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IRIN is the UN's pet news agency, and has a lot of interesting coverage on humanitarian issues.
This is a story about forced-labour trafficking in Myanmar, interesting in its own right, and links to the State Department's Trafficking in Persons report (the 2010 version), which is an analysis of the global trade in human beings. The report includes some simple stories, definitions, and stats.
Saw a glimpse of this at a
Saw a glimpse of this at a Nail Salon, in Hawaii
Referring to IRIN as the UN's
Referring to IRIN as the UN's 'pet' news agency. Does that imply that they have the listening ear and will be read and heard 9 out of 10 times, with less than 1% listening ear to other sources?
Well, I meant to say that
Well, I meant to say that IRIN is a UN outfit (although I picked an extremely unclear way to say that). IRIN is a project of OCHA (The Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), which is a UN agency. What I meant to say with that statement is that anything you read on IRIN is the UN version of the story, and should be taken with any necessary grains of salt, depending on the topic under discussion.