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My Website Idea

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Hi Everyone,

please submit your website ideas here.  

You can add file attachments of up to 1MB in the formats of (jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp).

Please feel free to give constructive feedback, ideas and criticism to each other about your website concepts!



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Pippa Buchanan's picture
Pippa Buchanan
Tue, 2010-08-31 19:09

just testing that this works?

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Constantine's picture
Tue, 2010-08-31 20:52

It's working for me Pippa!

My website idea is pretty simple:
I would like to create an "Ask Constantine" website(me), where all my tech-illiterate friends can ask me questions and see previous answers to their questions or fellow questioners questions.
I will need at least a:
Ask page (submit your question)
Answer Page (check existing answers)
Categories (of questions)
Try This First! (a general troubleshooting page, turn it off and on again, etc)
Useful Resources (links)

This site is clearly not that original, but it allows an easy medium for people to communicate with me, and I find plenty of people are interested in some free tech support.

Further questions: I dont have any visual mockups, would you recommend drawing, or a more digital mockup, or some other method?

I understand we are going to target the basics of web development, and the active database portions of this website are beyond what we are going to cover, but I am very interested in meeting and participating with people who are in similar situations, and I am very interested in web standards and Doing It Right™

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Justin  Bennett's picture
Justin Bennett
Thu, 2010-09-02 23:16

Hey Constantine,

Great idea! As far as creating mockups I've used Pages on the Mac in layout mode to help with visualizing. I just create text boxes filled with colour, gradients and text to get me started. If you're running Windows, Word or Powerpoint might work as well.

Constantine's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 15:07

I didnt even think of turning to Pages/Keynote for mockups, but you are right, they pretty easily allowing putting aligned elements together and create good looking docs. I will try it out and see what I can come up with. Thanks Justin!

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Sun, 2010-09-05 05:39

Great Idea! you might want to make an authorisation page though or you'll get the entire internet asking you questions =P!

Constantine's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 15:05

I like this idea Ruth. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 19:15

Hi, Constantine! This is the kind of site I'd love to find when I'm in the midst of something on the computer that is going *wrong!* :-( I'm guessing the site contact will be an email straight to you. Will your answers and the questions be available for searching? Might be a nice feature. Just a thought. Pat

Constantine's picture
Thu, 2010-09-09 14:53

I was thinking more of a threaded view just like this forum, with answers and questions all indexed in a elegant manner and available for public viewing. I think of it more of a reference site with a constant input stream.

Pat's picture
Thu, 2010-09-09 21:18

That would be so helpful, Constantine. I have an old Jeep and am a member of a Jeep enthusiasts' forum set up something like that. Would you have members? Pat

Rimac's picture
Tue, 2010-08-31 23:12

I have written something about it before, and I don't know when it went. I have seen many sites, and really there are few that I like. I would like to have a very user friendly portal. Whereby people could find no only my portfolio by also my Autobiography and some pictures. I want my family members to be able to log in and participate in the chats, with this in mind I want to add a Wiki to the site too. for now that is basically it ...

Sites that I like:

I like Wikipedia, because has a meaningful purpose and is so inviting to participate in editing, everything is recorded and you can collaborate. Do I need to put the site's address?
I like because has become open source for example.

Although, this course seems that is going to be very elemental, I like the idea of doing my websites manually, using HTML, JavaScript, Java Applets, PHP, MySQL, some python as so forth.

Josh Knox's picture
Josh Knox
Fri, 2010-09-03 13:32

My website idea is simple, I need to build a website for my church, but I would like it to include the ability to have: all the static information about the church, an active blog for myself, the ability to include the audio from the messages, the ability to update contact information directly on the site, and the ability to have RSS feeds for announcements, audio messages, and the main blog.

I am assuming that I can make a template design for the home page and hopefully a single CSS style sheet and then several sub-pages built from the original template. My plan would to build the site in a simple structure first, and then add the "fancier" things like java-script rollover stuff, etc.

I love learning all things computer and have played with a few languages (VB, C#, and Flash and Actionscript3) I learned BASIC on a Tandy TRS-80 III (with 16k of ram) that I bought for $50 when I was in 6th grade. I've been hooked ever since! (And I have still never forgiven my mother for throwing it away while I was in college!)

Here is the link to a church page that I would like to emulate

I have learned enough XHTML in last 2 weeks to be able to build a simple 2 column site, and enough CSS to make it look pretty good. I am excited about this class and appreciate the opportunity!

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Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Fri, 2010-09-03 14:56

Your example site is great - very clean, engaging and easy to navigate. Because you seem quite knowledgeable to begin, I'm just wondering if you might offer a few comments. I was actually curious as to whether you are also perhaps thinking about some type of feature to help facilitate communication between congregation members? Even if you weren't, how might you envision this fitting into your site?

