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I'm guessing I am not alone in struggling to keep up with all this high-tech stuff, so I thought I would start a discussion basically for those of you who are a lot more savvy to help dopes like me.

My first problem is mails - I am getting too many and was told to change settings in My Account. Problem is, I cannot get in to the My Account area of the site. Have I missed something in the process of the registration process or is there somewhere else I can go to slow the flow of e-mails?

Thank you in advance.

Ma. Joan Advincula's picture
Ma. Joan Advincula
Mon, 2010-06-14 06:29

You can unsubscribe from every section if you want to unsubscribe from everything.

Hope that helps.

Rebecca Kahn's picture
Rebecca Kahn
Mon, 2010-06-14 08:58

Hi Richard - I have emailed you off-list, and hopefully I can help you sort this out. It can be terribly frustrating, I know.

For anyone one else who might be having trouble please have a look at these instructions ( and if you have no luck with these, please contact me directly, and I can try and help you out.

Richard Smart's picture
Richard Smart
Mon, 2010-06-14 10:37


Fantastic - sorted straight away with the instructions.

I'm on this course as a long-term technophobe and help like this is very valuable to me.

Thank you

Gary Haase's picture
Gary Haase
Tue, 2010-07-06 13:39

It took me three weeks to figure out the IRC. I was clicking in the middle of the screen and nothing was happening. All I had to do was type at the bottom...

Stian Haklev's picture
Stian Haklev
Tue, 2010-07-06 13:49

This is a useful comment, we might have to give some more instructions. It's always difficult to know what is non-obvious, because when you've used something, it often becomes obvious to you.

Richard Smart's picture
Richard Smart
Fri, 2010-07-23 09:50

Maybe a communications guide would be a great page to have next time round.