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Solve Anything! Building Ideas through Design - Mar 2010

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Project Idea: Encourage the critical consumption of information.

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Encourage the critical consumption of information.
This seems to be a common denominator among ideas in our brain storming session, pertaining to ideas around environmental sustainability, health information, social, economic, political, and religious information and concepts.
I propose a fairly innovative but simple approach drawing on the book “The Tipping Point” as well as similar concepts from community development, social advocacy and justice, and health promotion.
It would be great to make thinking , consuming information – critically, an epidemic.

Discover strategies that identify sticky points – when a message sticks and becomes a point for action, to also discover who are likely to be good communicators, champions of the message and those who will actively promote good consumption., across a variety of audiences.
How about a multi-layered, simple, inexpensive campaign that everyone and anyone could take part in?
What if we prepared and distributed a variety of catchy messages around thinking in a variety of forms and places, that include posters but also book marks, post cards, and flyers, maybe blog postings, tweets. The goal is to do something that includes the somewhat traditional, but also use unique and unusual modes and places for dissemination. In a way it is representative of the information spectrum we experience and the need to take a path through to get some meaning from it. All print items would have a website, blog or utube site which the material encourages individuals to visit. That site is designed to encourage further online and off-line exploration with some type of reward system in place for that investigation and discovery.

The challenge is to design messages well to appeal to various audiences and to be integrated effectively to a larger scheme in which social media has a role. Ultimately the goals are: 1/ get people thinking and interacting
2/ encouraging new maybe different ways of thinking, understanding
3/ encourage new ways of learning
4/ promote the investigation of an issue critically
5/ link various media as a means of learning, investigating and even meeting others doing the same.
6/ demonstrate that time spent investigating is a good investment
7/ the process can be fun maybe even rewarding
8/ that trying is good, important, a good risk - can be ‘sweet’

Example of Messages: - they need work!

If I read it, see it, hear it - humm - it must be right?

Never try to discourage thinking, for you are sure to succeed. (Bertrand Russell Nobel Prize Literature, 1950)
No, no. You are not thinking, you are only being logical. (Niels Bobr Nobel Prize Physics, 1922)
Many people would rather die than think. In fact they do. (Bertrand Russell Nobel Prize Literature, 1950)
Some subjects are so serious that one can only joke about them. . (Niels Bobr Nobel Prize Physics, 1922)
If the earth warms up we a/ head to higher ground -b/ pay more for air conditioning, c/ pay less for heating, d/ alter what food we have available to eat e/ none of the above f/ all the above?
Turning the light out will make a difference to ______ a/ me, b/ you, c/everyone, d/ noone ?
Not driving to the shop will make a difference to _____ a/me, b/ you, c/ everone, d/ noone ?
Where is the life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? (T.S. Eliot Nobel Prize Literature, 1948)
Governments never learn. Only people learn (Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize Economics, 1976)
If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing (Anatole France Nobel Prize Literature, 1921)
Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe. (Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize Physics, 1921)

Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. (Martin Luther King Nobel Prize Peace 1964)

Philippe Rother's picture
Philippe Rother
Tue, 2010-03-30 10:56

Read the book "Made to Stick". It's just about how to make messages get through to people and stick to their minds.

Dennis Riedel's picture
Dennis Riedel
Wed, 2010-03-31 21:36

There was a good special report in the Economist from the 27th of February regarding "managing information".

An interesting number is that in 2009, around 750 Exabytes of information have been generated, but only 500 Exabytes of storage capacity (digital data) were available. The prediction for 2011 is 1.750 Exabytes of generated information vs. 850 Exabytes of storage capacity. One Exabyte is quoted as the equivalent of 10 billion copies of The Economist or 1 billion Gigabytes.

Do I understand your idea right that you want to educate and encourage people with sticky messages to face the overhelming data, to make critical decisions on what to believe and consume?

Jinglan Chen's picture
Jinglan Chen
Thu, 2010-04-01 16:26

hi Chad,
It seems your idea is the deap thinking of mine, while we focus on different step. What I want to do is provid the right information, and your dream is to make people think about what information they've gotten, why they need it, what they will be refined from it, and what they can creat from it, right?

Chad Lubelsky's picture
Chad Lubelsky
Mon, 2010-04-05 00:18

Hmmm.... I'm not sure. And that isn't being diplomatic, it's about really not being sure :) I agree with you about the importance of information, but I think my idea is more focused on action than information. IE, my assumption is that folks already have the information they need, they just aren't sure how to translate that into appropriate and effective action. of course that might mean that people don't have the information they need. you see the conundrum?