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Potable Water Treatment Study Group

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Meetings & Schedule

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Hey everyone!

Before we dive into the material we should set some sort of schedule and meetings times if possible.

Please mark your availability here:
If everyone's schedules align, we might be able to have synchronous meetings. (We'll pick a tool once we get everyone's schedules.)

It might be nice to have out schedule begin and end in the middle of the week. Since we started on Weds, we can have activites due on Tuesdays? What does everyone think?

In the meantime, start reading the first weeks material!


Gonçalo Valério's picture
Gonçalo Valério
Fri, 2011-01-28 01:52

i already sent my availability but it's flexible, if the meetings, for any particular reason, can not be in my free times, i can try to adapt.