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Revision of Chat log Class 4 from Sun, 2010-09-26 20:06

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hemanth hm's picture
Sun, 2010-09-26 20:06

hemanth    Hello Hackers :)
SourRust>    hey
hobs>    hey there
hobs>    sorry im late!
lakshmi>    hi
manth is very happy to see people logging in exactly on time :)
SourRust>    :P
hemanth>    (:
hemanth>    So, did anyone try limpid ?
adam_collado>    hey there :)
hobs>    yep
adam_collado>    using it right now
hobs>    just starting it up
hemanth>    I made a ubuntu package lately, will share later
hemanth>    now, if all are set, lets start with todays class
hobs_limp>    sounds good hemanth
  hemanth has changed the topic to: Conditionals Execution.
hemanth>     Conditions we have many in life...
hemanth>    If i have $$ i will buy this or else i will buy that
hemanth>    To make this class very interesting
hemanth>    i just want you all to see this video
hemanth>    :)
hobs_limp>    cool hemanth
hemanth>    we will learn  Conditionals Execution from this video
jmuniz>    How much money do you have? haha...
hobs_limp    good example of a conditional lol
manth this is a fun way of learning, no offense
hemanth>    ok so, how could the responses be
hobs_limp    no offense taken
lakshmi>    :)
hemanth>    if you have x amount of money
hemanth>    and x > 1000000, i will marry you
hemanth>    else i will not marry you
hemanth>    or it can be
hobs_limp    haha
hemanth>    while your money is greater than 100000 i will be married
hemanth>    until your money is greater than 100000 i will be married to you
hemanth>    or be married till money is greater than certain value
hemanth>    these are conditions, based on which the action is decided
hemanth>    same way in programming, there are few conditions we write to decided what to do based on the data
  hemanth has changed the topic to: BASH Conditionals Execution
hemanth>    At any point if you have any doubts just o/
hobs_limp>21    I will hemanth
hobs_limp    its clear so far
jmuniz>    got it
hemanth>    The first construct is the 'if-else model'
hemanth>    i hope u are all ready with your terminals
hemanth>    the generic syntax of if-else model is
hemanth>    if test-commands; then
hemanth>    consequent-commands;
hemanth>     [else alternate-consequents;]
hemanth>    fi
edguy>    hi, sorry for being late
hemanth>    redguy, no issues
hobs_limp    a thousand lashes
hemanth>    so you must notice that its like a block
hemanth>    starts with if
hemanth>    end with fi
hemanth>    with else in between
hemanth>     if test-commands; then
hemanth>               consequent-commands;           [elif more-test-commands; then             more-consequents;]           [else alternate-consequents;]           fi
CSSDevMonkey>    hey guys
hobs_limp    hey dev monkey
hemanth>    is it clear, or is the text messed up?
hobs_limp>21    do you have to putt the else/elif in brackets hemanth?
hobs_limp    or is that to show they are optional
hemanth>    optional
hobs_limp    cool
hemanth>    will get to know, as we will see the examples now
manth shared logs so far with CSSDevMonkey  and redguy
hemanth>    in your terminals now
hemanth>    type in a simple if else structure
hemanth>    money=100
hemanth>    if [[ $money > 100 ]] ; then
hemanth>    echo You have more than 100
hemanth>    else
hemanth>    echo You have less than or equal to hundred
hemanth>    fi
hemanth>    Done?
adam_collado>    yep
hobs_limp    yep
edguy>    why [[ and not [ ?
adam_collado>    printed out the latter case, because money=100, and hence, is less or equal too 100
SourRust>    done now
jmuniz>    hold on, I mistyped the last fi...
hemanth>    redguy, good question
hemanth>    [[ is a bash keyword similar to (but more powerful than) the [ command
hemanth>    Unless you're writing for POSIX sh,  [[ is recommend
edguy>    oh, so it doesnt use /usr/bin/test ?
hemanth>    [ ("test" command) and [[ ("new test" command) are used to evaluate expressions
hemanth>    this is the latest and the greatest practices of BASH
hemanth>    redguy, test can also be used
hemanth>    In almost all shells (the oldest Bourne shells are the exception), [ is a synonym for test
hobs_limp    sweetness
hemanth>    clear?
hobs_limp    it just is a more full featured test comparison operator, got it
jmuniz>    ok
hemanth>    the if [[ arg1 OP arg2 ]] for Arithmetic tests.OP is one of -eq, -ne,-lt, -le, -gt, or -ge.
