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Introduction to Ruby and Rails

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Introduction to Ruby and Rails course photo

Introduction to Ruby and Rails

Andy Lindeman's picture
Course organiser: Andy Lindeman
About the Course Organiser: 

I love software and am especially excited about web development.  I tweet at and blog at

I also love teaching.

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Andy Lindeman's picture
Adam Collado's picture
Adil Muhammad's picture
Aleks T.'s picture
Mislav Paparella's picture
Ashley Scott's picture
Arunan Skanthan's picture
Anthony Zazo's picture
Chloe Lerit's picture
Christie Koehler's picture
Chris Wade's picture
Nicholas Wang's picture
Neil Connor's picture
Daniel Kirkdorffer's picture
Darwin Weyh's picture
Caley Woods's picture
Calvin McEachron's picture
Donnie Conner's picture
Edgar Perez's picture
Gaurav Dadhania's picture
Hany B's picture
Fabio Pozzi's picture
Jeremy Brooks's picture
Jessica Ledbetter's picture
Jim Rollenhagen's picture
Jim R
Looking for a web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity? Learn Ruby and Rails! #webcraft #p2pu


Ruby is a fascinating object-oriented language suited for many purposes.  Rails is a popular web framework for Ruby.

This course will introduce the Ruby programming language, focusing on those features and concepts that will be important when developing web-based, database-backed Rails applications.

Course participants will learn with freely available web resources and by completing small assignments.  Participants will also create a simple web application individually or in small groups.

Because this course will cover a lot of ground, it will be completed over 10 weeks.

Learning objectives

Development of syllabus/objectives is ongoing: (source:

Help and/or tweaks are welcomed!


would love to join this

Adil Muhammad's picture
Adil Muhammad
Tue, 2011-01-04 08:13

would love to join this course

If I were to install ruby on

dfelber's picture
Fri, 2011-01-07 10:46

If I were to install ruby on Linux would I also have to run a virtual box?

I would prefer you do because

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Fri, 2011-01-07 15:19

I would prefer you do because a virtual machine allows you to return to a known state very quickly and is very isolated; while we are trying new things and messing around in the course, I wouldn't want you to accidentally hose your main system.

Not to imply that it's easy to hose your system using Ruby and Rails, but there are some nuances.

I would love to join this

Indra Gunawan's picture
Indra Gunawan
Fri, 2011-01-07 22:45

I would love to join this course. If I can finish the sign-up task, how are you going to verify?


In the sign-up task itself,

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Fri, 2011-01-07 22:54

In the sign-up task itself, there is a task for you to complete that will verify it for me.

I would love to join this

Juanita Vyatri's picture
Juanita Vyatri
Fri, 2011-01-07 23:55

I would love to join this course. Would you please give a guide on how to install the environment on a cpanel web hosting ? Or right now i only need the environment installed on my computer (?)

The environment should go on

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sat, 2011-01-08 00:06

The environment should go on your local computer. The course may discuss deployment options, but we'll start developing locally.

I have a question regarding

dfelber's picture
Sat, 2011-01-08 22:16

I have a question regarding setting up my virtual environment. In order to install the rails environment it says that I have to open my command line. I am on a Windows machine however the commands look a lot like linux commands. What should Windows Users do?

You can still open a command

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sun, 2011-01-09 00:00

You can still open a command prompt in Windows. The easiest way is to navigate to Start -> Run, type "cmd" and hit Enter.

Hi Andy, I was trying to do

Arnie Nelson's picture
Arnie Nelson
Sat, 2011-01-08 22:54

Hi Andy, I was trying to do the signup task before applying. I'm working on a Gateway quad-core 8200 system with Windows Vista. I've had plenty of experience with VirtualBox on this computer. The Ruby install went well, but I had to get the DevKit installed to get past the missing dll. After reinstalling both json and vagrant, the vagrant command still cannot find the latest version of Oracle Virtualbox, even after I added the virtualbox.exe binary's location to the system PATH. Any ideas?

You should not use the latest

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sat, 2011-01-08 23:55

You should not use the latest VirtualBox. You need to use the version specifically linked in the sign-up task. The stable vagrant gem doesn't yet support VirtualBox 4.0.

