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Cellphone tracking: creepy but neat info

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Great articles in the New York Times and around the internet today on mobile phone privacy.

German politician Malte Spitz obtained 6 months of tracking data -- a total of 35,000 points -- from his phone company.  You can imagine how this information might be used to predict what businesses and places Mr. Spitz likes, where he lives and works, and what businesses he travels past every day and would be eager to advertise to him.  If you'd like to see the map and the data yourself, and possibly make Mr. Spitz a 'test user' for a mobile app, check out these links:

Similar information may be stored by phone companies in more countries.  An executive at Sprint revealed they responded to nearly 8 million subpoenas of location information in 2009 alone:

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Sun, 2011-03-27 03:14

+1 on the creepy part