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Water Quality & Watersheds (Week 2)

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This weeks readings dives into the parameters for measuring quality of freshwater and assessing it's "health". Keep in mind this is for freshwater, not drinking water. You would hope there'd be no BWMP for drinking water ;-) .

Assessing freshwater quality is a massive effort in urban watersheds, especially as the human populations in such catchments not only divert from it, but expell into it. The industrial actions of far-off populations also affects the quality of watersheds through weather dispersed pollutants. This adds a whole layer of complications to assessing quality and the sources of pollution that threaten it.

I live an an area on the pacific northwest (USA) with a notable history of intense watershed pollution. My city sits on the merger of two major rivers which flow to the Pacific and is a historical port of industrial commerce since Americans settled the west a few centuries ago (

I'd like to hear from everyone else about their local watersheds, especially those participants living in areas that have been settled for thousands of years (India, Europe, etc) and cantrast that with folks from places with a mroe recent history of euro/white settlement (Americas, Australia). I imagine the human impact on the local watershed has quite an intense history for both types of places.

elaine g's picture
elaine g
Wed, 2011-02-16 02:02

Hello Group
I live in Toronto,Canada which is on the shore of Lake Ontario in Ontario,Canada.
Lake Ontario is one of the five Great Lakes which hold an incredible amount of "fresh water".
Many of the cities that surround the Great Lakes use the lakes for the disposal of their ,hopefully,treated sewage and also for their drinking water.Toronto is one of these cities.
Toronto's water is provided through the municipality.
The water is pumped from Lake Ontario to a treatment facility where it is "purified" and chlorine is added.Toronto had outbreaks of typhoid prior to the water being chlorinated.
In fact ,one of the main river systems(the Don River) was diverted away from the main beach back in the 1800's because of the pollution and deaths that were caused by illnesses caused by the polluted water.
The water from the treatment facility is then stored in reservoirs for household and industrial use.
After use,the water is brought by sewers to other treatment facilities near the waterfront and the treated water is discharged back into the lake.