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Open Wonderland Development ( Java )

General sources of information for Open Wonderland

Josmas Flores's picture
Fri, 2010-12-31 03:19

General information
Open Wonderland main site.
Open wonderland Documentation wiki.
Open Wonderland Community wiki.
Open Wonderland google group.
Open Wonderland Scripting google group.
Open Wonderland Blog.

Social networks
Open Wonderland in Facebook.
@openwonderland in twitter.
TODO: add group in rezEd

Source Code
Open Wonderland Core.
Open Wonderland Modules.
TODO: add other projects such as avatars, MTGame, and so on.


Greats ressources! thank's to

batier's picture
Wed, 2011-02-02 00:33

Greats ressources!
thank's to share


Saad Khan's picture
Saad Khan
Wed, 2011-02-02 00:44


Thanks guys! feel free to add

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Wed, 2011-02-02 01:01

Thanks guys! feel free to add some more. Hope the reading is going well. If there's any problem, let me know!
