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jQuery is fast becoming a must-have skill for front-end developers and for those who have decided to learn the language but have found the jargon to confusing....then this course is for you. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the jQuery library and to explain the fundamentals in an easy and understandable way possible. And to offer real world projects to get your teeth stuck into.
When you're done with the course, you should be able to complete basic tasks using jQuery, and have a solid basis from which to continue your learning.The best way to learn is by doing, so this course will be very much hands on.
We are going to be following along with Rebecca Murphy's jQuery Fundamentals online book and using the offline learning kit supplied by Addy Osmani. And in edition i will be using my own tutorials and towards the end of the course we will be visiting some of my favourite tutorials, which will be fun and should snap everything into place. I will say that even though i know jQuery, i am no way an expert so i will also be learning as we go.
This course will cover:
1. What is jQuery and why should you use it.
2. What is the DOM exactly.
3. Events
4. Effects
5. Ajax
6. Plugins(How to create one)
7. Performance and best practices
8. Debugging
Sounds great! I hope it is
Sounds great! I hope it is approved soon as April, 18th isn't that far away...
I'll sign up!
Yeahh, for a reason i
Yeahh, for a reason i couldn't signed up to else course, wish i could on this. Can't waiting
Notification when courses are
Notification when courses are approved would be a nice option.
I would like to participate,
I would like to participate, I hope it will be approved this week.
Hi Guys. Due to me starting a
Hi Guys. Due to me starting a new job as a software developer, i have had to delay the course and i have changed the start date. But i will certainly get things rolling when i have settled in to my new role, so please come back later. Thanks, neil
Hey Congratulations for your
Hey Congratulations for your new job, so what be the tentative new date for starting the course
What exactly is the sign up
What exactly is the sign up task?
Could you elaborate a little
Could you elaborate a little on the signup task?
Hi, sign up task has been
Hi, sign up task has been added and i look forward to running the course, going to be fun!
hey neil, i just apply a week
hey neil, i just apply a week ago.
and theres was not sign up task.
now, how can i sent it to you? by email? posting it here?
thanks u
I also haven't done sign up
I also haven't done sign up task so question above conserns me also.
What will be the format of
What will be the format of the courses? Asynchronous? Live group chat? Something else?
This would be my first course
This would be my first course here and I am confused by the following:
"Complete Part 1: Javascript 101 and explain to me in your own words what variable scope is?"
I do not see any exercises to complete but I read Part 1 and included some sentances regarding my understanding of variable scope when I first tried to apply for the course. Is this what I was supposed to do?
Hi all, the course is not set
Hi all, the course is not set to start until end of May! so please be patient as i still have to do some organizing and a few hurdles are in my way (new job ect)
I edited my sign-up
I edited my sign-up task.
Under my account you can find "View current applications" and there is edit button, for everyone that is troubled by this ;)
Would love to get in this
Would love to get in this class. Is there any hope?
Is there a waiting list in
Is there a waiting list in case of drop-outs?