Go back to: General discussion
[6:36pm] zombieToast: no bot?
[6:38pm] sundancer: hei Sjef
[6:38pm] sundancer: neah
[6:38pm] sundancer: ikke bot
[6:39pm] Dorene joined the chat room.
[6:39pm] sundancer: but it may be due to Laur being away in London
[6:39pm] sundancer: hei there Dorene
[6:39pm] Dorene: Hi
[6:40pm] sundancer: so what have you guys been up to this week?
[6:40pm] Dorene: What's going on?
[6:40pm] Dorene: I've been in the process of losing my job
[6:40pm] Dorene: Which has derailed some of my other activities
[6:40pm] sundancer: good god
[6:40pm] sundancer: is it a finalised process or is it on the way to optimisation?
[6:41pm] Dorene: Well, I am a tech college teacher...so I will at least finish out the current term
[6:41pm] sundancer: fingers crossed
[6:42pm] zombieToast: ah that sucks
[6:42pm] sundancer: well, just to spark the discussion a bit
[6:42pm] zombieToast: sorry I'm pretty busy so will probably be late to reply a lot
[6:42pm] sundancer: I've watched the hacker movie
[6:42pm] sundancer: yeah, I'm also cleaning the house
[6:42pm] Dorene: I finally started reading Hacker Crackdown...my PDF appears sideways on the screen
[6:43pm] sundancer: what is it about?
[6:43pm] Dorene: so I have to turn my laptop sideways like a book
[6:43pm] Dorene: Where is Wintermute?
[6:44pm] zombieToast: merged with that other ai in andromeda or something
[6:44pm] Dorene: LOL
[6:44pm] sundancer: back in cyberspace
[6:45pm] sundancer: or with L in London
[6:45pm] sundancer: hahaha I can picture you and the laptop, must be funny, esp in coffee shops
[6:46pm] Dorene: Yes, I get "looks"
[6:46pm] zombieToast: wear mirrorshades
[6:47pm] Dorene: I need to get some
[6:47pm] zombieToast: no better deterrent for looks than the metallic death stare
[6:48pm] zombieToast: *disclaimer: if anyone dies its not my fault
[6:48pm] Dorene: understood...you will not be held accountable in any way
[6:48pm] zombieToast: cool. how far in are you?
[6:49pm] sundancer: ah, there's also an electronic version here: http://www.mit.edu/hacker/hacker.html
[6:50pm] Dorene: Page 23...still getting the history of the telephone as a prelude to understanding the reaction of 1990
[6:50pm] zombieToast: ah ok
[6:50pm] zombieToast: not much action there yet
[6:50pm] zombieToast: I read the mirrorshades compilation
[6:50pm] Dorene: No he is just setting me up for it right now
[6:50pm] zombieToast: there's some very cool stuff in there
[6:51pm] zombieToast: some of it not so much to my teste though
[6:51pm] zombieToast: *taste
[6:51pm] zombieToast: ahem
[6:51pm] Dorene: thank you for the clarification
[6:51pm] Dorene: teste and taste hold to very different meanings in that context
[6:52pm] zombieToast: yeah thats one sad mutant that has to read with his testes
[6:53pm] Dorene: No kidding
[6:53pm] zombieToast: I prefer the eyeballs for the intake of literature
[6:54pm] zombieToast: but yeah, some very cool stories
[6:55pm] zombieToast: reading pat cadigan's fools now
[6:55pm] zombieToast: confusing mind-swappy stuff
[6:55pm] Dorene: I'm not familiar with Pat Cadigan
[6:55pm] Dorene: I will have to look into it
[6:56pm] zombieToast: She's the girl in the 'cyberpunk' group
[6:56pm] zombieToast: what I've read from her so far has been good
[6:57pm] Dorene: Oh, I will definitely want to check into that, then...
[6:58pm] sundancer: right
[6:58pm] sundancer: hope I didnt miss much
[6:58pm] Dorene: talking about testes
[6:58pm] sundancer: did you watch freedom downtime?
[6:58pm] Dorene: and their ability to read
[6:59pm] Dorene: I haven't watched yet
[6:59pm] sundancer: it's interesting, about a computer hacker. kinda like a michael moore movie
[6:59pm] sundancer: documentary type
[7:00pm] sundancer: about kevin mitnick, whom I hadnt heard about
[7:01pm] zombieToast: he has a cool business card
[7:01pm] zombieToast: http://picdit.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/mitnick.jpg
[7:02pm] sundancer: super cool!