Josh Knox's picture
Josh Knox
Fri, 2010-09-03 15:54

I would love to have some type forum set-up where members could write back and forth. At the very least a comment system. It would be great to have a system where people can exchange thoughts on a message/sermon or Bible study. And even be able to add audio video embedding and the ability to upload word files or pdfs. But I know that adding something like that will quickly move the project from simple html/css to php and/or some other mysql(database) stuff because of the storing of the information and the dynamic building of the comment and/or forum pages. And I even though I understand that, I'm not at that point yet :) (Hopefully soon)

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Sun, 2010-09-05 05:32

If you've played around with programming languages before you might not have too much of a time with PHP, there is lots of resources for learning about it online and PHPbb forum boards could be an option for you. there is a lot of support for them because they're free.
my mum is part of a community that uses this type of board, their website is a lot like the one you linked to:

Josh Knox's picture
Josh Knox
Mon, 2010-09-06 03:29

Here is what I was able to build on my own this week. I built the HTML structure and basic CSS from scratch (With the help of several tutorials) and then I finished editing using Dreamweaver.

Pat's picture
Thu, 2010-09-09 21:26

Oh my goodness, Josh, are you sure you need this introductory course? You seem to have a great deal of skill and knowledge already. Having the files of the sermons available online will be a wonderful thing for congregation members who can't get out. Would you have a camera video of the pastor too possibly giving the sermon? I'm thinking of how disconnected home bound folks feel, and how much they miss seeing others. Then again, maybe the little booth thing, you know, where people can leave video greetings for absent congregation members -- say hello... maybe upload their own videos too? Now my mind is running away with me....

arlene m-bell's picture
arlene m-bell
Tue, 2010-09-14 18:33

Hi Josh,

This is great. I have a lot of catching up to do. I am encouraged by what ou were able to accomplish.

arlene m-bell's picture
arlene m-bell
Tue, 2010-09-14 18:33

Hi Josh,

This is great. I have a lot of catching up to do. I am encouraged by what you were able to accomplish.

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Tue, 2010-09-07 05:36

Have you thought about running CiviCRM in a Drupal or Joomla! CMS (Content Management System)? It's a constituent relationship management app used non-profits.

It's a good idea to think about one of the big three FLOSS CMS (Wordpress,Drupal, Joomla!) as they all have modules that for those needs listed that can get you going quickly.

This website is made of Drupal goodness for example. Also by leveraging a CMS community, means a lot more support.

My wife and I have been looking for some non-profit portfolio building volunteer jobs.

Susan Place's picture
Susan Place
Wed, 2010-09-01 05:50


My website idea is to build a website that has pages with these elements:

home page with a link to a flipping book,

Amazon like affiliate page,

and a directory.

Here is my example of my flipping book link on my home page. and an example of the directory that I would like:

I am hoping to get a grasp on the basics so that I can at least be able to ask the right questions when I need help.

I am excited to find a class that sounds like it will have the basics and support to get me started.

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Sun, 2010-09-05 05:22

Thanks for your comment below Susan, I know exactly what I want to do with this so it made it easy. Usually I have no idea what I want to make something about, I own about 15 notebooks because I like pages and binding and that but I have no idea what to write in them! =P

I did a little digging online and found two free/open souce versions of this for you -

Code Box - this PDF to flash converter is free software and links you to the technology it uses if you so wish to delve into it yourself!

File Guru - there seems to be an entire list of open source page flipping programs here.

I'm really militant about using open source wherever possible but if you don't feel the same way here is some others I saw:

Page Flip - this one seems nice for beginners. they have a free version that gives you the source files and everything or you can buy other versions with different types of licenses. not bad!

Flash Page Flip - it looks like a good program, easy to use, they seem to offer a free download with less features but if you scroll down to the very bottom and click on terms and conditions it is very restrictive.

FlippingBook - This advertises itself on a shareware website as 'freeware' though what they really mean is there is a free trial version. Each trial version comes with different limitations. And they still own exclusive right to any commercial use.

Page Gangster - this one seems great. make a pdf easily with adobe then upload and convert. but i'm pretty sure it's the worst one! you can use the trial version for one docutment that will be active for 7 days. but you can't publish anything you convert with their software unless you buy a license for 199 USD! and if you want to do more than one document you have to purchase a license for each one! they've got 'bundles' but who has 900 USD to be publishing 6 mags?

What is your website going to be about by the way? is it also about green living?