I was using version 3.2.10

Arnie Nelson's picture
Arnie Nelson
Sun, 2011-01-09 04:26

I was using version 3.2.10 and upgraded to 3.2.12. The results were the same either with either version, vagrant can't find it.

I have the same issue. Need

Igor Vorobiov's picture
Igor Vorobiov
Sun, 2011-01-09 07:18

I have the same issue. Need help!!!

I just signed up and I was

Igor Vorobiov's picture
Igor Vorobiov
Sun, 2011-01-09 02:05

I just signed up and I was not sure whether I should've written something in that field. However, I wrote about myself a bit :-)

For those having the issue

Justin Korn's picture
Justin Korn
Sun, 2011-01-09 09:07

For those having the issue with Vagrant not finding VirtualBox, if you are running 64bit windows, you must use JRuby.


Andy - I submitted my application already before I found this solution. I'll confirm via email.

Really appreciate you

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sun, 2011-01-09 14:43

Really appreciate you figuring out this detail, Justin. I will update the directions in the sign-up task. I got your email too :)

Works like a charm! Thanks

Igor Vorobiov's picture
Igor Vorobiov
Sun, 2011-01-09 10:08

Works like a charm! Thanks Justin!

Thanks for the tips on

Arnie Nelson's picture
Arnie Nelson
Mon, 2011-01-10 07:24

Thanks for the tips on installing JRuby on Windows-64 bit systems. That did the trick, and I was able to do the sign-up tasks.

Sorry, I did send a direct

Jenny's picture
Wed, 2011-01-12 09:25

Sorry, I did send a direct message and then found this:

Please only submit your answers via the sign-up form (not as comments or direct messages to the course organizer).

How exactly would I do this?

hey Jenny, I just followed

Ashley Scott's picture
Ashley Scott
Wed, 2011-01-12 12:09

hey Jenny, I just followed the instructions on & emailed the results to Andy's address on that page ( I also signed up via the p2pu page as well). A

Downloading 400MB+ Vagrant

Josh's picture
Thu, 2011-01-13 01:53

Downloading 400MB+ Vagrant file... ripe with anticipation :)


Do you have to email the

Daniel Cerventus's picture
Daniel Cerventus
Thu, 2011-01-13 04:59

Do you have to email the result? How can I resummit?

The sign up task page has

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sat, 2011-01-15 00:34

The sign up task page has details. Yes, please email it :)

Hi Andy, I am trying to

Adil Muhammad's picture
Adil Muhammad
Sat, 2011-01-15 00:26

Hi Andy,

I am trying to complete the tasks in but i am stuck..

>> back
>> def load_comics( path )
.. comics = {}
.. name,url = line.split(': ')
.. back
>> File.mtime(/"Home.comics.txt"). hour
SyntaxError: :172: syntax error, unexpected tGVAR, expecting $end
$stdout =
>> File.mtime(/"Home.comics.txt").hour
SyntaxError: :172: syntax error, unexpected tGVAR, expecting $end
$stdout =

Kindly help

Best Regards,

Can you join IRC at some

Andy Lindeman's picture
Andy Lindeman
Sat, 2011-01-15 00:33

Can you join IRC at some point? I think I'll be able to help you better there.

You can join straight from

I found the site gets a

Darwin Weyh's picture
Darwin Weyh
Sat, 2011-01-15 00:41

I found the site gets a little wanky with mistakes.
Try a "reset" and then start over I think the "back confused it.
You should have the .. prompt til you have entered the 'end'

That probably should

Daniel Kirkdorffer's picture
Daniel Kirkdorffer
Sat, 2011-01-15 06:06

That probably should be

You can up-arrow to recall past commands, and you can redefine code by re-entering it, with corrections if necessary.



Hi, I'm trying to do the

Eddie Lee's picture
Eddie Lee
Sat, 2011-01-15 11:25

Hi, I'm trying to do the sign-up task but when I try to clone the repository in VirtualBox, I get the following error:
fatal: could not create work tree dir 'coursework' .: Permission denied
and trying to switch to "su" didn't work - I thought the default vagrant root password was "vagrant"?

I got it working by appending

Eddie Lee's picture
Eddie Lee
Sat, 2011-01-15 11:54

I got it working by appending "sudo" at the beginning of "git clone ..." - is that normal or should I have logged in as root?