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FTP Client ... which one? Installation help?

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"Install a FTP client"

Euge Ortiz's picture
Euge Ortiz
Wed, 2010-09-15 17:33

I recommend the FTP Client FileZilla

The installation is very simple. Once you install it, you're ready to connect to a host. The data should be provided by your hosting company (server, user name and password).

I user 000webhost for my personal website (for free!) very cool for small-medium sized sites. If anyone use this, I can help you with the configuration :)

gonediscin's picture
Sun, 2010-09-19 18:30

Thanks Eugenia! The free plan sounds great, but even the priced plan at 000webhost seems to be very affordable, if not one of the cheapest I have seen!

Edit: Thanks again Eugenia for Filezilla. I ended up using that and it works great.