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Online Maps with OpenLayers

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Apologies for missing last chat

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Apologies everyone, I've been unwell and disorganized lately and thus missed the "Last Discussion and Chat'.

Nick, thanks for offering your time and support to this course. And especially for being patient with my newbie questions and difficulties. Because of you, I intend to continue adding to openstreetmaps and experimenting with OpenLayers. Thank you.


D Tomkins's picture
D Tomkins
Sat, 2011-03-26 13:20

Missed you.
Nick said he would try to leave the class up until the end of March. Also would like for our project to be submitted before then.
En JesuCristo, DoRight

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Sun, 2011-03-27 03:10

Thanks DoRight, where/how do I submit my project?

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Wed, 2011-03-30 02:02

If anyone wants to have a look,