Kristina Shindyapin's picture
Kristina Shindyapin
Thu, 2010-09-02 15:51

Hi all! I'm really excited to start a business. For this, I would like to start by opening my website. I need a great website to capture my brand and also to attract potential customers. It would need a couple of pages for information, news, a blog, customer reviews, etc. I have a very basic knowledge of building a website, but not one with many pages.

So, I'm hoping to get into this class and and expand my knowledge!

Some websites I like:

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Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Fri, 2010-09-03 14:49

hi Kristina,
I think its great that you are taking charge and, on top of opening a business, diving deeper in to the world of web design as well. I just wanted to give you my two cents re: your 3 examples. As a consumer, I personally like the third site the best. It is understated and has beautiful images but doesn't force me to watch a promo video. It's also more attractive than the first example, which I find sort of pamphlet-like. Anyway - not exactly deep feedback but I think first impressions are important especially for a commercial site!!
best of luck!!

Kristina Shindyapin's picture
Kristina Shindyapin
Thu, 2010-09-09 22:09

I agree with you, Monica! First impressions are so important and its a great idea to learn as much about making a fantastic site so that your business can benefit! Thanks :)

Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 20:28

Kristina, Wow! Your website "likes" sent me off on a visual tour. B&G Oysters site and some of the other sites by Visual Dialogue really stand out. Thanks for sharing the link. What is your business focus? Hope to hear more. Pat

Kristina Shindyapin's picture
Kristina Shindyapin
Thu, 2010-09-09 22:06

Hi Pat,
For now I am interested in opening a business in professional buying. I am just beginning, so not very sure of how to make everything work. Also, I would like to have the site for a reference while I learn programming, so it could be added to my portfolio as my work.

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Thu, 2010-09-02 21:15

I would like to make a website for sharing music locally with information about gigs and bands and the artistic community involved in producing local independant culture.

The basic structure I would like to acheive with this course apsires to the level of this local website:

1. Home page: recent news, upcoming gigs, and featured artists.

2. Gigs: Upcoming gigs - who is playing, entry fee, times, directions, bands website or myspace links

3. Media: pictures and videos of bands, gigs, song downloads, artist info
-Pictures - thumbnails, click to view. Want to use Lightbox:
-Videos - uploaded on youtube and embedded. structured more like this: where they are all listed with thumbnails but you have to click to go to each video to avoid making the page too heavy.
-Music - song downloads of artists who allow us to feature them, band profiles and whereabouts.

4. Promotions: information about Creative Commons licenses and how we can help artists record and promote their music
-Licensing - information about licensing and the Creative Commons and what different licenses mean.
-Policies - our policies about licensing and what support we can offer in regards to producing and promoting music.

5. Community: contact information, advertisments for local independants who can provide recording, mixing, mastering, artwork, printing, burning, practice space, equipment, gigs, etc.
-Contact us - telephone, hours, post address, come to gigs
-Recording Services - names, numbers, hours, provisions, websites
-Artwork - " "
-Production - " "
-Promotion - " "

The presence of a hyphen in front of a title for the purposes of this course will begin as headings but leave room for expansion as the content grows.

Susan Place's picture
Susan Place
Thu, 2010-09-02 23:08

What a well done out line. Your vision is very clear.

Justin  Bennett's picture
Justin Bennett
Thu, 2010-09-02 23:07

Hey Guys and Gals,

As someone who is looking to web development as a career change, I'll be looking at building a site that showcases the following:

Examples of my work;
Links to sites that demonstrate great craftmanship and design;
Llinks to tutorials/blogs about web design and development;
Contact information;
Possibly a blog;

Being a newb though, I'm basing my style and structure on exisitng sites but hopefully I can be somewhat original. Some sites that are serving as inspiration include:, and

Can't wait to get going and look forward to hearing more about everyone's ideas!

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Sat, 2010-09-11 03:08

I'm interested in a similar showcase but with links geared toward end users creating content, marketing and working with their CMS.

Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Fri, 2010-09-03 14:40

I'm a graduate student working in history education/educational technology. Right now I work with a great team and we need to update our research institute website. I'd love to be able to help in any way with this and also think that having general knowledge is this area will do nothing but help me in the future.

I know that upgrading our institution's site will be a huge undertaking so I am not going to propose that as something I could possibly achieve in a couple of months through this course - but what I would like to do is create a personal CV / portfolio type page that would include many of the elements (though on a much smaller scale) of what might be on the larger site. This would include things like:

- links to research papers and past works,
- descriptions of current projects
- video demos of tools we are developing,
- links to relevant blogs, feeds, etc. (ie. links to work being done and the people doing it in important and contingent fields of study)

I like blog style sites that provide links to stable resources but also have space dedicated to new and continuously updated information. An example, with some adjustments to make it appropriate as a personal portfolio page of course, would be this site newly designed for the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto: It's pretty simple, which is what I like.

As I read through everyone's descriptions I think that there is a lot to be learned from other people's projects and, since I tried to teach myself HTML and some CSS once before and failed miserably, I'm looking forward to some collaboration and help this time round!

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Tue, 2010-09-07 05:54

Hi Monica, Hmm, I live in Toronto but was not aware of KMDI. I'm into PKM, mind/concept mapping for GTD (Getting Things Done).

Just skimmed the site and found webcast on P2PU by a guy I saw Drumbeat Toronto.

If you ever want to talk about Drupal, I'm game.

Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Tue, 2010-09-07 16:48

Hi Jason - thanks for the link! I was wondering if 'the guy' you mentioned was gonna be Stian and it was! He's a friend of mine actually. Thanks also for your offer of helping with understanding Drupal. Once I get to the point where I know more about it than its name I'd love to chat! I can learn a lot of things on my own but anything web-development related is not one of them. (fyi KMDI is a branch of U of T with quite a few collaborating units the website I linked to is fairly new)

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Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 20:46

Hi, Monica -- It's just so nice to find you here, someone like me who just needs some help to learn web development things! I think building your portfolio site is a great goal and can only serve you well in the future. I'm looking forward to watching your work grow and so many others here too! Pat

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Mon, 2010-09-13 16:14

I watched Stian's talk on the weekend. Makes a good case for P2PU. Drupal has a relatively big learning curve for web dev. Wordpress is much easier for a non-techie to setup and get going.

Pippa  Buchanan's picture
Pippa Buchanan
Mon, 2010-09-13 16:30

I totally agree about Drupal's learning curve, there's a lot to be learnt about its administration and the steps between getting it installed and publishing content are significant.

There are a lot of common concepts across Content Management Systems such as creating templates that separate design from content, using databases to store content (often MySQL), and many modern CMS use PHP as their standard development language.

Sadly, we didn't have any Wordpress courses organised for this round of the School of Webcraft, but it's a topic we hope to cover in the next round.

Mike Goldberg's picture
Mike Goldberg
Fri, 2010-09-03 23:58

My reason for taking this course is so I can help my wife display and publicize her artwork. Currently, she is working with ceramics, but she is also a painter and illustrator. She is able to sell a few items, but she really needs some more PR material to get the word out. I thought we could make up a simple flier with a few images and contact information; she has been talking about wanting to have a website to give her artistic statement and display her work. This seems like a great idea, but she is not very computer literate. She is starting to read up about web site creation, but she's just starting on climbing up the learning curve and I would like to help her. I'm a bit better with computers, but I'm not very knowledgeable about creating websites. I've made simple websites using the “easy button” method, but things like css and xhtml are currently beyond me. That's why I want to participate in this class/community environment. We can put the web URL on a flier or business card, which she could hand out to people.

My idea for the website would be pretty simple: a home page with an artistic mission statement, contact information, some of her beautiful artwork , and links to pages containing images and information about her various artworks in different media such as ceramics, ink, pencil, etc. You understand this is just my thoughts – Liz (my wife, the artist) may (probably will) have other ideas. She's the client here. I'm looking forward to this class.

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Sun, 2010-09-05 05:41

Here are some pages for showcasing work you might be inspired by, i poke through local artist websites and save the links but never really do anything with it, but now it's proved useful!
bit fancier:

Mike Goldberg's picture
Mike Goldberg
Sun, 2010-09-05 14:54


Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 20:53

Gosh, I've so enjoyed these links -- thanks for the inspiration! There's so much to see out there.....

Abhishek Bhandarkar's picture
Abhishek Bhandarkar
Sun, 2010-09-05 15:02

i want to make an anime website discussing about anime..

Pat's picture
Fri, 2010-09-10 17:33

Hi, Abhishek - Won't you tell us more about the site you have in mind to build? I imagine you have seen blogs and websites about anime and have ideas for things you'd like your site to do, perhaps things that are new? Looking forward to learning more! Pat

Lucia  salamanca's picture
Lucia salamanca
Sun, 2010-09-05 15:27

Hi Everyone,
My web site idea is to create a portfolio of my work, with a bio page, and some pages with other projects.
I know some basic html programming, and actionscript 3.

Elaine Blakeman's picture
Elaine Blakeman
Sun, 2010-09-05 15:54

I would like to make a horizontal scrolling website with css and html. I would like to do a timeline of art (not the typical one, but a comedic one.) For example, I would include 'the first crayon refrigerator drawing' and 'sidewalk art'.

