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hemanth> Hello hackers :)
< SourRust> hey
hemanth> Hows it going?
< jmuniz> Yo! Hello everybody
hemanth> anyone trying limpid btw :) ?
< adam_collado> hey everybody
hemanth> hey adam_collado
hemanth> before i start, i need to clarify few details
hemanth> 4 commits with 120 additions and 0 deletions -> datruth29
hemanth> 4 commits with 94 additions and 0 deletions -> sourrust
hemanth> 3 coomits with 14 additons and 0 deletions -> josemuniznyc
hemanth> were the pull requests i received
hemanth> congrats on that, but i just want you all to go through
hemanth> as the pull request is from your master to the p2pu master
< jmuniz> Got it
hemanth> there will be conflicts if the filenames are same
< jmuniz> right
< adam_collado> ohhhh, that makes sense
hemanth> two options, pushing new branch, or naming files diff; the second on seems more apt for us, as sharing would be easier
hemanth> and less of switch
< SourRust> yea I changed the file names
hemanth> so do take your time to fix them
hemanth> as of now datruth29's code is in, has he would also do this small exercise for now and then onwards all will be fine
hemanth has changed the topic to: Variables continued
< adam_collado> okay
hemanth> So, starting with todays class...
adam_collado> i should clarify hemanth, that i'm datruth29
< adam_collado> i should probably just change my name going forward
hemanth> adam_collado, :) nice i will remember
hemanth> last class we had stooped with python variables
hemanth> i would suggest you to see
hemanth> that is a neat and simple code from adam_collado as you can see there he has tried all different data types
< jmuniz> sweet!
hemanth> but i would strongly suggest to use GNU GPLv3 for our own benefit
hemanth> uokesita was to first one to start of with H.W
hemanth> Osledy Bazo is not here in the IRC i blv...
hemanth has changed the topic to: RUBY VARIABLES
hemanth> In ruby we have global, local, instance and constant variables
hemanth> $,[a-z] or _,@,[A-Z] respectively
hemanth> we also have @@ class variables
hemanth> let see few examples
hemanth> to make ourselves clear
hemanth> so all of you open your terminal and those who are on limpid its already opened for you by default ;)
hemanth> type in irb
hemanth> tell me once ready
< SourRust> ready
< jmuniz> rdy
hemanth> SourRust, Jmuniz, you on limpid :) ?
< jmuniz> nope. just a basic term
hemanth> ok :)
hemanth> others you ready?
< SourRust> nah i have terminal open already
hemanth> i would appreciate if you could give it a try later on
< jmuniz> will do
< SourRust> k
hemanth> hope others are also ready by now
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> $name="p2pu"
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> $num=420
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> $unvi=['p','2','p','u']
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> puts $name
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> print $name
hemanth> let the same with others to notice, how puts and print works
hemanth> /let/try ^
< jmuniz> what does the nil at the end mean?
hemanth> that's irb indicating end
< jmuniz> ah! cool
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> print $unvi[0]
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> print $unvi[-1]
hemanth> irb(main):010:0> print $unvi[0-2]
hemanth> noticed the magic :) ?
< SSDevMonkey> Sorry for being late, modem decided it didn't want to cooperate this morning.
< jmuniz> -1 is going backwards?
hemanth> jmuniz, correct
hemanth> CSSDevMonkey, no issues
< jmuniz> cool
hemanth> to access we need to use #{$var}
hemanth> as its irb $var will print the data
hemanth> lets make it more clear
hemanth> irb(main):027:0> trace_var :$x, proc{puts "$x is now #{$x}"}
hemanth> irb(main):028:0> $x=5
hemanth> what do u notice ?
hemanth> ...
< adam_collado> when you place in a new value for x
< adam_collado> it displays the message you put in the proc
< jmuniz> when I change it to 10 it changes the msg
< jmuniz> oops, too late
hemanth> yup
hemanth> that just to demonstrate #{$x}
hemanth> that is #{$varname}
hemanth> must be use to fetch the value of the var
hemanth> that class @@ and the instant variables will be covered when we take yup Object Orientation class
hemanth> cos as of now, i want to keep it simple and plain to normal low level abstractions
hemanth> irb(main):030:0> self="my_self"
hemanth> try that
< SourRust> error
hemanth> irb(main):030:0> nil="none"
hemanth> irb(main):030:0> true="false"
hemanth> irb(main):030:0> false="true"
hemanth> noticed them?