[7:03pm] sundancer: his site is also cool http://www.mitnicksecurity.com/
[7:03pm] sundancer: security consultant huh
[7:04pm] zombieToast: seems to be the thing to do when you're a notorious hacker type person fresh out of jail
[7:04pm] sundancer: http://twitter.com/kevinmitnick he mentions smth about cyberpunk
[7:04pm] sundancer: good branding have to admit
[7:04pm] Dorene: So he was in jail, huh?
[7:04pm] sundancer: yeah, 4 smth years, on no charges
[7:05pm] sundancer: pardon, with no trial
[7:05pm] Dorene: what is smth?
[7:05pm] zombieToast: yeah it was pretty lame (to say the least)
[7:05pm] sundancer: something
[7:05pm] Dorene: gotcha
[7:05pm] sundancer: supposed to launch a missile with a pay phone
[7:05pm] sundancer: the things people believe...
[7:05pm] sundancer: but then again
[7:06pm] sundancer: it was the nineties
[7:06pm] zombieToast: yeah hackers just came out
[7:06pm] sundancer: nobody really understood what internet was about
[7:06pm] sundancer: there's an article from '96 in the copy room at my office
[7:06pm] zombieToast: if angelina jolie can hack the gibson, well...
[7:06pm] sundancer: with a big headline> Internet is a big flop
[7:06pm] sundancer: hahaha
[7:06pm] zombieToast: haha
[7:07pm] sundancer: well anyway, given that i have a computer guy in my apartment, i'd say many frightening things can happen to all ye computer users
[7:07pm] sundancer: btw as a sidenote
[7:07pm] sundancer: have you seen the nine year old child prodigy from macedonia?
[7:07pm] zombieToast: no..?
[7:07pm] sundancer: he was featured on cnn today
[7:08pm] sundancer: jusasecon
[7:08pm] Dorene: prodigy in what?
[7:08pm] sundancer: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/05/17/marco.calasan.macedonia/?...
[7:08pm] sundancer: computers
[7:08pm] sundancer: he's saying something like
[7:09pm] zombieToast: oh microsoft genius
[7:09pm] sundancer: when I first touched a computer, I felt free, like being able to do everything i want
[7:09pm] zombieToast: that doesnt count lol
[7:09pm] sundancer: yeah MS genius
[7:09pm] zombieToast: anyone can get those certs
[7:09pm] sundancer: cmon
[7:09pm] sundancer: he's nine!
[7:09pm] sundancer: and can speak 4 languages
[7:09pm] zombieToast: ok thats cool
[7:09pm] sundancer: well anyway
[7:09pm] zombieToast: but seriously passing an ms cert is *not* impressive
[7:09pm] sundancer: coming back to our sheep
[7:10pm] sundancer: i know, I've seen some questions.. but his effort is still admirable
[7:10pm] zombieToast: ok he's written a book on windows 7, that does sound impressive
[7:11pm] Dorene: he is in macedonia?
[7:11pm] sundancer: yeap
[7:11pm] zombieToast: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/05/17/marco.calasan.macedonia/i...
[7:11pm] Dorene: Okay, American ignorance on display, but where is macedonia?
[7:11pm] Dorene: Yes I could Google it, but you guys are handy
[7:12pm] sundancer: right
[7:12pm] zombieToast: around greece somewhere
[7:12pm] sundancer: do you know where romania is?
[7:12pm] sundancer: little more to the south
[7:12pm] sundancer: towards greece, yeah
[7:13pm] Dorene: okay, cool
[7:13pm] Dorene: that gives me a general idea...head for Italy but take a left before you get there, then a right down the coast
[7:13pm] Dorene: correct?
[7:13pm] sundancer: directly to the north of greece actually
[7:13pm] sundancer: yeah, home to alexander the great
[7:14pm] sundancer: and some pretty good food
[7:14pm] Dorene: damn the atlantic ocean...it's so hard to get across that without taking a plane
[7:15pm] Dorene: I guess the Pacific ocean is a problem, too
[7:15pm] sundancer: i wouldnt know, havent crossed any eyt
[7:15pm] sundancer: yet
[7:15pm] Dorene: I wonder if the US would be more a part of the world without those damn oceans
[7:15pm] sundancer: ah, have to tell you guys about this
[7:16pm] sundancer: but the us is a big part of the world as it is
[7:16pm] sundancer: you *have to* play Braid
[7:16pm] sundancer: it's a computer game
[7:16pm] sundancer: (which inspired part of my cyberpunk story, wip)
[7:16pm] sundancer: but a really cool one
[7:16pm] sundancer: http://www.braid-game.com/
[7:17pm] sundancer: - you can go back in time to see the results of your actions
[7:17pm] sundancer: - you being Tim, who is searching for a princess
[7:17pm] Laurian joined the chat room.
