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Introduction to Cyberpunk Literature - Mar 2010

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2 June IRC log

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5:26pmLaurianI'm collecting links for the final scary assignment
5:27pmDoreneHi there
5:27pmLaurianhow's going?
5:27pmDoreneIt's going okay...I'm still in a weird limbo that affects me more than I'd like to admit
5:27pmDorenebut I it's going to be okay ultimately
5:28pmLaurianno problem
5:29pmLaurianwe're all here to have fun
5:29pmLaurianand learn
5:29pmLaurianthose things should be synonyms :)
5:30pmDoreneHave you seen Caprica...the prequel to the new Battlestar Galactica?
5:30pmLaurianp2pu will have a workshop in Barcelona in November, we need to analyse how two iterations of courses went and how should we do them in the future
5:30pmLaurianI'll join a course also (as student): Digital Journalism
5:31pmDoreneWhen does that course start?
5:31pmDoreneI've been watching to see what the next round might be...
5:31pmDoreneI enjoy this...
5:32pmDoreneI wish I was better at it, but I can improve
5:32pmLaurianon 4th june?
5:33pmDoreneHmmm...I wonder if I should?
5:33pmLaurianNo of Seats:  30
5:33pmLaurianOpening Date: 2010-05-28
5:33pmLaurianCourse Dates: 2010-06-04 - 2010-07-23
5:33pmLaurianCourse Status:  Open for registration
5:34pmLaurianthe chats will be late as hours (japan time), but they do also asyncronous communication
5:35pmDoreneWhat is there between Japan and Pacific time? 4 hours?
5:36pmLaurianno idea :)
5:36pmLaurianbut it is not compulsory to be in the chats
5:36pmzombieToast joined the chat room.
5:36pmLaurianwhich is nice
5:36pmLaurianzombieToast: we're talking about
5:36pmLaurianI will join the course as student :)
5:37pmzombieToastoh right yeah looks pretty cool
5:37pmzombieToasthope they get it to stick
5:39pmLaurianwell they have a full class of japanese students joining in
5:40pmzombieToastI mean for a second/third round later on
5:42pmLaurianp2pu will email you all with a survey or something
5:42pmzombieToastyeah i got one email, but it was a call for first round students?
5:42pmLaurianbe merciless :)
5:42pmzombieToastseemed weird..
5:42pmLaurianhmmm, I have to check
5:42pmzombieToastthought we were the second round
5:43pmDoreneI got the same e-mail
5:45pmLaurianhmmm, I'll ask them
5:45pmLaurianI doubt that 1st round were targeted now
5:45pmDoreneI was just going to go ahead and do the survey anyway
5:45pmDorenesince it was sent to me
5:46pmLaurianwe really need input
5:47pmLaurianhmmm, Dana is at work probably, I'll stress her via twitter :)
5:47pmzombieToastneed someone to filter that input too though
5:48pmLaurianzombieToast: what do you mean?
5:48pmzombieToastI see a lot of chatter in the lounge about building reputation systems and all kinds of shit
5:48pmzombieToastget the basics right first
5:48pmLaurianjoin in and screeam :)
5:48pmzombieToastif I had that kind of time
5:49pmLaurianone day when you're pissed off just write something there :)
5:49pmzombieToastI'm sure I'll get a rant in one day
5:49pmLaurianp2pu will have a workshop in Barcelona this autumn, but things should be set on path way before that
5:49pmzombieToastbut it's a real problem with crowdsourcing ideas like that
5:50pmzombieToastDunning Kruger effect & all
5:51pmLaurianhehehe (just found what it is) lovely
5:52pmLaurianit is a big problem in online projects
5:53pmDoreneI'd never heard that before
5:54pmLaurianDorene: apart of the survey, any thoughts you have, please write them to me, p2pu, etc.
5:54pmLaurianDunning Kruger effect is in full force in governments I believe
5:55pmDoreneI will issue is, however, I feel much of the personal disappointments for the course have more to do with my state of being than anything P2P has done
5:55pmDoreneor not done
5:56pmLaurianbut you have experience in teaching, you surely must have some feedback
5:56pmDoreneYes...mostly to do with the interface and the participation
5:56pmDoreneor lack thereof
5:58pmLauriana nice written critique would be lovely
5:59pmDoreneConsider it done
5:59pmLaurianthanks :)
6:00pmLaurianon the assignments, can we still aim for the end of the month?
6:00pmLaurianI promise to feedback on them, even on the past ones (must reach Rebecca on grading though)
6:01pmDoreneYes...I am struggling to read Hacker Crackdown, but I think I can manage without most of it
6:01pmzombieToastI hope to have the 4th done soon, but not sure how long the last will take
6:01pmDoreneDid you guys see Caprica?
6:01pmDorenethe prequel to Battlestar Galactica
6:01pmLaurianI have no TV :)
6:01pmzombieToastneither ;)
6:02pmLaurianI've seen an article, cute girl in Caprica :)
6:02pmDoreneI was struck by the reaction of the daughter of the Toran guy to being made into an AI version of her former self
6:03pmzombieToastwhy? / by what?
6:03pmDorenethe avatar built of her was completely freaked out by herself
6:03pmDoreneand her environment
6:04pmDorenethe scientist created her from data, but gave her no transitional support into her environment
6:04pmDoreneshe was scared and confused
6:04pmzombieToastwouldn't that be what you'd expect?
6:05pmDoreneMaybe...but it bothered me quite a bit
6:05pmzombieToastI thought she handled ok after a while
6:06pmDorenenot the one...
6:06pmDoreneZoe, who created her own virtual self, nurtured her AI self along
6:06pmDoreneuntil her death
6:07pmDorenebut the other AI girl was created with no explanation to her of what she was
6:07pmDoreneand the one familiar thing who visited her, her father, summarily rejected her
6:08pmzombieToastrejected her...? didn't she have to shoot herself to get him to leave?
