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Open Wonderland Development ( Java )

Software craftsmanship principles and links

Josmas Flores's picture
Mon, 2011-01-10 13:53

I (Jos) have a big insterest inthe Software Craftsmanship movement, and I would like to use this opportunity to introduce some of the ideas and principles that form the topic.

At weekly meetings I intend to allocate time to introduce techniques such as Software Katas, randori, continuous learning, craftsmanship patterns, etc.
Although they are not directly related to Open Wodnerland, it would be a great idea to see if some of these techniques could be applied in a geographically dispersed group of people with similar interests.

The online book Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman is a great start! (this is an open access book but consider buying a copy if you like it... i did!)

Other resources:
Video: A talk by Corey Haines about what is Software Craftsmanship.

Further re\ding from the Manifesto site:
