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3rd Class - The VI "VIM" Editor

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This video will teach you some of the basics in using the VI "VIM" editor. I discuss each of the different modes such as Normal Mode, Insert Mode, Command Mode and Replace Mode. I also mention how to get help with using the Editor  as well as a cool tool called vimtutor.

I have also posted the notes for this class in the course material section of the site.

You can download the video using the following url:

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Mon, 2011-05-23 16:06

It would also be good if you could maximize the screen of the virtual machine so that the text is legible without needing to maximize the player.

I personally have been using emacs so this video is very useful for situations where only vi is installed.

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Mon, 2011-05-23 16:11

Ok i will work in full screen mode then for later videos. Thanks for the feedback.

Redas Nekrosius's picture
Redas Nekrosius
Sat, 2011-05-28 11:02

My brain will turn in to liquid from this vim editor:D
All i can hear is this bonking sound and mess up my text 9 out of 10 times:))

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Sat, 2011-05-28 12:07

Yeah Redas I hear you! It does get easier, in my experience. I find it helps to speak out loud as I'm doing it so that my fingers slow down!

Personally I use eMacs which I find is amazing. But that is for another conversation, and Frank will be using VIM as it is the editor used in the exam.

Good luck!