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Collaborative Lesson Planning

Revisions for Syllabus for Collaborative Lesson Planning

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.

Revision Operations
2011-03-09 08:01 by Charles Danoff

added week 6 work & updated the changelog

current revision
2011-02-24 09:05 by Charles Danoff

# Version 0.44 | 24 Feb 2011 * Added internal link for week 4 schedule. * Added week 4 reading & "ALSO:" homework. * Ditto above for week 5.

2011-02-17 00:41 by Charles Danoff

Version 0.43 | 16 Feb 2011 * Added internal link for week 4 schedule. * Added week 4 reading & "ALSO:" homework.

2011-02-04 17:10 by Charles Danoff

Version 0.42 | 4 Feb 2011 * Added an internal link for Week 2 schedule. * Added "Acknowledgements" section.

2011-02-04 00:58 by Charles Danoff

Added week 2 reading assignment.

2011-01-26 07:49 by Charles Danoff

added link to Joe & Brylie's journals

2011-01-26 06:21 by Charles Danoff

added an anchor to week 1 in the schedule

2011-01-26 06:16 by Charles Danoff

added a link to the Collaborative Development Methods document

2011-01-26 06:12 by Charles Danoff

added weekly reading assignment idea and the assignment for week 1

2011-01-25 22:04 by Charles Danoff

# Removed the title b/c it was already in the document above. # Added links to most of the versions in the Changelog.

2011-01-25 21:40 by Charles Danoff

Version 0.4 25 January 2011 * Filled in the new sections added by Dr. King. * Re-wrote the schedule. * Re-did the document formatting.

2011-01-08 21:13 by Charles Danoff