edguy>    clear, thanks
hemanth>    that is =,!=,<,>,>= for strings, can be used either way
hemanth>    redguy, no issues, [ ] will bomb on the variable is "" and if not quoted
jmuniz>    ah!
hemanth>    yes, you can try that :)
hemanth>    so, anymore o/ ?
hobs_limp    hey
hobs_limp    not from here
hemanth>    if [[ $money > 100 ]] ; then
hemanth>     echo You have more than 100
hemanth>    elif [[ $money -eq 100 ]] # -eq also
hemanth>    echo You have exactly 100
hemanth>    else
hemanth>    Not bad
hemanth>    fi
hemanth>    Note: its elif, not *elseif*
hemanth>    done?
hobs_limp    easy mistake to make hehe
hemanth>    echo is everything fine :) ?
hemanth>    Now, lets see the case command
hemanth>    case: case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac
hemanth>    ^ in the generic syntax
hemanth>    Execute commands based on pattern matching.
hemanth>    Selectively execute COMMANDS based upon WORD matching PATTERN.
hemanth>    The '|' (pipe) is used to separate multiple patterns.
hemanth>    lets try this one
hobs_limp    great!
hemanth>    read -p "Enter the name of an animal name : " animal
hemanth>    #the above is used to read the data entered by the user to an variable called animal
hemanth>    echo -n "The $ANIMAL has "
PaBLoX>    Hi!
hemanth>    echo -n "The $animal has "
PaBLoX>    Sorry for being so late U_u
hemanth>    PaBLoX, its ok, i will share the logs
hemanth>    horse | cow | cat) echo -n "four";;
PaBLoX>    I'm in limpid btw
hemanth>    man|woman) echo -n "two ";;
hemanth>    PaBLoX, kool :)
hobs_limp    me too!
hobs_limp    we did it
hemanth>     *) echo -n "an unknown number of legs!";;
hemanth>    # * is the default case, that is in case of no match
hemanth>    esac
hemanth>    done? Notice the case starts with case and ends with easc with patterns to match
jmuniz>    could you reformat... it broke up for me
jmuniz>    retype
edguy>    \o: can the patterns contain wildcards?
hemanth>    redguy, yes :)
hemanth>    redguy, like *.mp3
hobs_limp    \o wouldnt you want it to be unknown and then end with number of legs?
hemanth>    jmuniz, which part?
hobs_limp    appended to the end?
hobs_limp    let me run it first
hemanth>    ok!
jmuniz>    then all of them would go to "unknown ?
jmuniz>    just the part after "animal has.."
jmuniz>    the cases
hemanth>    jmuniz, no it's based on your input
hemanth>     * is the default case, that is in case of no match
jmuniz>    ok
hemanth>    *) means, if all fail the control goes there
jmuniz>    Ah! I see
hemanth>    Okies, now lets move on, or are there any other o/
hobs_limp>21    hemanth
hemanth>    yes
jonsul>    I made it :D
hobs_limp    my question is less programming related but more logic related, wouldnt it say "Enter an animals name" man "two"
hobs_limp    the animal has two
hobs_limp    sorry
hobs_limp    also this doesnt run for me but I didnt write case or esac in it
hobs_limp    I think I might have missed a piece of code one second let me hunt for it
hemanth>    yup, echo legs after the esac ;)
hemanth>    or add it there itself
jonsul>    o/ am I late? I thought it was 11:30 or something?
hemanth>    jonsul, UTC 15:30
hobs_limp>21    hemanth: where is the word case, sorry
jonsul>    sorry, that's my time^^
hemanth>    jonsul, its ok
jmuniz>    I think I missed that "case" as well...
jmuniz>    haha
hemanth>    Ok, i will give u the block again
hobs_limp>    thanks hemanth
jmuniz>    thank you
hemanth>    read -p "Enter an animal name:"
hemanth>    read -p "Enter an animal name:" animal
hemanth>    # ignore the first line
hemanth>    case $animal in
hemanth>    horse|cow|cat) echo "Has 4 legs" ;;
hobs_limp    now it works fine!
hemanth>    man|hen) echo "Has 2 legs" ;;
hemanth>    *) echo "Sorry i'm still counting" ;;
hemanth>    esac
hemanth>    clear?
edguy>    yup
hemanth>    ok now, select : select name [in words ...]; do commands; done
hemanth>    as redguy mentioned about wildcards, lets see one now
hemanth>    select flie in *;
hemanth>    do
jonsul>    o/ sry to interupt, will we be covering functions today? I'm still catching up with the last log
hobs_limp    we are doing conditionals right now
CSSDevMonkey>    i'm writing exactly what you are, and it keeps breaking for me
hemanth>    jonsul, we have conditional execution of the remaining languages also to do!
