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Designers Tackling the Web


Austin King's picture
Wed, 2010-09-15 17:25

Great class! I've put a record for those who couldn't attend at 7am

Week 4 Assignment due Tuesday Oct 12

1) Think of a favorite hobby or sport. Design a one page tribute to this topic

2) Use the CSS properties you've learned this week. Focus on composition and layout. Play with color. Use negative space (margin and padding).

3) Spend a lot of timing breaking, busting and flowing with the different CSS properties. See what is possible, but also notice what is difficult.

4) Upload your work and let others know in the forum, so you can critique and discuss.

5) You must use margin, padding, and float... but surely you'll use more than just those, right :)

Also: Longer term assignment...
Start thinking about a mockup for a custom lifestreaming page design.
What is a lifestream? Check out these various sites: - Wordpress Plugin
Basically, imagine you call pull in your various bits from across the internet, Twitter, Flickr, etc into the homepage of your personal website. Now create a great design that highlights this content.

Over the next three weeks, we'll do a mockup and then start implementing it in HTML.

Week 3 Assignment due Tues Oct 5th

1) Validate week 2's assignment using
and fix any errors which are reported.

2) Add a CSS stylesheet to your page

3) Use the following CSS properties to change the style of your page

Feel free to explore other CSS properties you find on the web.

4) Validate your CSS and HTML with validation tools discussed in class.

5) Post a link to your work in the forum, so others can discuss and evaluate your work

Week 2 due Sept 29
Time to get creative! Tell the class your story. It can be any story, but maybe something you've done lately or where your are from.
Here is a basic html5 webpage:

<!doctype html> 
<html lang='en'>    
    <meta charset=utf-8>
   <title>Hello, World</title>
    <p>Hello World</p>
  1. Create an HTML webpage
  2. Use at least 3 paragraph tags
  3. Use at least 2 image tags
  4. Use at least 1 anchor tags (to link to another webpage)
  5. View it with your web browser doing the Edit > Save > Refresh workflow
  6. Look around at other websites. VIew Source. What tags do they use? Try them in your page. Explore. Break stuff. It's okay!
  7. Once you like your story, save a final copy.
  8. FTP your files (HTML and images) up to your web host
  9. Post a link in the forums to your finished work
  10. Review others work and give them feedback

Week 1 due Sept 22
This first assignement has three parts. Please do them all.

  1. Setup a web hosting account that supports FTP
  2. Install a FTP client
  3. Install Firebug into Firefox

I will be around during office hours to help you if you get stuck or have a question.