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Intro to Design and Usability

Course Media Resource List

B. Maura Townsend's picture
Thu, 2011-02-03 21:34

This includes reading, video, audio and interactive resources.

Resources are given in assignment order.

Week 1 Why Design is Important
Week 2: Web vs Print Design
Week 2: The role of graphics, color choices and font styles in user experience
Week 3: User Behavior
Week 4: Supplementary Content
Week 5: Online Tools and resources 

From course description:

From application task:

Week 1: Why Design is Important

Week 2: Web vs Print Design

Week 2: The role of graphics, color choices and font styles in user experience

Week 3: User Behavior

Week 4: Supplementary content

Creative commons and copyright

Wireframing info and tools:

Resource lists for wireframing, including tools and templates

Online and free wireframing apps:

Week 5: Online Tools and resources 
Graphics, video, sound tools:

Code (HTML, CSS, etc)

Sharing/collaboration tools:

Other resources: