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p2pu Introduction to Drupal: Week 4 - discussion

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Week 5 - Tasks: Theming in Drupal was another great learning experience for me.  I followed the video Drupal Theme Makeover with much interest but was pretty disappointed because the instructions were for Photoshop, which I don't own.  I was able to take to reproduce the same effect in GIMP, without having to resort to a script or plugin.  Here is a Before GIMP and an After GIMP shot of the .png file I worked with and the results are identical.

Open your image in GIMP and apply these steps -

  • Image > Mode > RGB
  • Layer > New from Visible
  • Colors > Hue-Saturation
    • move the slider to the left ending at -100
  • Layer > New from Visible
  • Colors > Colorize
    • create your own settings
      • one of my settings was [Hue=218 / Saturation=100 / Lightness=(-60)
        • I saved it as a Preset so I could apply it to other images I was working with later
  • File > Save As
    • save it with the original image name and allow GIMP to replace that original image (based on the fact that you are already using a "copy" of the theme, renamed, in sites/all/themes)

The only difference in his podcast was that he had an image with a Top Section that was Greyscale and a Bottom Section that was Colorized.  In this scenario: after selecting Layer > New from Visible the 2nd time, instead of applying the Colors > Colorize settings immediately, use the selector tool to select just the section of the image you want colorized and then apply Colors > Colorize.