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Local Open Govt. Innovation

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Local Open Govt. Innovation course photo

Local Open Govt. Innovation

Lucas Cioffi's picture
Course organiser: Lucas Cioffi
About the Course Organiser: 

Lucas Cioffi is an Iraq War Veteran and civic entrepreneur.  He is the CEO of OnlineTownhalls Inc, a company that makes software to help government agencies engage the public.  Lucas was the lead organizer of the 8-part OpenGov Community Summit Series in Washington, DC which was co-hosted by NASA, the US Department of Transportation, the US Department of Agriculture, the General Services Administration, the Department of the Treasury, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Lucas Cioffi's picture
Rajbir Singh's picture
Aboubacar Fodé  CAMARA's picture
Billy Joe Mills's picture
Daniel Cerventus's picture
rafael da costa's picture
David MacPherson's picture
Manuel Dávila's picture
Francisco G. Quiroga's picture
Ibrahim Cesar Souza's picture
Johnny Love's picture
Chris McConnell's picture
Noel Hatch's picture
ottonomy's picture
Paulo Pastore's picture
Ruby Sinreich's picture
Saket Bisani's picture
Sarah Press's picture
Tetiana Kachmaryk's picture
How to bring transparency, public participation, and collaboration to your local government. This is an international course!


The purpose of this international course is to empower emerging and established leaders who want to improve their local government.  We are building on the momentum generated by the US Open Government Initiative to bring transparency, participation, and collaboration to all levels of government.

Participants in this course will learn how to grow the open government community in their part of the world.  Participants will be sharing knowledge, challenges, and solutions in order to hold 100+ Local Open Government Innovation Summits across the US and abroad in May 2011.

This course has evolved and now we are moving forward only if we have a critical mass of 100 organizers step forward to hold a local summit:

Learning objectives

  • Build a vibrant open government community where you live.
  • Build a team that will organize a Local OpenGov Innovation Summit in May 2011 in a city near you.
  • Increase local government transparency, public participation, and inter-agency collaboration.



Is this course only

Stian Haklev's picture
Stian Haklev
Tue, 2011-01-11 03:14

Is this course only appropriate for US participants? If so, it should be noted clearly.

Great question! This course

Lucas Cioffi's picture
Lucas Cioffi
Wed, 2011-01-12 07:51

Great question! This course is for everyone. We have participants from Australia, the UK, Chile, and Iceland who have already been signing up through our wiki at

I've made the change above so it's clear that this is international.

and Canada

David MacPherson's picture
David MacPherson
Sun, 2011-03-13 07:40

and Canada

The good news is that there

Lucas Cioffi's picture
Lucas Cioffi
Sun, 2011-03-13 16:17

The good news is that there are now organizers in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Columbia, India, Indonesia, Latin America, Mexico, Netherlands, and United States.

Hey i think it would be best

Saket Bisani's picture
Saket Bisani
Tue, 2011-02-08 18:46

Hey i think it would be best if we could talk over skype add me
username : saketbisani
city: bangalore , india

Como sou funcionário publico,

Antonio Verti's picture
Antonio Verti
Mon, 2011-04-11 16:20

Como sou funcionário publico, e trabalho com informática, tenho grande interesse pelo assunto, pelo exposto gostaria de ter a oportunidade de me desenvolver no assunto.

Antonio @ Neojogos