[7:17pm] sundancer: - and you have to find pieces of a puzzle
[7:18pm] sundancer: which uncovers your story to yourself
[7:18pm] sundancer: hi there Laur, where's wintermute?
[7:18pm] sundancer:
[7:18pm] Dorene: darn, xbox
[7:18pm] Laurian: Hi
[7:18pm] Laurian: I'm in train
[7:18pm] Laurian: I doubt that my connection will last more
[7:18pm] sundancer: you can play it on a playing platform called Steam as well, not necessarily xbox
[7:18pm] Laurian: zombieToast: can you please post the log on the site
[7:19pm] Laurian: time
[7:19pm] Laurian: oops no wintermute
[7:19pm] zombieToast: L: will do
[7:19pm] Laurian: Probably net split
[7:19pm] Laurian: Mis restart it
[7:19pm] Laurian: iPod touch spell check fail
[7:20pm] Laurian: no ssh cannot restart it now
[7:20pm] zombieToast: it's 5:20
[7:21pm] Laurian: hope you had fun today chatting
[7:21pm] Laurian: 3g gone connection on red
[7:24pm] sundancer: yes and I have a faint idea what to write the story about
[7:25pm] Dorene: I'm glad you do...I am at a complete loss
[7:26pm] Laurian left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[7:26pm] sundancer: just take a hacker or a cyborg, some dark streets, neon lights and some cyberspace
[7:26pm] sundancer: should do the trick
[7:27pm] Dorene: he
[7:27pm] Dorene: heh
[7:29pm] sundancer:
[7:29pm] sundancer: take marco the child prodigy
[7:29pm] sundancer: make him know more than he ought to
[7:29pm] sundancer: some corporation
[7:29pm] sundancer: ...
[7:30pm] Dorene: I will keep working on it
[7:30pm] zombieToast: underground knowledge revolution coordinated by teachers who have all been laid off & the consequnces when they trip the new networks and kids all turn dumb without their implants
[7:31pm] Dorene: LOL
[7:32pm] Dorene: Damn, speaking of work...
[7:32pm] zombieToast: do stuff you can actually imagine happening, add tropes & extrapolate for effect
[7:33pm] Dorene: I can often think of that stuff...getting it down in writing is a little harder
[7:33pm] sundancer: zombietoast
[7:34pm] zombieToast: haha yeah the actual writing part is admittedly the hardest
[7:35pm] zombieToast: I havn't written anything since primary school lol
[7:35pm] sundancer: yeah
[7:35pm] zombieToast: any fiction that is
[7:35pm] Dorene: the writing and wrapping it all up into a neat little package
[7:35pm] sundancer: I've started dreaming the assignment, but the writing part is bleah
[7:35pm] Dorene: that is interesting and consumable
[7:35pm] zombieToast: I have scraps, just not so much a coherent narrative yet
[7:36pm] sundancer: could say the same thing
[7:36pm] sundancer: have you read Laurian's piece?
[7:36pm] sundancer: the one we got the link to last time?
[7:36pm] zombieToast: no I've been trying to avoid reading last years stuff since the 1st assignment
[7:36pm] Dorene: No I haven't...I need to spend some time over at the P2P site. It's just kind of diffiuclt to navigate
[7:36pm] sundancer: it's cool; sadistical actually
[7:36pm] sundancer: ah, ok
[7:37pm] sundancer: I've read it just to understand what is required
[7:37pm] zombieToast: will read it, just after
[7:37pm] sundancer:
[7:37pm] sundancer: ok guys, I need to signoff
[7:37pm] sundancer: have a celebratory dinner tonight
[7:38pm] zombieToast: k have fun
[7:38pm] sundancer: will try to post some food for thought on p2pu
[7:38pm] zombieToast: I'll post the log
[7:38pm] sundancer: see you next week
[7:38pm] zombieToast: later
[7:38pm] sundancer: cheerio
[7:38pm] sundancer left the chat room. (Quit: eating at Sult (Hunger))
[7:38pm] Dorene: Bye
[7:38pm] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
19 May IRC log
[6:36pm] zombieToast: no bot?
