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Programming Visual Media

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Programming Visual Media course photo

Programming Visual Media

Ari Bader-Natal's picture
Course organiser: Ari Bader-Natal
About the Course Organiser: 

J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira is one of the original authors of EtherPad. He honed his programming skills as an undergrad research in the same lab that birthed Processing, the Physical Language Workshop at the MIT Media Lab. J.D. wrote the AppJet Learn to Program guide (sadly no longer available!); he's been teaching programming classes in meatspace for nearly 10 years, and is excited to try teaching an online class!

Ari Bader-Natal spent seven years doing graduate school in computer science without ever teaching an introductory programming course. He doesn't intend to change that now: for this class, he plans to act less as a teacher than as a facilitator, helping participants define and complete projects to develop their programming skills. He has recently been honing his own webcraft by building Studio Sketchpad. 

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Tanushree Jindal's picture
tapesofwrath's picture
Marcos Sader's picture
Can you learn to code the same way you learned to paint? Intro to programming, studio-style. #p2pu #webcraft


Can you learn the fundamentals of programming with art, fun, and games? We'll show you how using Processing.js, an open-Web version of the Processing visually-oriented programming language.  This P2P introduction to programming is designed as a series of programming projects, each of which will be shared, discussed, and critiqued as part of the class. By the end of this class, you'll build an interactive game of your own design, and add it to a growing portfolio exhibiting your webcraft. 

What does a visually-oriented introduction to programming look like on the real-time web? We'll be working with Studio Sketchpad, a website that builds on the Processing.js open programming language for creating animations and interactions for the open web, and the Etherpad collaborative text editor allowing people to work together online in "really real-time". 
This class is highly collaborative, so we strongly encourage you to take this course with a friend or two. 



I found out about p2pu and

Jared Pham's picture
Jared Pham
Fri, 2010-09-17 03:35

I found out about p2pu and this course when it was too late to apply for any of the courses. :( I can't wait for the next season. :D