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Introduction to Drupal
Syllabus for Introduction to Drupal
Before we start:
Week 1: Introduction
Guest guide: Salim of WebEnabled, Doug Vann
Week 2: Set up and Go!
Learning Objectives
Understand: "What is Site Building with Drupal?"
Using Web Enabled environment
Using CCK & Views
Discuss in Webinar 2
Guest guide: Doug Vann
Week 3:Getting started with distributions
Learning Objectives
What distributions are available?
How to access them from Web Enabled
Compare and discuss them online
Discuss in Webinar 3
How can you extend them? How do you upgrade them?
How do distributions work?
Things to watch out for.
And a mention of community podcasts, feeds and webinars to check out.
Week 3 Recording:
Guest guide: Ryan Price of Drupal Easy
Week 4: Organize your site and content for findability
Learning Objectives
How to help visitors find content on your site through navigation & search
Using Taxonomy; Menus & Blocks to organize navigational elements
More like this and Facted search with ApacheSolr
Discuss in Webinar 4
Search engine optimization
How these work together
Guest guide: Tom McCracken from Level Ten
Wednesday: October 20th - this week we are on a mid-term break.
Week 5: Theming in Drupal
Learning Objectives
What is a theme?
How to select, install and enable a theme
How to make simple modifications to theme files
Discuss on Forum : Week 5 - Any questions about theming with Drupal?
Intro to making a sub-theme in Zen
Best practices for theming
Guest guide: Heather
Week 6: Workflow that works
Materials on this week's session
Thanks to James Stone for this week's lessons!
Learning Objectives
What is version control
Migration from Web Enabled to local environment with DAMP stack
Working collaboratively
Backing up and maintenance best practices
Work environment & tools
Backup your site
Set up a local work environment
Local environment, overview of tools on Mac + PC; and command line (via Acquia Drupal or Xampp)
Discuss in Webinar 6
Demonstration of various developers’ work environments
Guest guide: Joshua Bruaer from Acquia
Final Week learning materials
Learning Objectives
Connect to the community
Places to find resources and help
Locate either a local or topical group on g.d.o, write a post, or respond to a post
Respond to a forum post on
Showcase! Screenshot a part of your sandbox.
Task: Describe How did you do that? Blog or post on ‘Post installation’ forum.