CSSDevMonkey>    i have to be missing something
jonsul>    okay cool
manth calls volunteers to make notes :)
hobs_limp    I will pastebin
hemanth>    hobs_limp, better use etherpad
hobs_limp    ill use etherpad!
jonsul> <= nice tutorial/reference on conditionals
hemanth>    okies, no getting back to select
hemanth>    hobs,
hemanth>    hobs, later on lets update
hobs_limp    yes
hobs_limp    keep going I will move it
hemanth>    hobs, now i will stick to ur link
hemanth>    jonsul, thanks for the sharing the link, later one we will be make once such wiki
CSSDevMonkey>    i got it working, i went and did it again
hemanth>    CSSDevMonkey, ok :)
hemanth>    So all are in i blv
PaBLoX>    btw, I think it's suits better our needs! ;)
jmuniz>    Sweet! I missed the "case" and now it works fine
hemanth>    PaBLoX, yup i had mentioned that in the forum thread of p2pu :)
hobs_limp    it doesnt have bash :(
hemanth>    PaBLoX, the issue is ethercodes server it pretty flaky
PaBLoX>    oh,
PaBLoX>    okay :)
hemanth>    Ok, now did u all try select example?
hemanth>    redguy, you can see * RE been used here
hemanth>    hit Ctrl^C to break
jmuniz>    \oI'm getting a list of my home directory
hemanth>    yup
hobs_limp    thats pretty nice
hemanth>    select any one of them, like type 1 and hit enter
jmuniz>    \o is fname a special varible?
hobs_limp    so select is like a little choosing program built in
hemanth>    jmuniz, no
jmuniz>    or is the * selecting everything
hemanth>    jmuniz, its just a variable
jmuniz>    Ah! I think I got it
hemanth>    just say echo *
hemanth>    in another terminal
hemanth>    echo *
jmuniz>    Yes!
manth is been renamed as schdmidt in the pad!
hemanth>    strange!
hobs_limp    someone was named jingle heimer so I took the liberty
hemanth>    okies now moving on
hobs_limp    its not the server
hobs_limp>21    sorry hemanth
hobs_limp    just a little fun
jmuniz>    haha
hobs_limp    its a child's song here
jonsul>    fun is always good^^
hemanth>    hobs_limp, i was suspecting  its would be you ;)
hobs_limp    im a trickster
jonsul>    and I helped :D
hemanth>    as you can a see i have added few data there in the pad
hemanth>    (( )) and  [[  ]] and && and  ||
hobs_limp    yep
hemanth>    lets see how they work
lakshmi>    yes
jmuniz>    \o is the 0 or 1 like True and False?
hemanth>    yes 0 is always true
hemanth>    1 is false in bash
jmuniz>    got it
hobs_limp    thats why successful programs return 0
hobs_limp>21    right hemanth
jonsul>    wow! that's odd
hemanth>    mkdir d && cd d ; pwd
jmuniz>    got it
hobs_limp    so you use a conditional to actually just do two things, that makes sense
jonsul>    compared to other languages bash is a bit like pig latin :/
hobs_limp    it does have its mixups sometimes
hemanth>    && => and operator
hemanth>    0 && 1 -> 0
hemanth>    1 && 1 -> 1
jonsul>    I'm gonna have to get used to that
hemanth>    now
PaBLoX>    (Somebody has to copy the contents then to the
hemanth>    [[ -f test.txt ]] || echo file test.txt not found
hemanth>    touch file.txt
hemanth>    [[ -f test.txt ]] || echo file test.txt
hemanth>    [[ -f test.txt ]] && echo file test.txt found || echo file test.txt
hemanth>    PaBLoX, yes we will re-factor that
PaBLoX>21    hemanth: ok ;)
hemanth>    clear? any o/
hobs_limp    I am copying all that he puts in the current etherpad
hobs_limp>21    makes sense hemanth, that seems useful for a lot of stuff
hobs_limp    check to see if a config gile exists and if it does read it for my programs settings
PaBLoX>    o/
hemanth>    PaBLoX, yes
PaBLoX>    I don't know if you already say it, but it's important/interesting to note the the [[ -f asd ]]
PaBLoX>    is a short way to write the test command
PaBLoX>    test -f asd
jonsul>    o/ last interrupt, have I missed any assignments yet?
