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Syllabus for Embed Test Course
Embed Etherpad's Micro Theme (via
Embed SVG Girl (from
Embed JavaScript Game Engine Crafty.js
Embed YouTube: Alex Jones Interviews John Taylor Gatto - On Education
Embed P2PU Feed (OR ANYONE'S FEED) Converting ATOM/RSS => JSONP using jGFeed
Embed HighCharts.js
Embed Ecoli GenBank File (FR719195) Using Scribl.js
Embed Popcorn.js Annotation of Video
Embed Processing.js Visualization Library
Embed JSX Graph
Embed Gist Using "PIBB" Secret
Embed Course Work Product (via EditGrid)
Embed <object> Test
Embed Cocoo WireFrame
Embed Roster of Course Design Orientation
Embed PasteBin Code
Embed Google Document
Embed FancyBox
Embed Slideshare Presentation
Embed Presentation Derived from "final cut'; (jsFiddle banding and chrome removed)
Embed Presentation (jQuery Plugin)
Embed Community Call Etherpad (special style attribute for 50% zoom; etherpad appears to need fixed width / full page width)
Embed Survey Created with jQuery Plugin and Using External Database (QuickBase)
Embed Dynamically Created Google Charts via jsFiddle
Embed Maps from Open Layers Course
Embed Google Maps Example (uses MooTools not jQuery)
Embed Empty and Anonymous Fiddle
Embed ChartBeat Widgets (uses MooTools not jQuery)
Embed ChartBeat API
Embed Yahoo Query Language Proxy with JSON API
Embed Sunlight Labs API (usage of JSONP API)
Embed Signup Task Creation (Hidden HTML, CSS and JS Panels)
Embed Signup Task Creation (jsFiddle)
Embed External Database Report
Embed ScreenCast
Embed Fiddle (results, html, css & js panels)
Embed Google Form, Spreadsheet and Templated Report
Embed Video
Embed P2PU Feeds via YQL