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From GIMP to xHTML and CSS

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Chat log for WEEK 3

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[15:02] <woutercox> Okay, welcome to week 3 of the course From Gimp to Html and Ccss
[15:02] <woutercox> *css
[15:02] <woutercox> last week I asked you to watch videos 6-12 and try to recreate the images
[15:03] <woutercox> any problems there?
[15:03] <Zilla-Mama> nope
[15:03] <AndreCR> no
[15:03] <absent_handed> No problems.
[15:03] <woutercox> oh, and I put the dimensions for the graphical elements up as well
[15:03] <Zilla-Mama> Thank you for that!
[15:04] <woutercox> It's under the Course Material tab, and called 'Image Dimensions for the design (GIMP)'
[15:04] <woutercox> how far did you get with the design?
[15:04] <Chris_____> We're still gonna use our little bits when we actually code the page, right? Not the big fake page we did?
[15:04] <Zilla-Mama> finished it
[15:04] <woutercox> some of you e-mailed me with their images, yes
[15:05] <woutercox> everyone who sent it to me did a great job
[15:05] <woutercox> Chris_____: we will use the seperate images
[15:05] <absent_handed> I finished it, and went back and changed the header and footer.
[15:05] <absent_handed> Seeing them together convinced me to change color schemes.
[15:05] <woutercox> what I will do, is to make another video showing how you'd typically slice them
[15:06] <woutercox> of course, if you already saved the separate images, you do not have to slice those
[15:06] <woutercox> but if you're starting from one big visual/picture/design, some people do it in one step
[15:06] <Zilla-Mama> which do you like better, slicing or just saving the elements as you go?
[15:07] <woutercox> Well, since I am usually creating everything myself, I work as I go along. But if you think you are changing your design a lot, or if it comes from someone else, then you'd probably do it in one step
[15:07] <Zilla-Mama> got it.
[15:08] <woutercox> what often happens, is that a visual designer creates the design, then hands it over to someone who both 'cuts' up the images necessary and that person also creates the HTML and CSS
[15:08] <woutercox> we're doing all three of these things
[15:09] <Chris_____> That makes a lot more sense now. I was wondering why we were making the big page as an image when we were just going to code it later.
[15:10] <Zilla-Mama> It also shows you (reminds you) were you're going with the design...
[15:10] <woutercox> yeah, because in a lot of companies, these 'big pages' are called 'comps' (compositions) and are sent to 'slicers', also called 'front-end developers'
[15:11] <woutercox> most of the time you'll do it at the end, in one step, because you know that's the design won't change (a lot)
[15:11] <woutercox> but in my case, I knew what the end result would be, so I just saved the images as the work came along
[15:12] <woutercox> So I'll put up a video about slicing, to show that process
[15:13] <woutercox> So, no other problems or questions?
[15:13] <absent_handed> It all went smoothly this week for me.
[15:14] <thorstenboeck> no more questions for now
[15:14] <woutercox> I also did some research about developing for mobile/ipad, I'll put up links to those in the course material. I think I'm going to add a section 'recommended reading'
[15:14] <Zilla-Mama> Thanks!
[15:14] <francy> thank you
[15:14] <woutercox> Next week we'll start coding the page
[15:14] <absent_handed> That will be good. Thanks!
[15:15] <Chris_____> Sweet
[15:15] <absent_handed> So this week is just slicing?

[15:15] <woutercox> finish the design and slice the images, yes
[15:16] <woutercox> And next week, we will talk about the page structure, no images yet. So that means people will have two to three weeks left to finish with their images.
[15:17] <woutercox> Next week: structure. Week after: styling the page using CSS. Week after that: add the images to the design. Week after that: using webfonts in our design
[15:18] <absent_handed> I'm excited about the webfonts.
[15:18] <woutercox> Next week might not be 'sexy', but it's necessary
[15:18] <Zilla-Mama> Can we try to put the page together with code and send it to you?  Or are you too busy for questions that have 'jumped the gun' in the syllabus?
[15:18] <woutercox> Zilla-Mama: if you want to, by all means do
[15:19] <Zilla-Mama> I do understand if you are too busy, especially with the new job
[15:19] <Zilla-Mama> Great.
[15:19] <woutercox> yeah, it's true
[15:19] <woutercox> but you can send me e-mail
[15:19] <woutercox> usually I've got a little time on Thursday evenings
[15:19] <Zilla-Mama> Thank you.
[15:19] <woutercox> Let's wrap this up then
[15:20] <woutercox> Thanks for being here :)
[15:20] <francy> have a great weekend everyone
[15:20] <absent_handed> Thanks Wouter!
[15:21] <woutercox> See you next week, same day, same time. Then we'll talk about structuring our page.
[15:21] <Zilla-Mama> Looking forward to the 'Recommended Reading".  Thanks.
[15:21] <AndreCR> thanks!
[15:21] <woutercox> Oh, and I'll introduce you to something really cool called 'zen coding'
[15:21] <francy> awesome
[15:21] <AndreCR> cool
[15:21] <thorstenboeck> Sounds good. Thanks Wouter
[15:21] <Zilla-Mama> cool
[15:21] <woutercox> sort of auto-complete on steroids for HTML and CSS
[15:21] <AndreCR> :)
[15:22] <Chris_____> Just so we're on the same page, what's the actual assignment this week?
[15:22] <Zilla-Mama> Slicing?
[15:22] <woutercox> Try to finish the design and slice the images (by slicing, I mean: save all the necessary parts of the deisgn as seperate image files)
[15:23] <absent_handed> Could you post a list of those necessary parts?
[15:23] <woutercox> But realistically, you have at least two weeks for this
[15:23] <woutercox> absent_handed: sure, I will
[15:24] <woutercox> Okay, that concludes our chat for this week
[15:24] <woutercox> See you next week!