hobs_limp    yep sorry PaBLoX we went over that a little bit
hobs_limp    [[]] being the superior tester
PaBLoX>    hobs_limp: nice ;)
PaBLoX>    let's continue then.
hobs_limp    gud
hemanth>    PaBLoX, yes that was said b4 in the class
hemanth>    x=100 ; ! [[ $x >100 ]] && echo yes || echo no
hobs_limp    no
hobs_limp    I predict this outcome
hemanth>    ! => not/negation that is if the condition turns out to be false its negated to true and vise versa
jmuniz>    \o is this case sensitive?
hemanth>    jmuniz, yes very much!
jmuniz>    cool
jmuniz>    ls
hemanth>    hobs_limp,  try it ;)
hemanth>    jmuniz, ls ;) ?
jmuniz>    haha... wrong window.
hobs_limp    I was wrong!
hemanth>    hobs_limp,:)
hemanth>    okies, if allz fine, lets move on...
hemanth>    o/ ??
hobs_limp    yeah makes sense, echo yes will always evaluate to true
hobs_limp    hehe
hemanth>    okies nice
  hemanth has changed the topic to: PYTHON Conditional execution
hemanth>    All of switch over to python
hobs_limp    roger
hemanth>    control flow constructs. Specifically: and and or
hemanth>    if the left argument to and evaluates to False, the right argument doesn't get evaluated at all
hemanth>    if the left argument to or evaluates to True, the right argument doesn't get evaluated at all
hemanth>    lets see examples
hemanth>    >>> 'a' and 'b'   
jonsul>    I used to do python, let me know if I'm rusty::: for x in y: if x > 2: print(x)
hemanth>    jonsul, good, np, but lets move from grass root level, that would help the fresh(wo)men
jmuniz>    b
hemanth>    >>> '' and 'b'  
jonsul>    k sry
hemanth>    >>> 'a' and 'b' and 'c'
hemanth>    what are the o/p's?
lakshmi>    'b'   syntax error 'c'
hobs_limp    well 'a' and 'b' is 'b'
hobs_limp    and 'a' and 'b' and 'c' is c
hobs_limp    'c'
hemanth>    lakshmi, be careful while you  copy paste
hobs_limp    so right most side
hemanth>    lakshmi, a single space also matter!
hobs_limp    '' and 'b' is '' because '' is nothing I think
hemanth>    kool, no moving on
lakshmi>    yes
lakshmi>    thanks
hemanth>    >>> 'a' or 'b'   
jmuniz>    k
hemanth>    >>> '' or 'b'   
hemanth>    >>> '' or [] or {}    
hobs_limp    do sequences have precedence?
hobs_limp    it returned {}
jmuniz>    {}
hobs_limp    can nulls have precedence
hemanth>    if all are false, what will happen?
hobs_limp    left hand side
hobs_limp    oh wait
hobs_limp    right hand side
hobs_limp    ok
hemanth>    :)
hobs_limp    that makes more sense!
hemanth>    >>> a = "first"
hemanth>    >>> b = "second"
hemanth>    >>> 1 and a or b
hemanth>    >>> 0 and a or b
jonsul>    is that a question?
hemanth>    yup :)
hobs_limp    I put them in
hemanth>    what did u notice?
hobs_limp    its first
hobs_limp    second
hobs_limp    in order
jonsul>    1 the first time because 1 is always rue
hemanth>    yup
hemanth>    unlike bash!
jonsul>    b the second because 0 cacels a
hemanth>    remember 0 is true in Bash
hobs_limp    and it it returns the first possibility of the or statement as a and b are both real
jonsul>    *cancels
hemanth>    :)
hemanth>    >>> a=1
hemanth>    if a == '2':
hemanth>           print ('1a')
hemanth>       elif a == '3':
hemanth>           print ('3a')
hemanth>       else:
hemanth>           print ('1a')
manth NOTE that indentations
jonsul>    1a
hemanth>    jonsul, correct ;)
jonsul>    python's really a great language by the way guys
hobs_limp    I also got 1a
hemanth>    jonsul, can you tell us all a simple case example :)
hemanth>    jonsul, case statement
jonsul>    the best example is the indention for clean code, but I really like the dictionaries {}
jonsul>    the clean syntax makes reading code extremely easy and fun
lakshmi>    but sometimesn this identation is annoying
jonsul>    not after you get used to it, then you wish other languages had it lol
hemanth>    lakshmi, editor are good enuf, to care of it for you :)
jonsul>    geany is a good open source one by the way
jonsul>    OH!
hemanth>    switch EXPR:
hemanth>        EXPR:
hemanth>            SUITE
hemanth>        EXPR:
hemanth>            SUITE
hemanth>        ...
hemanth>        else:
hemanth>            SUITE
PaBLoX>    jonsul: geany rocks ;)
hemanth>    is how the switch case works
lakshmi>    :)  will try it
hemanth>    emacs!
jonsul>    I love the module system, if anyone's tried other languages you know why
hemanth>    vim for few :P
PaBLoX>    vim!