< jmuniz> yep
hemanth> so one can't assign values to these, because
hemanth> self => Execution context of the current method.
hemanth> nil => The sole-instance of the NilClass class. Expresses nothing.
hemanth> true => The sole-instance of the TrueClass class. Expresses true.
hemanth> false => The sole-instance of the FalseClass class. Expresses false.
hemanth> Now. do worry much about words like instance, class, methods all this will be covered as we move on, to Object Orientation
hemanth> as of now, just bare this in mind and learn to define and declare simple variables
hemanth> irb(main):032:0> foo = 44; puts foo; defined?(foo)
hemanth> defined? is an operator which checks whether an identifier is defined. It returns a description of the identifier if it is defined, or nil otherwise.
< jmuniz> local-variable
hemanth> jmuniz, yup, its a local-variable
hemanth> So, if everything is fine with thus so far, we can make a move to perl variables!
hemanth> Any queries?
< adam_collado> what was this limipid that you were talking about eariler?
hemanth> rise your hand o/ if any, then type, so i don assume that there are none and move on
< jmuniz> One... sometimes we say $name and sometimes we say foo
< jmuniz> o/
< jmuniz> which is for what?
hemanth> adam_collado, you didn't get the broadcast mail from the group?
< adam_collado> hm, i'll check my mail now
hemanth> jmuniz, $ indicates global variable, that is can be accessed anywhere in the program
< jmuniz> I didn't get an email about limpid
< jmuniz> got it
< adam_collado> got it
hemanth> jmuniz, you got the mail, or clarification to the question ;) ?
< adam_collado> that's awesome
hemanth> adam_collado, thanks, that's just beta, will improve upon the issues you guys rise :)
< jmuniz> haha... no email, but I understood the answer
hemanth> nice
manth more on limpid
< jmuniz> sweet
manth thanks hobs for taking part in the experiment and sharing space on his server to stream media
hemanth> Saying it again, "So, if everything is fine with thus so far, we can make a move to perl variables!"
< adam_collado> sure
< vibha6bhat> I am fine with it :)
hemanth> kool
< jmuniz> rdy
hemanth has changed the topic to: PERL VARIABLES
hemanth> Come out of irb, Ctlr^D and type in 'psh' and hit enter
hemanth> Perl has two types of variables, scalar and vector
hemanth> scalar variables take only one value
hemanth> one value at a time like, num=4
hemanth> vector takes multiples values, that is simply an array or hash
hemanth> lets see examples
hemanth> psh% $number = 4
hemanth> psh% print $number
hemanth> you must see something like 4psh%
hemanth> but i want something like
hemanth> 4
hemanth> psh%
hemanth> how do i do it ;) ?
hemanth> very simple for you guys, as i could notice the brightness in the first class itself
< SSDevMonkey> i'm using my Mac right now, and i typed in 'psh' and hit henter, and it says -bash: psh: command not fond
hemanth> CSSDevMonkey, at the end of last class, it was request to install psh
hemanth> CSSDevMonkey, try sudo brew install psh
hemanth> CSSDevMonkey, if in darwin, try % cd /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/psh
hemanth> % sudo port install psh
< vibha6bhat> print "$number\n"
hemanth> vibha6bhat, correct, its just a new line character
< vibha6bhat> yeah
hemanth> psh% $myname = "hemanth";
hemanth> psh% @array = ("value00","value01","value02");
hemanth> psh% %hash = ("Quarter", 25, "Dime", 10, "Nickle", 5);
hemanth> trying them?
< SourRust> yup
< vibha6bhat> yup, how do we print value of hash?
< jmuniz> the hash is like a python dict?
< adam_collado> i was just about to ask that
< vibha6bhat> I did %hash["Quarter"] and got an error
hemanth> vibha6bhat, print %hash
hemanth> jmuniz, yes, you are right
< vibha6bhat> yeah did that , but that gives whole hash
< vibha6bhat> if i want value of one specific key, then..?
