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Sustainability Studio

Inspiration and Project Ideas for Sustainability Studio

Christine Geith's picture
Sat, 2011-01-15 17:14
Lots of links to Action here. See also the Story of Electronics, the Story of Cosmetics, the Story of Bottled Water.
  Alliance for Climate Education - getting high school students in action. Bring their high school assembly program to your local school.
  Stewardship Network - "Every day, we're out on the land -- making connections, providing hands-on training, building relationships, sharing tools, and passing along new information."
Discover how many plant earths it takes to support your lifestyle.

Your impact is calculated based on the "ecological footprint" model created by, Redefining Progress. Learn more about ecological footprinting or about the calculations that underlie Consumer Consequences.

National Geographic  Global Action Atlas enables you to support efforts across the globe to reduce human suffering, protect natural landscapes, and more. Includes projects in energy, climate change, culture, conservation and exploration.
The Freecycle Network is made up of 4,897 groups with 8,049,285 members around the world. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns.
Suggested by Larry Luce for operating one of the largest park systems anywhere with the fewest funds.