[6:38pm] sundancer: hei Sjef
[6:38pm] sundancer: neah
[6:38pm] sundancer: ikke bot
[6:39pm] Dorene joined the chat room.
[6:39pm] sundancer: but it may be due to Laur being away in London
[6:39pm] sundancer: hei there Dorene
[6:39pm] Dorene: Hi
[6:40pm] sundancer: so what have you guys been up to this week?
[6:40pm] Dorene: What's going on?
[6:40pm] Dorene: I've been in the process of losing my job
[6:40pm] Dorene: Which has derailed some of my other activities
[6:40pm] sundancer: good god
[6:40pm] sundancer: is it a finalised process or is it on the way to optimisation?
[6:41pm] Dorene: Well, I am a tech college teacher...so I will at least finish out the current term
[6:41pm] sundancer: fingers crossed
[6:42pm] zombieToast: ah that sucks
[6:42pm] sundancer: well, just to spark the discussion a bit
[6:42pm] zombieToast: sorry I'm pretty busy so will probably be late to reply a lot
[6:42pm] sundancer: I've watched the hacker movie
[6:42pm] sundancer: yeah, I'm also cleaning the house
[6:42pm] Dorene: I finally started reading Hacker Crackdown...my PDF appears sideways on the screen
[6:43pm] sundancer: what is it about?
[6:43pm] Dorene: so I have to turn my laptop sideways like a book
[6:43pm] Dorene: Where is Wintermute?
[6:44pm] zombieToast: merged with that other ai in andromeda or something
[6:44pm] Dorene: LOL
[6:44pm] sundancer: back in cyberspace
[6:45pm] sundancer: or with L in London
[6:45pm] sundancer: hahaha I can picture you and the laptop, must be funny, esp in coffee shops
[6:46pm] Dorene: Yes, I get "looks"
[6:46pm] zombieToast: wear mirrorshades
[6:47pm] Dorene: I need to get some
[6:47pm] zombieToast: no better deterrent for looks than the metallic death stare
[6:48pm] zombieToast: *disclaimer: if anyone dies its not my fault
[6:48pm] Dorene: understood...you will not be held accountable in any way
[6:48pm] zombieToast: cool. how far in are you?
[6:49pm] sundancer: ah, there's also an electronic version here: http://www.mit.edu/hacker/hacker.html
[6:50pm] Dorene: Page 23...still getting the history of the telephone as a prelude to understanding the reaction of 1990
[6:50pm] zombieToast: ah ok
[6:50pm] zombieToast: not much action there yet
[6:50pm] zombieToast: I read the mirrorshades compilation
[6:50pm] Dorene: No he is just setting me up for it right now
[6:50pm] zombieToast: there's some very cool stuff in there
[6:51pm] zombieToast: some of it not so much to my teste though
[6:51pm] zombieToast: *taste
[6:51pm] zombieToast: ahem
[6:51pm] Dorene: thank you for the clarification
[6:51pm] Dorene: teste and taste hold to very different meanings in that context
[6:52pm] zombieToast: yeah thats one sad mutant that has to read with his testes
[6:53pm] Dorene: No kidding
[6:53pm] zombieToast: I prefer the eyeballs for the intake of literature
[6:54pm] zombieToast: but yeah, some very cool stories
[6:55pm] zombieToast: reading pat cadigan's fools now
[6:55pm] zombieToast: confusing mind-swappy stuff
[6:55pm] Dorene: I'm not familiar with Pat Cadigan
[6:55pm] Dorene: I will have to look into it
[6:56pm] zombieToast: She's the girl in the 'cyberpunk' group
[6:56pm] zombieToast: what I've read from her so far has been good
[6:57pm] Dorene: Oh, I will definitely want to check into that, then...
[6:58pm] sundancer: right
[6:58pm] sundancer: hope I didnt miss much
[6:58pm] Dorene: talking about testes
[6:58pm] sundancer: did you watch freedom downtime?
[6:58pm] Dorene: and their ability to read
[6:59pm] Dorene: I haven't watched yet
[6:59pm] sundancer: it's interesting, about a computer hacker. kinda like a michael moore movie
[6:59pm] sundancer: documentary type
[7:00pm] sundancer: about kevin mitnick, whom I hadnt heard about
[7:01pm] zombieToast: he has a cool business card
[7:01pm] zombieToast: http://picdit.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/mitnick.jpg
[7:02pm] sundancer: super cool!
