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Group GMT +1 - GMT +5:45

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This is the discussion forum for timezones GMT +1 to GMT +5:45. The current members are Joseph, Julie, Tom, Veronica, Yukta.

Here are the notes for the first meeting:

Established logistics

- Created discussion forum for the group
- Use Emily's questions as guidelines for homework responses
- Post responses to material along with discussion questions they would like discussed (please limit the number of posts) to Group GMT +1 to +5:45
- Deadline for posts and questions is Tuesday morning to allow time to reflect on the questions and also help the agenda person compile them
- Meeting every Tuesday at 6:30pm (GMT +2)
- Time allocated 45mins to 1hr

Responsibilities rotate among members of the group

- Facilitator and main caller: In charge of faciliating the group discussion and initiating the conference call.
- Minutes and agenda: Person drafts a short summary of the meeting and compiles all the members questions prior to next meeting.
- Today's meeting - Minutes and Agenda: Yukta
                             - Facilitator and main caller: Joseph
- Next Meeting - Facilitator and main caller: Julie
                        - Minutes and agenda- Veronica

Ury's Video

- Discussion between Joseph, Veronica, Yukta (short short summary)

- Initial reaction is Ury's approach seems unrealistic especially in terms of large conflicts
- Appreciated the idea of the Abrahamic Walk to bring consensus down to a community level rather than focusing on negotiating between politicians

Homework: Please post your responses and discussion questions for Little Rock for next week by Tuesday morning.    

Yukta K's picture
Yukta K
Tue, 2011-02-08 12:06

Hi all,

I will try and make it to the meeting but power cuts just increased. I have no real agenda for today evening's discussion since no one has posted their responses to Little Rock as of yet.

Today's discussion will focus on the following questions from Emily:

* We learned from this film that people can help defuse conflict without necessarily having a background in conflict resolution. What skills and values are necessary for someone to be an effective conflict resolver?

* What techniques does Steve Nawojczyk, the county coroner, use to deal with the gang situation in Little Rock? Why do you think these techniques are successful?

* What reasons do people in the film give for joining gangs? Do these reasons fit in with the theories you read in the article? How do you get your needs met differently from the people who joined gangs?

* How did the gang situation in Little Rock escalate? How did it de-escalate?

Enjoy the discussion