This is the P2PU Archive. If you want the current site, go to!
This course is designed to be the length of a full semester, totaling 13 weeks. During this 13 weeks we will go through the entirety of Learn Python the Hard Way.
Here is the original python file,, which generates the syllabus.
I have also made a new version of the syllabus,, which includes due dates.
And finally, here is a version of the syllabus with due dates that writes to a file instead of the terminal:
Each of these files now has comments that you might want to look at. I've tried to reference exercise numbers where the various components are covered.
Hi Are we going to ever
Are we going to ever going to meet up in chat sessions?
I'm not personally going to
I'm not personally going to try to organize one: People have such different schedules and live in so many different time zones that many courses have found it's not feasible. But if you would like to try and organize one via the forums, you're absolutely welcome to!
i cant see exercises 9-12
i cant see exercises 9-12 because i finished some and have some dowbts