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Embed Presentation Derived from "final cut'; (jsFiddle banding and chrome removed)

Dan Diebolt's picture
Sun, 2011-03-13 17:22

Embed Presentation Derived from "final cut" Fiddle using Undocumented "/show/" feature (jsFiddle banding and chrome removed)

<h3>Embed Presentation Derived from &quot;final cut&quot; Fiddle using Undocumented &quot;/show/&quot; feature (jsFiddle banding and chrome removed)</h3>
<iframe frameborder="no" height="450" id="myiframe" src="" width="550"></iframe>


Using /show/ might break the

zalun's picture
Mon, 2011-03-14 18:00

Using /show/ might break the page - it's undocumented and will be probably display the fiddle in a different way.