Elaine Blakeman's picture
Elaine Blakeman
Sun, 2010-09-05 15:59

I would also like to tie my timeline to technology. For example, crayons invented 1950, refrigerators invented 1945, first crayon refrigerator art hung 1956.

Sorry for the duplicate posts, but it said my captcha was incorrect but it seems to have taken it anyway.

Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Tue, 2010-09-07 17:09

Hi Elaine,
I really love your idea. I've actually played around with similar ideas except rather than scrolling horizontally I envisioned a type of 'historical map' that would work with a zooming user interface (like google maps) and sort of run along multiple threads (like a subway line map).
For some innovative and fun stuff along the lines of what you are thinking check this out:

Scott McCloud's "Infinite Canvas"

Jordan Zedi's picture
Jordan Zedi
Sun, 2010-09-05 16:01

Hi guys !

My idea is to make an interactive website so as to learn children about computers, technologies and so on...
HTML5 would be cool because of its canvas, which could permit to get drawings, writings...from the youngs :)
So we could examine their comprehension and improve the site experience

EDIT : excuse my english (french...) :)

Pat's picture
Fri, 2010-09-10 17:34

Jordan, I'm so totally new to the language of coding etc. -- what do you mean when you say HTML5 has a canvas? Thanks, Pat

Jenni Lukac's picture
Jenni Lukac
Sun, 2010-09-05 16:09

I am really interested in this course for the following reasons: I have just registered officially as a freelance Spanish-English translator and English editor and copywriter. I have roughly ten more years to work to qualify for a pension in Spain but I want to use these ten years of professional practice to help others to do business in an ethical and environmentally-responsible manner. This summer I created a wordpress blog: as a way of learning how to use internet technologies to create an identity and communicate what I have to offer. I know very basic html but I am in the process of creating second wordpress blog that will be my professional website. Although I have started with the option of not using html, I would like to redo all the pages in html when I am technically able to do so. I invite all the class participants to visit the first page, but I would like to know how to open the page in progress to the professors and students of this class without opening it to the public in general. Is there a way to do this?. At present, I have this page categorized as "private". Is there a way to open it only to the participants in this seminar? This new page, whose URL will be "" now has 60 pages - 30 in English and 30 in Spanish. I am currently writing the content for these pages that includes "how to decide what kind of language services one needs", "what are the types of editing services one can contract" and "the services that I offer". Although this is a commercial proposition (I must pay my bills, taxes and make my social security contribution), the different pages suggest sustainable and ethical ways of doing business in sectors such as tourism,academic practice and social sciences,etc. I hope to build not only a client base, but a community of people who are interested in doing business and generating new ideas along ethic and sustainable guidelines; a website that will, for example, make people see the connections between tourism and environmental and human rights issues, respect for other cultures and sustainable development. I'm really interested in the projects proposed by Monica Resendes and Susan Place. Greetings to everyone!

Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 21:06

Greetings to you, Jenni! I tried to view your second site but yes, it's marked Private though WordPress's dialogue box suggests there may be a way to provide a login for selected others. It almost sounds as if your professional site could be two sites, one about your services and the other about the philosophy of doing business. Sixty pages! I'm looking forward to seeing some! Pat

gonediscin's picture
Tue, 2010-09-07 02:50

I would like to get a local disc golf club's website up to date. I wanna move away from frames. Really though, I would just like to learn.


Gareth Manning's picture
Gareth Manning
Tue, 2010-09-07 03:48

I have several ideas for websites. But as this will be my first, I'm going to make a site for one of my prof's about his research, and potentially about his research area, development education. Still looking for good models. Really looking forward to this!!

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Tue, 2010-09-07 05:26

I'd like to make my Drupal 6 into a multi-site. Ideally with a shared database for a new life-hacking learning disability site.

I have experience with FLOSS CMS GUI and following recipes but I want to be a professional Drupal developer.

Pippa Buchanan's picture
Pippa Buchanan
Tue, 2010-09-07 14:45

Hi Jason,

the Web Development 101 course only covers the basics of Web Development, but it doesn't teach Drupal development - you might want to join Nicholas' course on social web development with Drupal.

You're more than welcome to remain a member of the Web Dev 101 community though - we'd love to have some experienced web developers helping out the beginners.



Kaushik Venugopal's picture
Kaushik Venugopal
Tue, 2010-09-07 06:00


My Website, will be more of a command center for all my digital consumption. A personal space where all my daily feeds, mails, schedules, blogs, social stuff flow into.

Always wanted to do everything from within one browser window, without all the ctrl+t and ctrl+n.