[7:03pm] sundancer: his site is also cool http://www.mitnicksecurity.com/
[7:03pm] sundancer: security consultant huh
[7:04pm] zombieToast: seems to be the thing to do when you're a notorious hacker type person fresh out of jail
[7:04pm] sundancer: http://twitter.com/kevinmitnick he mentions smth about cyberpunk
[7:04pm] sundancer: good branding have to admit
[7:04pm] Dorene: So he was in jail, huh?
[7:04pm] sundancer: yeah, 4 smth years, on no charges
[7:05pm] sundancer: pardon, with no trial
[7:05pm] Dorene: what is smth?
[7:05pm] zombieToast: yeah it was pretty lame (to say the least)
[7:05pm] sundancer: something
[7:05pm] Dorene: gotcha
[7:05pm] sundancer: supposed to launch a missile with a pay phone
[7:05pm] sundancer: the things people believe...
[7:05pm] sundancer: but then again
[7:06pm] sundancer: it was the nineties
[7:06pm] zombieToast: yeah hackers just came out
[7:06pm] sundancer: nobody really understood what internet was about
[7:06pm] sundancer: there's an article from '96 in the copy room at my office
[7:06pm] zombieToast: if angelina jolie can hack the gibson, well...
[7:06pm] sundancer: with a big headline> Internet is a big flop
[7:06pm] sundancer: hahaha
[7:06pm] zombieToast: haha
[7:07pm] sundancer: well anyway, given that i have a computer guy in my apartment, i'd say many frightening things can happen to all ye computer users
[7:07pm] sundancer: btw as a sidenote
[7:07pm] sundancer: have you seen the nine year old child prodigy from macedonia?
[7:07pm] zombieToast: no..?
[7:07pm] sundancer: he was featured on cnn today
[7:08pm] sundancer: jusasecon
[7:08pm] Dorene: prodigy in what?
[7:08pm] sundancer: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/05/17/marco.calasan.macedonia/?...
[7:08pm] sundancer: computers
[7:08pm] sundancer: he's saying something like
[7:09pm] zombieToast: oh microsoft genius
[7:09pm] sundancer: when I first touched a computer, I felt free, like being able to do everything i want
[7:09pm] zombieToast: that doesnt count lol
[7:09pm] sundancer: yeah MS genius
[7:09pm] zombieToast: anyone can get those certs
[7:09pm] sundancer: cmon
[7:09pm] sundancer: he's nine!
[7:09pm] sundancer: and can speak 4 languages
[7:09pm] zombieToast: ok thats cool
[7:09pm] sundancer: well anyway
[7:09pm] zombieToast: but seriously passing an ms cert is *not* impressive
[7:09pm] sundancer: coming back to our sheep
[7:10pm] sundancer: i know, I've seen some questions.. but his effort is still admirable
[7:10pm] zombieToast: ok he's written a book on windows 7, that does sound impressive
[7:11pm] Dorene: he is in macedonia?
[7:11pm] sundancer: yeap
[7:11pm] zombieToast: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/05/17/marco.calasan.macedonia/i...
[7:11pm] Dorene: Okay, American ignorance on display, but where is macedonia?
[7:11pm] Dorene: Yes I could Google it, but you guys are handy
[7:12pm] sundancer: right
[7:12pm] zombieToast: around greece somewhere
[7:12pm] sundancer: do you know where romania is?
[7:12pm] sundancer: little more to the south
[7:12pm] sundancer: towards greece, yeah
[7:13pm] Dorene: okay, cool
[7:13pm] Dorene: that gives me a general idea...head for Italy but take a left before you get there, then a right down the coast
[7:13pm] Dorene: correct?
[7:13pm] sundancer: directly to the north of greece actually
[7:13pm] sundancer: yeah, home to alexander the great
[7:14pm] sundancer: and some pretty good food
[7:14pm] Dorene: damn the atlantic ocean...it's so hard to get across that without taking a plane
[7:15pm] Dorene: I guess the Pacific ocean is a problem, too
[7:15pm] sundancer: i wouldnt know, havent crossed any eyt
[7:15pm] sundancer: yet
[7:15pm] Dorene: I wonder if the US would be more a part of the world without those damn oceans
[7:15pm] sundancer: ah, have to tell you guys about this
[7:16pm] sundancer: but the us is a big part of the world as it is
[7:16pm] sundancer: you *have to* play Braid
[7:16pm] sundancer: it's a computer game
[7:16pm] sundancer: (which inspired part of my cyberpunk story, wip)
[7:16pm] sundancer: but a really cool one
[7:16pm] sundancer: http://www.braid-game.com/
[7:17pm] sundancer: - you can go back in time to see the results of your actions
[7:17pm] sundancer: - you being Tim, who is searching for a princess
[7:17pm] Laurian joined the chat room.
