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jsFiddle cut/paste problem

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Problem: Cut and paste working code from jsFiddle into file to use locally. The local file then fails to display a map.

How I created the working jsFiddle:  Download (clickable icons) ==> cut and paste to jsFiddle ==> code works ==> cut from jsFiddle to local file ==> code fails

Displaying the script using firebug showed the character Å instead of spaces at the beginning of some lines. The lines were ones I cut from a 'Clickable Icons in OpenLayers.html that I had downloaded. It contains &nbsp liberally, usually at the beginning of lines. It is these that are replaced with the Å character.  I have tried to recreate that file and have failed. Downloading now, using Save As in Firefox/Epiphany works as expected, and produces a file much larger that the 'bad' one.

These are what is dsiplayed for the &nbsp when I cut the working code from jsFiddle and paste into an editor
  emacs - displays "_ " underscore followed by a space
  gedit - displays " " space

jsFiddle ignores the   character just fine

If I recall how I managed to have a 'bad' copy of the clickable icons file I will post it.