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Create+Share Math Interactives

Revision of Syllabus for Create+Share Math Interactives from Fri, 2011-01-14 14:54

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Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska's picture
Mon, 2011-01-10 15:20

Class 1 -
1.a Introductions

A little bit about what I do and why and what motivated me to do this class.
A little bit about what each of you do and what motivated you to sign up for this class.

1.b We look at an exploring interactive from GeoGebra and how such an interactive could be used in a class and for what purpose.

What do we want from interactives (small/large, specific/general, use with video projector/laboratory/home, ...)

1.c Introduction to GeoGebra


I am not seeing the edit on

Cathy Hager's picture
Cathy Hager
Thu, 2011-01-13 15:04

I am not seeing the edit on the left block of the page. I do see add a document tab, so I a going to press that. Thanks Cathy