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What is this week's assignment?

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I wish to be ready for the class meeting on Wed.  However, I don't see an assignment posted.  Do you want us to recreate the P2PU website up to the point of your lectures?  Thank you for your time.

Wouter Cox's picture
Wouter Cox
Sun, 2011-01-23 20:39


On the first meeting, I am going to explain what we will do and how to work. If you want to start already, the very first thing we will do is create the images in the GIMP. So you can already begin following along with the Youtube videos; links are in a document in the course materials.

mihneawalker's picture
Mon, 2011-01-24 00:10

I understood that we have to watch some youtube videos. However, it's unclear to me the ORDER... should e start with course paterial/part 1 I guess.?(and this is for the whole week)

Wouter Cox's picture
Wouter Cox
Tue, 2011-01-25 14:27

The videos start with a number. Indeed 1-filename is the first video and 3-filename is the second, and so on. You can sort by alphabetical order I believe that's probably easiest.