< vibha6bhat> value of one key *
hemanth> making it generic $hash{key}
< adam_collado> so when i try to print out the hash entries and make a new line => print "%hash\n"
< adam_collado> it just prints out %hash
< adam_collado> where as for the array and string, it prints out the values and makes a new line
< jmuniz> print hash%{key}?
hemanth> print $hash{key}
< jmuniz> oops
< jmuniz> haha
hemanth> adam_collado, lets see another example for your case
< adam_collado> so when i entered print "@array\n"
< adam_collado> i get
< adam_collado> value00 value 01 value02
< adam_collado> same for $myname and $number
hemanth> @array will just give you @array[0]
hemanth> @array and @array[0] are same
hemanth> print "@array\n" you are getting value00 value01 value02 is it?
< adam_collado> yep
< adam_collado> it's not giving me the first entry, it's giving me all entries
< vibha6bhat> it should give all enteries right
hemanth> right
hemanth> % and @ missed questions, made some mess go on with my head
hemanth> making it all clear again
hemanth> @100 = (1 .. 100);
hemanth> print @100[0]
hemanth> print @100
hemanth> print @100[-1]
hemanth> print "Size: ",scalar @100,"\n";
hemanth> @array will return a list of all the elements contained in it.
< adam_collado> whoa, you can declare numbers as varibles in perl??
hemanth> :O)
hemanth> yup
hemanth> print "Max Index: ", $#array,"\n";
hemanth> we can use push() to add an element to the end of an array.
hemanth> like
hemanth> @coins = ("Quarter","Dime","Nickel");
hemanth> push(@coins, "Penny");
hemanth> print @coins
hemanth> pop() => removes the last element of an array.
hemanth> pop(@coins);
hemanth> shift() => removes the first element of an array.
hemanth> unshift() => adds an element to the beginning of an array.
hemanth> fine?
< SourRust> all is good
< jmuniz> got it
< adam_collado> ye
< adam_collado> yep
hemanth> %ages = ('hemanth' => 7,'adam' => 11,'vibha6bhat' => 4, 'SourRust' => 12);
manth no issues with the ages i hope ;)
manth making hash more lucid
< adam_collado> lol
hemanth> print "Hemanth is $ages{hemanth} years old\n";
hemanth> print "Ages of everyone ",join(', ',values %ages),"\n";
hemanth> finding it meaningful?
hemanth> hashes are nothing but key,value pairs
< adam_collado> of course, just a little disorienting. then again, i've feel that way every time i look at perl code....
hemanth> join(', ',values %ages) => will attach comma ',' to each of the values of %ages (hash)
hemanth> adam_collado, :)
hemanth> any queries ?
< SourRust> nope
hemanth> o/ and type the queries if any :)
hemanth> So, this ends a very brief intro of variables on BASH,Python,Ruby and Perl
< vibha6bhat> o/
hemanth> yes please
< vibha6bhat> wats the diff b/w $ and % usage?
< vibha6bhat> $ => global
< vibha6bhat> anything specific with %?
hemanth> you have confused $ => global of ruby and % hash of perl ?
hemanth> vibha6bhat, or are you referring to something else
< vibha6bhat> yes
< vibha6bhat> $ is global only in ruby huh?
hemanth> $ages{hemanth} is how we access the value
hemanth> in perl $ages{hemanth} is how we access the value
hemanth> in ruby $varname indicates global and #{$varname} is how we access the values
< jmuniz> ok. got it
hemanth> guys need a suggestion from you all, if its fine for you to study all of them together or you want one at a time, for all vote 0 and one at a time vote 1
< jmuniz> 0 (makes the topics easier)
< vibha6bhat> 0
< SourRust> 0
< SSDevMonkey> 0
hemanth> adam_collado, ?
< adam_collado> 0
< adam_collado> sorry, was afk
hemanth> wow nice :)
hemanth> hobs, ?
hemanth> So as a majority, comparison is good :)
hemanth> So, if you are still muddled with variables, don worry, we will be using them always, so it will slowly stick to our heads :)
< jmuniz> I do have to run now, but I'll make sure to check out the logs. See you guys tomorrow.
hemanth> So, lets put an end for this class now and tomo we will be starting with conditional execution
< jmuniz> sweet!
hemanth> If you have queries, on other issues, please do ask
hemanth> please do check out limpid, post issues on github
hemanth> do you home works ;)
hemanth> /you/your
< SourRust> ok cya
< vibha6bhat> ok :) thanks :) bye :)
< adam_collado> later guys!
hemanth> nice, cya all tomo
hemanth> Logs will be up in 5-10mins
< vibha6bhat> ok
< vibha6bhat> :)