6:08pmzombieToast(spoiler much Laur? sorry :p)
6:08pmDoreneI don't remember that...
6:08pmLaurianno problem
6:09pmLaurianI have a short memory span
6:10pmDoreneI remember the father ripping off his interface glasses and storming out of the scientist's lab
6:10pmDorenecalling her an abomination
6:10pmDorenenot to her face, but to the scientist
6:10pmDorenemy impression was that she was just left in the net, scared and alone
6:11pmzombieToastoh no she does just fine after while
6:11pmDoreneshe was certainly that until her father arrived on the scene...
6:11pmzombieToastbecomes one of the better characters
6:12pmDoreneI guess I'm just talking about the pilot movie
6:12pmzombieToastoh well I'll shut up then
6:13pmzombieToastbefore I give away half the show lol
6:13pmDoreneThat's okay...that is what my reaction is based on though
6:13pmzombieToastyeah just going on the pilot she does pretty much just get dumped into v-world
6:13pmzombieToastshe'll be fine
6:14pmDoreneOh, good...I was really worried about her
6:14pmLaurianhmmm, I must buy time to see this
6:14pmDoreneI felt like she'd been created but not having any one taking responsibility for her
6:16pmzombieToastLaurian: wiat for them to finish the first season at least imo
6:17pmzombieToastit's on half-way at the moment & I'm not decided if I'll bother keeping up
6:17pmzombieToastskipped the first 2 seasons of BSG as well & didn't miss much so...
6:19pmDorenebut I think my point is still somewhat valid...she was created, but her creator didn't view her as significant enough to be responsible to her
6:20pmLaurian(getting mad trying to make some html5 video work on iPad, yeah I'm at work)
6:20pmDoreneand I mean doctor Graystone...
6:20pmDoreneshe was a means to an end for him...he wanted to curry favor with Adama, the Tauron
6:20pmzombieToastyeah that comes up in the series
6:20pmzombieToastI mean it was just a pilot
6:21pmzombieToastthere's going to be like 4 seasons of this stuff
6:21pmLaurian(Dana via email: Sorry again, no Internet connection. Am in hareid, close to Ålesund)
6:21pmDorenebut it was a pilot that stood alone for over 9 months...
6:21pmzombieToaststill just a pilot
6:22pmDoreneI will have to see if I can dig up the episodes
6:22pmDorenebut, left to that, I can see why the Cylons developed into the enemy(?) they did
6:26pmzombieToastI dunno, i have some issues with the show but I can't get into that without spoiler heavy ranting so I'll leave it :)
6:27pmzombieToastWill probably just give ut a few years & then ask around if I should go back & watch it
6:29pmzombieToastAm currently reading Stand on Zanzibar
6:29pmzombieToastit's set in 2010
6:29pmzombieToastread it while it's till good!
6:30pmLaurianyeah, 2010 it is supposed to be the year we made contact
6:31pmzombieToastthat too...
6:31pmLaurianhalf of year almost gone
6:31pmDoreneStand on Zanzibar hold now placed at library
6:32pmDoreneand I gotta go
6:32pmDoreneHave a great evening you guys
6:32pmzombieToasthave a good one
6:33pmDorene left the chat room. (Quit: Page closed)
6:42pmLaurianoops missed you both
6:42pmLaurianwork kills me
6:42pmzombieToastis ok
6:42pmzombieToasthaving been workng half the time as well
6:42pmLaurianzombieToast: I'll try to find more links on how to write sci-fi
6:42pmLaurianand I'll try to get Dana back on the chats
6:42pmzombieToastI'm good
6:43pmzombieToastI've read enough on how to write by now
6:43pmLaurianyeah, now is the hard part
6:43pmLaurianthe idea
6:43pmzombieToastnumber 1 rule seems to be shut up and write already :)
6:43pmLauriani'm not sure if it was in the links
6:43pmLaurianbut one advice I found online was
6:44pmLaurianthat if you don't know what to write, just copy from your favourite book
6:44pmLaurianit gets you going
6:44pmLaurianthen you can actually write your own things
6:44pmzombieToastI have my basic plot down
6:44pmzombieToast& setting
6:44pmzombieToastmost characters
6:45pmzombieToastmore just padding it out & getting a decent rythm in it now
6:45pmzombieToastrewriting always takes me longer than the initial write-up
6:46pmLaurianI want to rewrite the story I wrote for the past course
6:55pmzombieToastI found some stuff a few weeks ago, a book from primary school containing the stories i wrote when I was 11
6:55pmzombieToastpretty entertaining stuff
6:56pmzombieToastI had gunfights, hangings and time-warping eco-terrorists
6:56pmzombieToastI've decided if I can beat my 11 year old self I'm doing ok haha
7:05pmLaurianhow did you assessed the age (11)?
7:06pmzombieToastmust have been, I remember the classroom I wrote that stuff in & is was only in there for one year
7:07pmLaurianI see, I thought that you assessed 11 as the age of your inner child :)
7:07pmzombieToastno, I wrote that stuff when I was actually 11 haha
7:08pmzombieToasthavn't written any fiction since
7:08pmzombieToastI got computer games instead
7:09pmzombieToaststopped reading then too, didn't pick that back up till about 6/7 years ago
7:10pmLaurianI discovered that I love writing fiction
7:11pmzombieToastso you said
7:11pmzombieToastI guess I'm about to find out
7:11pmzombieToasthow much i still enjoy it
7:12pmzombieToastthis will be the first piece longer than 140 characters since back then
7:13pmLaurianok, I'll run to eat something, see you on twitter
7:13pmzombieToastk ttyl