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Solve Anything! Building Ideas through Design - Mar 2010

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Project Idea: Redesigning organizations

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Organizations, especially nonprofit organizations, arise out of an ideal, or the need to better serve the community at large. Once organizations achieve scale, this initial ideal, or vision, is often lost sight of amid unforeseen operational tape. Sometimes, it seems like organizations exist just to keep people employed! How do we redesign organizations so that they are more efficient at bypassing all the red tape and keep on target with serving the needs of the community?

Maybe, also, a more important question might be--is there a way we can design organizations so that even if they are subject to mission creep, they are still directly fulfilling important needs of the community? Like the only way mission creep is allowed is if the ultimate good that arises out of it overwhelms the original vision? Getting a little too philiosophical here.. but you get the point.

Dennis Riedel's picture
Dennis Riedel
Wed, 2010-03-31 21:05

A fascinating topic. The first idea about hown companies can have an impact on their communities I received trough the book "Small Giants" by Bo Burlingham.

Additionally it is the time companies are restructuring themselves because they need to attract the next generation of employees, which they will have to recruit from "Generation Y" and "Generation Z". These digital natives are used to communicate and collaborate in different ways and especially big companies do not know how to attract talent from these young people.

This goes more into the direction of "fulfilling important needs of their employees", but maybe there is an interface between the needs of them and the needs of the community. Finally, they are the community in most cases.