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Are we going to have formal assignments?Or chapter readings we must do in a given amount of time?

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-04-26 06:08

Yes, please review the 'Expressions, Statements, and Names Q & A' forum:

as well as the 'Expressions, Statements, and Names' document:

for this weeks assignment.

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Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Thu, 2011-04-28 07:16

Do we post our assignments on that forum. Also what book do you recommend using for if you are doing python3 I been reading "byte of python"


Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Mon, 2011-05-02 08:00

You can post on the forum.

Byte of Python is a very thorough book.

Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Fri, 2011-05-06 20:35

Is there anything like pygtk for making programs for 3.x and for windows? I wanted to design a POS so was looking for a tool to use.


Tyler Cipriani's picture
Tyler Cipriani
Sat, 2011-05-07 01:06

I don't have any experience with it, so don't take it as an endorsement but I found this: and it might be what you're looking for.

Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Sat, 2011-05-07 02:31

thanks this wasnt what I wanted but it lead me to what I did want. I think ill use Ironpython studio.

Thanks for the help :)

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-05-10 00:58

What about TkInter?

Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Tue, 2011-05-10 01:47

Does it use 3.x? I am finding it a bit hard to find frameworks that work with 3.x

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Thu, 2011-05-12 06:52

TkInter is the de-facto GUI toolkit for Python.

Mark Hutchison's picture
Mark Hutchison
Sat, 2011-05-14 21:37

What happen to Functions? Are we skipping right to Data Types for now (looking at the syllabus)? Did I miss something?

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Johan Mares's picture
Johan Mares
Tue, 2011-05-17 17:49

Was wondering about that myself, as in chapter 8 you have to use functions in the exercises.

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Wed, 2011-05-18 04:07

Sorry about that, I will post functions this week.

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Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Sat, 2011-05-28 14:17

How are we going to find this course when we move to the new site?