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Designers Tackling the Web
Syllabus for Designers Tackling the Web
Meeting Time
Wednesdays 7am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
Office Hours
Thursday 4pm - 5pm (PDT)
Friday 9am-10am (PDT)
What you can expect to learn
FTP - How to copy files onto a website
HTML - How to create a web page from scratch
Image Slicing and Image formats
CSS - How to transfer your design mockup into code
Localization - How do websites support multiple languages?
What you might learn if you work hard
Cutting edge hotness with standards like html5
Design patterns to avoid
Localization gotchas
Things we won't cover
Design basics
How to make Starbursts (BUY NOW 50% OFF)
Writing JavaScript or other types of programming
Deep Web Development topics