A Layered, customizable, fun site just for me!

gonediscin's picture
Tue, 2010-09-07 23:43

I really like this idea and want to change my answer to this! LOL I am serious I would like to work on a project like this and this would help me improve on my disc golf club's website.

Kaushik Venugopal's picture
Kaushik Venugopal
Wed, 2010-09-08 10:30

You are welcome to take a crack at it! I want it to be an abstract framework kind of thing, so that others can re-use it for their needs. My feed layer will contain Tech, art and science... and yours, maybe, Golf?!! and so on...

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Mon, 2010-09-13 16:36

I'm wanting to change my answer as well. I can work on a multi-site on my own time.

Pat's picture
Fri, 2010-09-10 17:36

You know, some kind of digital organizer seems like a marketable idea. Will you be able to template what you develop for others to modify for themselves?

Kaushik Venugopal's picture
Kaushik Venugopal
Mon, 2010-09-13 05:21

I hope to ! eventually....

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Sat, 2010-09-11 02:55

Sounds interesting and I think I'd like one myself. How will it differ from something like iGoogle?

Kaushik Venugopal's picture
Kaushik Venugopal
Mon, 2010-09-13 05:49

iGoogle is more of adding gadgets and stuff - they do not interact with each other...much.
Its more like a big room with everything lying around... What I would like to do is have a virtual home with different rooms for different things I do - Things I already have presented in a format I like.

for example

one would be to reuse all the feed subscriptions I already have, tweets I follow, blog-rolled pages, Read-later stuff, Facebook posts - presented in a format I like. Filtered out based on people, subject, source.. on a time line, on a google map or based on popularity - then allow me to post what I like, to where I like, out of this page.

Another one could be for all the videos I get everyday... or an alert page for all my forums and socials or View all my photos on Picassa, flickr on one page or view and edit cloud files I share.... Again have everything connected to each other.

More like a mash up of all the stuff I already use everyday....maybe :)

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Mon, 2010-09-13 16:24

Ambitious. I like it.

I've recently been testing the Feedy Firefox extension and also tried the Managing News Drupal installation profile. It crashed on my CentOS shared server the next day but but it does have some powerful feed mapping.

Will you build the mashup in Drupal?

Drupal 7 has RDF baked into core
Geo modules
aggregator module
powerful query potential with Views module

Pippa Buchanan's picture
Pippa Buchanan
Tue, 2010-09-07 14:47

Wow! I'm so excited that there are so many people discussing web site concepts!

gonediscin's picture
Tue, 2010-09-07 15:55

I would also like to develop a website that allows my family to view a live webcast of my 2nd wedding (the expensive church one), and follow it up with photos for only my wife's and I facebook friends to see. Would think that would be a cool project, but know I need to start small for now...

Jason John Wells's picture
Jason John Wells
Mon, 2010-09-13 16:45

Wow, cool. I streamed my son's home birth on Skype and think a wedding website would be nice. I wouldn't use Skype though. Livestream might be something to look at. You'd have to play around with it but you can mix in pre-recorded slide shows or something.

John Jayakumar's picture
John Jayakumar
Wed, 2010-09-08 18:27

I am John from India's North East. Retired teacher of english, communication and media and diehard Boy Scout trainer. I never made a website in my life and now that I have some time I want to learn to get on the White SuperHighway to keep in touch with my tech savy students and scouts. I would like to create a site that is spiritual like belief net.Since we are pretty musical it should be like some music sites, like perhaps and it must have forum for scouts to meet and plan adventure activities, orienteering with Google maps, camping, Star gazing the works.Help me.

Ruth Sekuloff's picture
Ruth Sekuloff
Fri, 2010-09-10 20:45

Hey, you should look at the geohashing community that came out of that XKCD Comic =P

Kate Herrick's picture
Kate Herrick
Wed, 2010-09-08 19:04

Hi all. Here is my concept:

My application:

I want to create a website that offers guidance in self-study in certain areas that are not well-covered in traditional education, including reading lists iwth images, descriptions, and links to the books, lists, descriptions, and links to other websites, a forum for discussion, possibly a wiki for participants to work on defining and laying out the structure of the topics we're focusing on. Perhaps there is also room for participants to have profile pages to get to know each other and network.

I want to learn this because this is very similar to the mission of my new job with an open education institute, and I've long felt that my lack of knowledge of website creation and management are a major impediment to doing my job well. I probably won't be our web developer, but I need to understand how it works.

As far as a target style, this community page sure stands out!

Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-08 19:11

I'm an independent museum curator and college lecturer. In both jobs I teach people how to "read" material culture (a fancy phrase for human-made or modified objects) as a method for historical and cultural research. Reading objects is a kind of detective skill, a form of visual literacy. Once students start to "get" how much information is embedded in the objects in their homes, in stores, streetscapes, buildings, and so on, they see and understand so much more about the world they live in (and the worlds of the past they are studying.) "Things" never look the same again!

I'd like to build a fun and educational website designed for everyone who is interested in developing or enhancing their own "object literacy" skills. Most everyone has developed some of these skills to a greater or lesser degree along the way (for example: what characteristics do you ascribe to the owner of a shiny new, red Ferarri?). Yet much of the "object reading" people do remains relatively unconscious. And being unconscious, it both communicates about us and to us without our awareness.

I'd like to develop a site to help people learn to bring objects' silent messages to consciousness -- and by extension, foregrounding the sometimes subtle messages embedded in clothing, advertising images, television / movie sets & costume, department store displays, etc.) When these messages become conscious people are better able to identify the ways the material world influence our own and others' beliefs and behaviors. In this case knowledge truly is power.

The website structure I imagine:

1. A "Home" page that 1) introduces the site's intentions, and the reasons we might want to learn to "read" objects, and 2) offers a relatively simple and straightforward example of an object & one or more (c)overt messages it "sends" (letting the visitor experience that s/he already possesses some visual literacy skills, thereby building confidence) and also presents 3) a somewhat more complex object with some example "messages" perhaps not as readily apparent as those from object 1. This object/message presentation will hopefully engage the visitor and prompt him/her to click through to other site pages to "learn more."

2. Linked to the HOME page would be a number of pages (building stepwise in object complexity and reading difficulty) that explore different kinds of objects, and some of the messages that adhere to them/are embedded in them. I'd like to include objects people might typically find in a home today (a potted plant, a quilt, a wineglass, a fireplace) as well as objects that are no longer used -- museum-type objects -- like a cast-iron stove, a top hat, a butter churn -- these latter ones to move people away from their familiar contexts/comfort zones somewhat and to
grow their skills by applying what they've already learned about visually analyzing contemporary objects for messages to "reading" objects that are no longer in daily use. [Very helpful for people interested in a career in
heritage organizations, or anyone who wants to become more fluent in the messages of objects common in "bygone" times for professional or personal reasons.]

I'd think it would be absolutely great if I can learn how to "map" the object images used throughout
the site so that the mapped points correspond to text pop-ups and/or links to other pages on the site,
to other images of similar objects on other sites, and/or to links to similar objects in public museum collections' catalogs online (to open in a new tab or window) - so the visitor can follow his/her own learning path.

3. I'd also like to include an 'assessments" page where users can self-test their "message detective" skills in "reading" objects.

4.It may be beyond me as a beginner, but I can imagine adding some video (YouTube-ish) clips with people looking at and talking about different objects,what they see, what it makes them think of, what else they want to
know about the object, etc. The videos would be actual guided encounters with individuals inspecting and considering an object for the first time, hopefully demonstrating the skills the site is teaching.

5. Because objects' meanings are always subjective and interpretive, I'd like to explore the pros/cons/possibilities of visitors being able to comment on the instructive examples presented on the website - offering a chance for other points of view.

6. It would also be great for there to be a way for individuals to nominate or post their own objects and/or interpretations. An ongoing community of users interested in getting each others' ideas about objects' meanings is the best outcome I can imagine from this site, in addition to meeting the stated goal of providing a way to learn object reading skills.

Links to websites for styles I like: / -- I like the simplicity here. I absolutely love the way this site navigates - mootools? Just a visual trope -- I like the background of "book" to play with the idea of
"reading" objects - and using the width of the screen.

I imagine this is a bit ambitious for a first website, but I'm willing to work very hard to have an end result
I'm proud of and can make immediately available on the open web.

Thanks for reading this. I'd really love to get some feedback on this concept, and hear other ideas from the group!

Constantine's picture
Thu, 2010-09-09 14:59

The first thing I know about websites is that content is king. This seems like a very cool website idea and a well thought out framework to start on one, if you ever need help getting the youtube stuff going, send me a message, I am pretty familiar with that stuff. (I honestly just recommend letting them hosting it if you can, otherwise vimeo or some site to that effect)

Pat's picture
Thu, 2010-09-09 21:21

Thank you for the offer of help, Constantine. Glad you think the site idea has merit! I have not ever made a video much less one for I may be calling on you for advice. P

Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Fri, 2010-09-10 03:06

Patricia - I'm a history educator and i LOVE your idea. You' may be aware of this site by the Textile Museum in Toronto has some neat interactive activities around their artifacts, especially for younger students (clicking on an artifact and hearing the voice of someone who would have used it, and the how's/why's rooted in a particular context). There are so many other really really great tools and features that I've come across in other sites that seem like they would really enhance what you are talking about. For example, video "think alouds" are one great possibility - these are short videos of experts looking at a document or artifact and 'thinking aloud' about what questions, issues or problems come to mind when they are confronted with a particular object. It's really great for showing high-level thinking/questioning. If your interested in seeing an example, check out this site and look to the bottom right for the video. Anyway just one idea!!

Pat's picture
Fri, 2010-09-10 17:27

Hello, Monica -- Thank you SO much for these links and thoughts! Please, if more links or ideas come up in your web travels or thoughts, please please send them along. The video "think alouds" seem very useful to help scaffold students past "what do I see?" (though it's remarkably difficult to get them to stop interpreting and just describe) - yet once they can "see" it's a journey of many steps to help them move to looking not at, but "through" the object to interpretation of a larger, more conceptual sort. Now I'm wishing you and I could go off for a coffee... :-)

Monica Resendes's picture
Monica Resendes
Mon, 2010-09-13 17:06

will do! - a coffee is possible if you live in Toronto! or a "virtual" coffee if elsewhere:)

Pat's picture
Wed, 2010-09-15 23:45

"Virtual Coffee" sounds like a good name for a blog!

Kate Herrick's picture
Kate Herrick
Thu, 2010-09-09 18:21

Hi all, here is my website concept:

I want to create a website that offers guidance in self-study in certain areas that are not well-covered in traditional education, including reading lists iwth images, descriptions, and links to the books, lists, descriptions, and links to other websites, a forum for discussion, possibly a wiki for participants to work on defining and laying out the structure of the topics we're focusing on. Perhaps there is also room for participants to have profile pages to get to know each other and network.

I want to learn this because this is very similar to the mission of my new job with an open education institute, and I've long felt that my lack of knowledge of website creation and management are a major impediment to doing my job well. I probably won't be our web developer, but I need to understand how it works.

As far as a target style, this community's site sure stands out!

Kate Herrick's picture
Kate Herrick
Thu, 2010-09-09 18:35

I want to create a website that offers guidance in self-study in certain areas that are not well-covered in traditional education, including reading lists iwth images, descriptions, and links to the books, lists, descriptions, and links to other websites, a forum for discussion, possibly a wiki for participants to work on defining and laying out the structure of the topics we're focusing on. Perhaps there is also room for participants to have profile pages to get to know each other and network.

I want to learn this because this is very similar to the mission of my new job with an open education institute, and I've long felt that my lack of knowledge of website creation and management are a major impediment to doing my job well. I probably won't be our web developer, but I need to understand how it works.

Rowan Hartin's picture
Rowan Hartin
Sat, 2010-09-11 02:01

I want to create an online community for Austin, TX that focuses on the growing interest in minimalism, simple living, the take back your time movement, etc. and how it can be implemented locally (especially by young people and minorities, who are often left out of simple living writings.) In addition to a blog, I would like to have separate spaces for event announcements, news stories, social networking abilities, and photos/videos. My intention is for it to become a collaborative network rather than a personal page, but I am such a newbie that I am having trouble even articulating what this kind of network would be called. I'm all for reading up on it as much as I can, so basic search terms and recommended books/resources are greatly appreciated!

kevin burress's picture
kevin burress
Mon, 2010-09-13 15:40

Hello comrades,

My website idea is to make a dynamically generated image web page using PHP5 (with php5-imagemagick and php5-curl), Apache2 MDM, (x)HTML, and CSS, which validates W3 strict xHTML. Basically this web page will take a random string of text and annotate it on a random image of a cat which is pulled from a directory within the current working directory. When one clicks on the image, it is to reload another completely random image. The image will be centered in the page, and have a header banner with links under it to my blog and other sites I feel inclined to link to.
I currently have a box running X-Ubuntu Lucid and the required modules, and am working on the PHP code at the moment. I however, do need to learn proper HTML as I have only taken one introductory class on HTML over five years ago and do not completely understand the new standards for (x)HTML or CSS.




Daniel  Adipo's picture
Daniel Adipo
Wed, 2010-09-22 08:51

Hi Everyone,
I am so excited about this site. I am a Kenyan- in East Africa starting up a research and training consultancy firm and I may wish to develop a website that will market us worldwide. Thanks

music box's picture
music box
Wed, 2010-10-20 05:39

Hello everyone,
Our internet have too many websites,which are waiting to explore.
So I want to ahieve a "linked guide"website like
Please give me some suggestions,thanks