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Introduction to Drupal

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Introduction to Drupal

Heather James's picture
Course organiser: Heather James
About the Course Organiser: 

This course is organized by Heather James, Manager of Learning Services at Acquia. Big thank you Acquia for funding my community time :)

I am very excited about and the possibilities of peer-to-peer learning.

My role at Acquia is to help grow a talented, diverse community for Drupal through training and education. Acquia provides public and private formal training by working with our partners, but we feel this is only one part of the puzzle. Drupal is an on-going learning environment, with new challenges constantly arising. Encouraging and facilitating self-study skills is essential to growing the community.

In one sense, this course is a proof of concept, in the hopes that others in the community will create similar courses on detailed topics. It is also providing a much needed welcome mat for Drupal, and situating it outside of the community, where we can get the most reach.

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Ida Benedetto's picture
Ida B
Jason John Wells's picture
Jill Tsakiris's picture
Joe Jarrett's picture
Joe J
John Warde's picture
John Buehrer's picture
Kasper  Christensen's picture
Kristen Milhollin's picture
Mostafa Lameei's picture
Lekha Choudhary's picture
Lorena  Kodra's picture
Julio Cesar Martinez's picture
Marilyn Langfeld's picture
marwan al-sibai's picture
Mason Stewart's picture
Mark  Taylor's picture
Narendra Payidiparthi's picture
Iqbal Sarim's picture
Erin Oberuch's picture
oliverniu's picture
Francesco La Sala's picture
Paula Cohen's picture
Paulo Gomes's picture
Peter Bergh's picture
Laura Glover's picture
This is a pilot test of a Self-study Course: Introduction to Drupal. Admissions are closed for the testing phase.


Summary: Free 6 week self-study course to learn about Drupal. Week- by-week emails to help motivate you and organize your learning experience. Think of it as a book-club for free learning materials about Drupal.


Funding of the development of this course is provided by Acquia to faciliate learning in the Drupal community. This course is part of P2PU's School of Webcraft organized by the Mozilla Drumbeat: Web Enabled are supporting this course by providing an easy to use learning sandbox in their hosting environment. Numerous Drupal community members have created the open education resources which will be used in this course, they will be credited in the respective lessons.

What is this course about?

Problem: What is Drupal? What can it do? Drupal is peculiar, the features which make it powerful and different from other systems, also make it difficult to grasp. There are excellent resources out there, but a novice user can get google-itis from searching through material which isn’t at the right level, shows out dated practices, or is not up to date. This course will be a self-study introduction to take people on a rolling basis through the course.

How it works: Each week, you login to the site which contains 2-3 hours of selected self-study videos, tutorials and materials to work through. You will also get access to a recorded webinar* discuss the materials. Login to to discuss each weeks materials with fellow students. Acquia partner Web Enabled are offering a push-button hosting environment as an option for new users to learn on and try out some advanced features of Drupal.

* The first time it is run, a LIVE webinar is held so guest guides can answer learner questions- “What kinds of problems and questions did they find?” to talk about that weeks learning materials. These are recorded, and when students work through the course later, they watch the recorded webinars.

Each week:

  • Mondays: Students receive weekly email
  • Wednesdays: Pilot course: participate in live online session (in future,Watch recorded session)
  • Pilot course live session times: 9 AM PST/ 10 AM MT/ 11 CT / 12 EST. Information sent via email.
  • During the week:
    • Do learning activities (for example, watch a Dojo session, or other video, complete activities)
    • Participate in online discussion



Request for assistance w/ a

Paula Cohen's picture
Paula Cohen
Mon, 2010-09-27 04:25

Request for assistance w/ a persistent sticky problem re: sending and receiving emails on the Drupal site project ( Followed instructions, set up email accounts w/ the host server, but something is not connecting. Sure would appreciate any suggestions/recommendations.
Many thanks!

Hi,is it possible to join the

nada A.S's picture
nada A.S
Sun, 2010-11-14 21:38

Hi,is it possible to join the class?

Hello there! We'll be opening

Heather James's picture
Heather James
Tue, 2010-11-16 11:56

Hello there! We'll be opening the class again in two week's time. I have a few improvements to make, and I'm waiting for feedback from participants. I'm also busy on a project which will be done at the end of next week, so I can devote more time then!

Hi, Did you recieve my

ebrahim rahimi's picture
ebrahim rahimi
Wed, 2010-11-17 16:19

Hi, Did you recieve my request to participate in this class?