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Web Design 101: Study Group

Week One

Pippa  Buchanan's picture
Wed, 2010-09-15 13:17

Recommended Reading

We'll be referring to the Opera Web Standards Curriculum as the foundation text for this course. It's worthwhile accessing all of the articles as a resource, but I'll highlight particularly useful texts by week.

Recommended readings from the curriculum for this week are listed below.

The Basics of HTML

Marking Up Textual Content in HTML

Planning Out A Web Site

What Does A Good Web Page Need?

Choosing the right DOCTYPE

Validating Your HTML


At the end of this week you should be able to:

  • Create a site folder
  • Identify the appropriate use of attributes and the syntax of attributes
  • Identify the correct way to save a web page and display it in a browser
  • Select an appropriate DOCTYPE to start a page
  • Identify and create the head and body of a web page. Learn to use the following elements: html, head, title, body, h1, p, br
  • Distinguish between block and inline elements


  • Create a basic contact page including
    • links to other sites
    • link to an email account.
    • Descriptive Text
    • A quote
    • An address
  • Describe the purpose of HTML


Is this where we hand our

Elaine Blakeman's picture
Elaine Blakeman
Fri, 2010-09-17 20:25

Is this where we hand in our assignment?

Mine is here: