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Gregorc/4MAT Learning Style

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This is a forum for posting your results from the Gregorc and/or 4MAT Learning Style theories.

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Sat, 2011-02-26 20:19

When you take this test at the link provided, you get numeric scores for each of four learning styles, which you are then supposed to chart on a graph. The more "square-like" your resulting picture is, the more equally balanced you are between all four types.

Well, when I chart my results, I get an equilateral triangle! Because here are my results:

Concrete Sequential-0
Abstract Sequential-32
Abstract Random-52
Concrete Random-32

Once again, this demonstrates how ill-matched I was for the math instruction I got, which I think was mostly Concrete Sequential, then Abstract Sequential. But Abstract Random? Not the way I was taught math as a child.

This was summed up more succinctly for me in the questions of the 4MAT theory. I always got A's in Math class as a child because (back then, at least), I learned mostly the WHAT, and sometimes the HOW. But I think of myself as being bad in math because I don't know the WHY--which is associated with the Abstract Random learning style.

Nayab A's picture
Nayab A
Mon, 2011-02-28 11:21

The link you gave is missing the last two choices for numbers 7 and 15.

I found the original of the one in powerpoint at

The rest of the choices for
7 are C. Cooperative and D. Logical
15 are C. Thinking and D. Experimenting

My results:
Concrete Sequential = 40
Abstract Sequential = 48
Abstract Random = 32
Concrete Random = 0

Abstract Random from the site: "They prefer to look at the big picture first." This was important for me when I learning math. I always wanted to what was the big picture and where did the topic fit and why was it needed. However, I scored high in Abstract Sequential which is interesting as I don't feel like I completely fit that. Concrete Random of 0 makes sense as I do experimenting but no that often and most times I don't enjoy it.

Kurt Myrmel's picture
Kurt Myrmel
Mon, 2011-02-28 13:14

Sorry that I haven't been able to attend online. The Gregorc Learning Style Test has a couple of questions that only have two words. I did some searching while I listened to last week's session and found the Wikipedia page: about learning styles. I was interested in the section called critiques of assessments. That lead to a paper (seems like a book) by a group in England including Frank Coffield titled "). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning. A systematic and critical review." The link in Wikipedia didn't work but I searched and found the article at

This article, though I haven't read it yet, appears to summarize many assessments and I think their contention is that most assessments are meaningless.

I have to admit, as I have started looking at these materials it seems so far that the more I read, the more confused I become on what it means and how it applies to my teaching (remember, I teach science, not math, but math seems to be a real problem with my students).

I do know that I will avoid reading as much as possible in my learning. That is the reason that I am interested in your online interactive class. When I found the above analysis of learning assessments, my first thought was how can I get this in audio.

As you mentioned in last week's session, I stongly believe that most teachers, not just math teachers are SJs. They try to steer you in the "way you should go." Not helpful to us intuitives.

The class has made me start to think way out of the box about my classes. I have warned the provost that I will be asking to teach my entire class in a computer lab because I believe that using my lecture AND similtaneously on the computes give studendts reading material, animations, learning games, videos, etc. all available simultaneously during class. I want to attempt to teach to multiple learning styles all at the same time. Maybe too optimistic, but I know that I can reach more students somehow.