PaBLoX>    haha
hemanth>    Eclipse!
jonsul>    emacs, but it's always a pain the the a**
PaBLoX>    or if you want a better python interprether, you could use ipython or idle
hemanth>    bpython
hemanth>    have you guys tried bpython editor?
hobs_limp    nope
PaBLoX>    no
hemanth>    you gotcha!
jonsul>    emacs rocks if you know elisp! I give it that
hemanth>    jonsul, i used to twitt from emacs ;)
jonsul>    nice!
hemanth>    okies if no o/, lets move on?
lakshmi>    yes
hobs_limp    yes
jonsul>    yep
26SourRust_>    yea
  hemanth has changed the topic to: RUBY CE
hemanth>    The Ruby language has a very simple control structure that is easy to read and follow.
hemanth>    if
hemanth>    btw, all of you switch to irb
PaBLoX>    international rugby board :P
jonsul>    k
hemanth>    ha ha
hemanth>    interactive ruby
jonsul>    what's the good thing about ruby, that's one I have no experience with
hemanth>    you will very soon
hobs_limp    read this
hobs_limp    later
hemanth>    irb(main):001:0> var=10
hemanth>    if var == 10
hemanth>    print “Variable is 10″
hemanth>    end
jonsul>    why the luck stiff?!! wtf LOL
jonsul>    sry it's from the link
jonsul>    it's the author's name
hobs_limp    yep
hobs_limp    that's his psuedonym
hobs_limp    or was
hemanth>    np :)
hemanth>    if var == 10
hemanth>      print “Variable is 10″
hemanth>    else
hemanth>      print “Variable is something else”
hemanth>    end
hobs_limp    got it
hemanth>    if var == 10
hemanth>      print “Variable is 10″
hemanth>    elsif var == “20″
hemanth>      print “Variable is 20″
hemanth>    else
hemanth>      print “Variable is something else”
hemanth>    end
hobs_limp    Variable is 10
hemanth>    print “The variable is ” + (var == 10 ? “10″ : “Not 10″)
  23jmuniz ( has left #p2pu-webcraft/scripting-101
hemanth>    ? is called as the Ternary operator
manth you need to look for ? in all languages as you update the h.w
hemanth>    $age =  5
hemanth>    case $age when 0 .. 2     puts "baby" when 3 .. 6     puts "little child" when 7 .. 12     puts "child" when 13 .. 18     puts "youth" else     puts "adult" end
hemanth>    text malformed?
PaBLoX>    hobs_limp: yeah, weird that he dissapeared :s (scary)
hemanth>    $age =  5
hemanth>    when 0 .. 2
hemanth>    puts "baby"
hemanth>    when 3 .. 6
hemanth>    puts "little child"
hemanth>    when 7 .. 12
hemanth>    puts "child"
hemanth>     puts "adult"
hemanth>    end
hobs_limp    I did some research, he "retired" pretty ungracefully. but more after class :)
hobs_limp>21    hemanth: could you put that in the etherpad
jonsul>    yay! a story!
hemanth>    done
jonsul>    what's up with the whois? I've seen them posted on the logs too???
manth time to vote, 0 or 1
hemanth>    continue or stop ? 0 | 1
jonsul>    is this in bash or everything else? LOL
hobs_limp    is it bash
hobs_limp    you got me jonsul lol
hemanth>    jonsul, need to filter them, whois gives if of ur ip and connection client and stuff
hemanth>    O.K now 0 or 1
hobs_limp    0
26SourRust_>    0
hemanth>    it's another 5-8 mins
PaBLoX>    0 (let's finish ruby)
jonsul>    0...
