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Adopting Open Textbooks

Revision of Syllabus for Adopting Open Textbooks from Wed, 2010-09-01 02:43

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Una Daly's picture
Tue, 2010-09-21 20:53

Discover high-quality, accessible, and culturally-relevant open educational resources using OER repositories and publisher websites where you can browse and search for learning materials.  Many of these repositories include peer reviews and include authoring platforms where you can remix materials and post new ones.

After locating one or more educational resources that meet your learning objectives, you now will want to decide when and how to announce this to stakeholders in your learning community including students if you are an educator.   Assuming a diverse student population, you will want to ensure that materials are accessible to all students regardless of disabilities by reviewing the different ADA accessibility guidelines.

If you will be adding new materials to supplement those you have found, you will want to explore how to combine them for delivery depending on how you teach and what technologies are available to you.   Creative Commons licensing options will be explored and how to license new materials and remix existing ones will be discussed.


After adopting an open textbook, learn how to share your newfound knowledge with decision-makers in your learning community and collaborate with others to find new solutions for delivery of open education materials to benefit students and educators.   For example, some campus bookstores may be able to provide a printing option for students who want a hardcopy of open textbooks.  This can be much more efficient than having students print out materials in the library or at home.

Josh, the live session is

Jacky Hood's picture
Jacky Hood
Sun, 2010-09-19 17:30

Josh, the live session is Tuesday September 21 at 9am Pacific time. See for details on the web and phone connection and password info.

I am new to I see

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Wed, 2010-09-15 23:50

I am new to I see that for this week you have live webinar. When will that be and how do I attend.

I see that are subjects are Syllabus, Expectations, & Introductions and Workshop Overview (Definitions, etc). Where do we find more information on these subjects. Thanks in advance

Hi Cedric, I'm adding the

Una Daly's picture
Una Daly
Thu, 2010-09-02 00:33

Hi Cedric,

I'm adding the course material this week and next from our Moodle site. When I accept you into the course which I will next week (we've been asked to wait until September 8), you will have EDIT privileges. Sorry about the confusion -- this is a new system to me and actually a new system for P2PU on this 3rd go round so we're all learning together ...


I do not see the edit button

Cedric Banks's picture
Cedric Banks
Mon, 2010-08-30 18:26

I do not see the edit button left of the Course Material

Thank, Kate, and sorry the

Una Daly's picture
Una Daly
Fri, 2010-08-27 18:25

Thank, Kate, and sorry the miscommunication in the email. Glad you were able to register. I am moving the course materials to from our Moodle site and it will be fully ready for our Sept 15 start date.

When I tried to join the

Kate LeGrand's picture
Kate LeGrand
Fri, 2010-08-27 15:49

When I tried to join the course through the link provided in the email invitation, the event message showed that the course was closed. I had to go to the P2PU site and register as a member and then was able to sign up for the course.