tasks and when you've done your blog post, drop by the people in your group and leave comments on each others blog posts.
We all get stuck from time to time, it's part of learning. If you do get stuck don't worry about it, you're surrounded by a support network. Here's what to do.
I honestly don't believe lectures work and there is a lot of teaching theory to back this up (Rodgers, Schon). The best way to learn is by doing and that's what this course is all about - doing and taking responsibility for your own learning. P2PU is all about addressing a new form of education free from the constraints of 'old style' academia.
Also there would be no time that suits everyone because of time zone differences.
You can email me at jamiecurle dot com, or leave a comment on my blog on the post for week 3.