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Copyright 4 Educators (AUS)

My recent threads

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Simple instructions how to register for the Wiki and Use the Copyright Group Discussion spaces

Go back to: General discussion

Instructions for wiki group use are below.

1. Firstly, all new users will have to create an account

2. Go to
If you are not logged in you will see two inks at the top right:
* Link -> Create an account (do this first)
* Link -> Log-in (this will take you to the log-in page where you can
request access to

3. Creat a user name and password for yourself. You will receive emails from the wiki host
 to complete the registration process, but it's all pretty self-explanatory

4. Once you've created your account, you can go into your group's page, on the sidebar in the right-hand side of the p2pu old homepage, and start working in your wiki space. See the right hand side of front page of Discussion Space with link to Copyright For Educators ( Australia Group) September 2010.

5. Each Group ( Aqua, Lime, Violet and Gold) has been allocated a discussion where there is a heading for each week, to help keep the disucssion space tidy. All you need to do is type your thoughts or comments, copy and paste content, or post your questions into the space below the header.

6. To do this, click on the tab that says "edit" which runs along the top of the workspace. Then wait for the edit screen to appear, and start typing. Be sure to hit "save" when you're done, and you're all set!