lakshmi>    0
hobs_limp    if its under 10 I can stay
hemanth>    PaBLoX, rb, done! its was just few simple conditional expressions
PaBLoX>    oh
PaBLoX>    haha
  hemanth has changed the topic to: PERL CE
PaBLoX>    uuu
PaBLoX>    perl :/
hemanth>    psh everybody
PaBLoX>    the weirdiest synatx in the world
jonsul>    I'm interested in ruby I just hate typing end after a block :/
jonsul>    oops catching up^^
hemanth>    data updated in etherpad also
hobs_limp    you dont have to jonsul if it is one line
hobs_limp    btw
jonsul>    apt-get'n
hemanth>    $gygy="London";
hemanth>    if ($gygy eq "Paris") {
hemanth>    print "The city is Paris. ";
hemanth>    }
hemanth>    elsif ($gygy eq "Tokyo") {
hemanth>    print "The city is Tokyo. ";
hemanth>    }
hemanth>    else {
hemanth>    print "The city is London. ";
hemanth>    }
hobs_limp    psh%
jonsul>    o/
hemanth>    irb(main):008:0> $today
hemanth>    => nil
hemanth>    irb(main):009:0> $day="today"
hemanth>    => "today"
hemanth>    irb(main):010:0> ($date == $today) ? print "Happy B.Day!\n" : print "Happy Day!\n";
hemanth>    what do u notice?
jonsul>    damn! duplicate sources error
hemanth>    !?
hobs_limp    I notice you are still in irb
hemanth>    hobs_limp, good :)
jonsul>    apt-get update^^ => psh%
hemanth>    hobs_limp, now try the same in psh
hemanth>    psh%  $day="today"
hemanth>    psh% ($date == $today) ? print "Happy B.Day!\n" : print "Happy Day!\n";
hobs_limp    happy!
jonsul>    perl has regular expressions right?
hobs_limp    haha
hemanth>    nice :)
hemanth>    jonsul, yes it does
hemanth>    See this :
hemanth>    use Switch;
hemanth>        switch ($val) {
hemanth>            case 1        { print "number 1" }
hemanth>            case "a"    { print "string a" }
hemanth>            case [1..10,42]    { print "number in list" }
hemanth>            case (@array)    { print "number in list" }
hemanth>            case /\w+/    { print "pattern" }
hemanth>            case qr/\w+/    { print "pattern" }
hemanth>            case (%hash)    { print "entry in hash" }
hemanth>            case (\%hash)    { print "entry in hash" }
hemanth>            case (\&sub)    { print "arg to subroutine" }
hemanth>            else        { print "previous case not true" }
hemanth>        }  
jonsul>    ahh.. got to love em
hemanth>    :)
hemanth>    okies any o/ ?
hemanth>    Suggestion : There is nothing complicated with these, you just need to try them slowly again
lakshmi>    yes
hemanth>    will be clear only if you do the home works :)
hemanth>    if no o/ this ends CE!
hemanth>    next up will be LOOPS
hobs_limp>21    thanks hemanth
hobs_limp    peace!
lakshmi>    thanks
hemanth>    Sorry for taking extra time
jonsul>    I didn't like them regexp when I first learned perl, but then I touched on them again in racket
manth likes interactive class :)
jonsul>    learned they're pretty bad ass
hemanth>    jonsul, RE's can be used in all most all languages
jonsul>    yeah, but not all
hemanth>    RE's are very obfuscated and less encouraged
jonsul>    lol really
hemanth>    any more o/ ??
PaBLoX>    nope, fine for me
jonsul>    didn't know that, lisp and perl are a bit dated though
jonsul>    nope
hemanth>    Thanks all :0) this is hemanth signing off, will catch u next week, Do your H/W's its fun ;) push them and send a pull request :)
SourRust_>    ok cya
adam_collado>    later guys
jonsul>    hey wan't there gonna be a ruby story?
hemanth>    jonsul, as in?
jonsul>    hobs_limp on that author
hemanth>     hobs_limp has quit ;)
PaBLoX>    D:
PaBLoX>    for the next time then
PaBLoX>    btw
hobs>    oh
jonsul>    I see that lol, I'll have to catch him next time
PaBLoX>    I don't have a perl shell on arch linux
PaBLoX>    I just discover it
hobs>    yeah he ragequat
PaBLoX>    :/
hobs>    after people outed who he was
hobs>    deleted all his stuff
hobs>    and quit the internet
hobs>    totally self caused
hobs>    ttyl!
jonsul>    wow
jonsul>    why'd he get pissed at that lol
jonsul>    later

 are fixed now, it was due

hemanth hm's picture
hemanth hm
Mon, 2010-09-27 04:13

 are fixed now, it was due to color highlighting done by an IRC client that i had configured with limpid!

I see some weird characters

Pablo Olmos de Aguilera C.'s picture
Pablo Olmos de Ag...
Mon, 2010-09-27 01:51

I see some weird characters :/