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Drupal Social Web Application

Week 1 - notes

Nicholas Wang's picture
Sat, 2010-09-18 15:43

Tokbox link is:

A good tool to use for everyone to take notes at the same time is piratepad, I've started a pad here: - all edits are live so everyone can see and edit each other as we talk & type.  At the end of the week, we can paste the contents back on here as permanent records.


Sorry about starting the 1st class late :(  It has been a whirlwind of a week for me!  And also I didn't specify which day is our first video chat so a lot of you weren't sure.  Sorry!

We had 6 people showed up.  Short intro all around, then we jumped into the #1 question: "How is this course going to proceed?"  Here's my take on it:

  • We're building a user collaboration, social community web application called "Open Hippel", a team of volunteers had worked together for the past few months to make the User Stories (features) and Wireframes.  We've also build out some of the features which are now hosted on Github -  So, each week, we can pick 1 or 2 features and those of us who are more experienced in Drupal can talk about how we would build that feature - what modules we could use, which API is relevant, any examples on the web we can follow... etc.  Then throughout the week we can all go back to try to do it on our own.  The next week when we meet, we can all share how we had done it and teach each other.

Next, there were questions on the workflow of getting the codes from Github.  Using Git to collaborate with people on one project is a pre-requisite to ... err... collaboration.  Knowing how to do this will enable you to join and contribute open source projects.  Here's the basic workflow for Open Hippel (so far):

  1. register at
  2. "fork" the repository that you want to work on.  e.g. If you want to adjust Open Hippel's Idea submission feature, fork the hippel_idea repository.  Once forked, it should be listed under your account, you'll have a link like: which gives you read & write access.
  3. git clone that link to pull the repository down to your local machine.  You'll get a folder named "hippel_idea" - it's a module, you can git clone it directly into your Drupal's /sites/all/modules folder if you want.
  4. Do your work, make changes... after you're done, git push your updated module back onto Github.
  5. Send a Pull Request upstream to openhippel's account, where you forked the repo from.
  6. Admins in openhippel's account can then look at what you had done, and then merge your work into the original hippel_idea repository.

That's the basic workflow, be sure to look at the links on the syllabus's Week 1 section.

One more thing, hippel_kit will be a collection of "drush make" files, which will allow you to easily pull down everything needed to set up Open Hippel!  Check out and

So, for this week, please set up Drupal along with Open Hippel by forking the repositories on Github.  It may be worth doing a few forking, pull requests / merging amongst yourselves as well, so everyone is comfortable with working together on the same code base.



Is there someplace with a

Jim Cory's picture
Jim Cory
Tue, 2010-09-21 15:15

Is there someplace with a list of dev "features" that have been built out on git and which are todo? Do the user stories match one to one with dev features?