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Linux+ Fundamentals and Certification

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I will be online throughout the day, each day available for chat. You can also send me messages with any questions you may have.
There is also a study group being put together that I will open up for registration on the first day of class.
I will also be assigning exams, and assignments to help you keep up to speed. People with a C or higher will receive a PDF Document of Achievement from me certifying you through P2PU. This certification really isn’t worth much, but is a nice thing to add to your resume. This course will prepare you for the Linux+ exam, so by the end of the course you are encouraged to sign up to take the exam.
Week 1
Introducing Linux
Installing Linux
Getting Help
Using VI (Non graphical editor)
Managing the Linux File System
Week 2
Working with Linux Users and Groups
Manage Linux Permissions/Ownership and Quotas
Installing and Managing Software
Using the Linux Shell
Creating Shell Scripts
Week 3
Managing Linux Processes and Services
Managing the Linux Boot Process
Configuring Hardware
Week 4
Configuring Network Boards
Configuring Linux Network Services
Configuring Linux Security
Documenting and Troubleshooting the System

Let me know if you have any questions.

Matteo Pompoli's picture
Matteo Pompoli
Tue, 2011-05-17 10:02

Hello, what do you mean with exam J? Thanks

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Tue, 2011-05-17 13:53

Sorry, J is a typo. I have removed it now.

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Tue, 2011-05-17 12:08

Hello all.

This is a really handy manual introducing the command line:


Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Mon, 2011-05-23 11:58

Hi Frank,

Great work so far!

Do you have an idea of when you will generally by releasing new homeworks and materials? Will it be every Saturday?

I would find it very useful to know what dates Week 1, 2 ,3 etc are on so I can schedule my studying / work around this.


Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Mon, 2011-05-23 13:07

I will come up with a break down then, i was maybe planning on releasing 3 per week if possible.