[7:17pm] sundancer: - and you have to find pieces of a puzzle
[7:18pm] sundancer: which uncovers your story to yourself
[7:18pm] sundancer: hi there Laur, where's wintermute?
[7:18pm] sundancer:
[7:18pm] Dorene: darn, xbox
[7:18pm] Laurian: Hi
[7:18pm] Laurian: I'm in train
[7:18pm] Laurian: I doubt that my connection will last more
[7:18pm] sundancer: you can play it on a playing platform called Steam as well, not necessarily xbox
[7:18pm] Laurian: zombieToast: can you please post the log on the site
[7:19pm] Laurian: time
[7:19pm] Laurian: oops no wintermute
[7:19pm] zombieToast: L: will do
[7:19pm] Laurian: Probably net split
[7:19pm] Laurian: Mis restart it
[7:19pm] Laurian: iPod touch spell check fail
[7:20pm] Laurian: no ssh cannot restart it now
[7:20pm] zombieToast: it's 5:20
[7:21pm] Laurian: hope you had fun today chatting
[7:21pm] Laurian: 3g gone connection on red
[7:24pm] sundancer: yes and I have a faint idea what to write the story about
[7:25pm] Dorene: I'm glad you do...I am at a complete loss
[7:26pm] Laurian left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[7:26pm] sundancer: just take a hacker or a cyborg, some dark streets, neon lights and some cyberspace
[7:26pm] sundancer: should do the trick
[7:27pm] Dorene: he
[7:27pm] Dorene: heh
[7:29pm] sundancer:
[7:29pm] sundancer: take marco the child prodigy
[7:29pm] sundancer: make him know more than he ought to
[7:29pm] sundancer: some corporation
[7:29pm] sundancer: ...
[7:30pm] Dorene: I will keep working on it
[7:30pm] zombieToast: underground knowledge revolution coordinated by teachers who have all been laid off & the consequnces when they trip the new networks and kids all turn dumb without their implants
[7:31pm] Dorene: LOL
[7:32pm] Dorene: Damn, speaking of work...
[7:32pm] zombieToast: do stuff you can actually imagine happening, add tropes & extrapolate for effect
[7:33pm] Dorene: I can often think of that stuff...getting it down in writing is a little harder
[7:33pm] sundancer: zombietoast
[7:34pm] zombieToast: haha yeah the actual writing part is admittedly the hardest
[7:35pm] zombieToast: I havn't written anything since primary school lol
[7:35pm] sundancer: yeah
[7:35pm] zombieToast: any fiction that is
[7:35pm] Dorene: the writing and wrapping it all up into a neat little package
[7:35pm] sundancer: I've started dreaming the assignment, but the writing part is bleah
[7:35pm] Dorene: that is interesting and consumable
[7:35pm] zombieToast: I have scraps, just not so much a coherent narrative yet
[7:36pm] sundancer: could say the same thing
[7:36pm] sundancer: have you read Laurian's piece?
[7:36pm] sundancer: the one we got the link to last time?
[7:36pm] zombieToast: no I've been trying to avoid reading last years stuff since the 1st assignment
[7:36pm] Dorene: No I haven't...I need to spend some time over at the P2P site. It's just kind of diffiuclt to navigate
[7:36pm] sundancer: it's cool; sadistical actually
[7:36pm] sundancer: ah, ok
[7:37pm] sundancer: I've read it just to understand what is required
[7:37pm] zombieToast: will read it, just after
[7:37pm] sundancer:
[7:37pm] sundancer: ok guys, I need to signoff
[7:37pm] sundancer: have a celebratory dinner tonight
[7:38pm] zombieToast: k have fun
[7:38pm] sundancer: will try to post some food for thought on p2pu
[7:38pm] zombieToast: I'll post the log
[7:38pm] sundancer: see you next week
[7:38pm] zombieToast: later
[7:38pm] sundancer: cheerio
[7:38pm] sundancer left the chat room. (Quit: eating at Sult (Hunger))
[7:38pm] Dorene: Bye
[7:38pm] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.