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Drupal Theming & Tweaking

Drupal T&T Syllabus

Daniel Canet's picture
Mon, 2011-01-10 00:47

This is the Syllabus for your Course. Any course participant is allowed to edit this page. Be the first to edit the page by clicking on 'Edit' next to the name of the page (in the Course Material block on the left).

Week 1 - Introduction

Topic: An overview on Drupal theming concepts and tools 





  • Understand the difference between a web designer and a drupal themer

Week 2 - Hands on with drupal grid themes

Topic: ...


  • Understand the directory structure of a drupal installation
  • Identify the key files of a Drupal theme
  • Use a repository system to keep track of your changes and be able to work side-by-side with other members of your dev team

Week 3 - ...

Week 4 - Real Case I

Week 5 - Real Case II

Week 6 - Drupal 7, now what?