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We complete 6 weeks of Javascript 101 today. I had a great time facilitating this course, and 

I hope everyone has learned something valuable in these few weeks. 

I would like to request you to take this survey, and help me design better courses in the future. Please post your answers as replies in this forum thread. 

1. We used blogging in this course as a way to build on online portfolio, and knowledge base for the participants and also as a way to create learning conversations. Do you think making course participants blog their notes and 'questions to ponder' is a good idea?

2. From this course, what are the three most important things you would change, if you were to run this course yourself?

3. From this course, what are the things you found very helpful, and would probably emulate if you were to run a course yourself?

4. Any other feedback you may have about the course.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the course. It has been a great community and a wonderful experience.

Maya Incaand's picture
Maya Incaand
Tue, 2011-03-08 12:38

1Do you think making course participants blog their notes and 'questions to ponder' is a good idea? Yes.

2From this course, what are the three most important things you would change, if you were to run this course yourself?

Only that the code exercises should be geared to production of an actual web page (an initial template could be provided).
A js shell should also be used as well as the console.

3. From this course, what are the things you found very helpful, and would probably emulate if you were to run a course yourself? The availability of a clear course structure and your availability for questions was most useful.

4. Any other feedback you may have about the course.
The badge process needs to be somehow integrated within the course.

dysert's picture
Tue, 2011-03-08 13:14

1. We used blogging in this course as a way to build on online portfolio, and knowledge base for the participants and also as a way to create learning conversations. Do you think making course participants blog their notes and 'questions to ponder' is a good idea?

Well, the students' answers have to be submitted somewhere, so I suppose a blog is a good a place as any. Personally, I was not thrilled with blogging because there seem to be too many blogs to try to keep track of (one for each student, one for Javascript 101, one for p2pu, etc.). It may just be my ignorance, but I found it very hard to figure out what postings were in which blog. Lucky for me I kept the mailgrams, which of course have the pointers in them. You might consider having only one blog (or even a mini-wiki) for everyone to use in posting answers as well as questions. I know that in online college classes there is exactly one place to post things, and I've had far less trouble communicating in online college classes than I've had during this course.

2. From this course, what are the three most important things you would change, if you were to run this course yourself?

a) I would be more available to answer student questions. (I personally had no problem, but it seemed to me that some questions from students went unanswered.)
b) I would ensure that I supplemented the Crockford videos with additional information needed for a student to succeed in the programming assignments.
c) I would create better programming assignments than what's in the Eloquent JavaScript book. The programs in the book build on each other, so if you get lost early, you're lost forever. Assign programs just like in a college course: go over a few concepts each week (e.g., I/O, functions, arrays, inheritance, the DOM, etc.) and then give an assignment that focuses on whatever concepts were presented that week.

3. From this course, what are the things you found very helpful, and would probably emulate if you were to run a course yourself?
a) Having the email of the facilitator is good, since I couldn't follow the different blogs and therefore wasn't sure where to post what.
b) I would consider having the entire syllabus posted at the beginning of the course so that if folks get done with one week early they can start on the next week's assignments without having to wait.
c) I doubt that I'd use the Eloquent JavaScript book at all. Instead, I'd invent my own lessons (perhaps based on material out of the "Rhino" book).

4. Any other feedback you may have about the course.
a) Most important, I learned a lot more about Javascript than I knew before, so the class was a success as far as I'm concerned.
b) I think it could be improved as follows:
- don't have so many different blogs scattered all over
the web. It's very confusing to me to even
figure out where someone is posting something, let
alone go searching for people's posts in order
to look at them. and if someone is asking for help,
someone else may never even see the request
if they don't think to look at all the possible blogs
that exist for the course. I did not do the
RSS feed (never did one before), so I don't know if
that would have helped or not.
c) There should be more interaction with the facilitator.
Posting a question and having it go unanswered
leaves me stuck and demotivates me.
d) All Reflections and homework assignments should be posted
at the same time (and when the week starts)
so that we don't have to keep checking back to see if
more homework as been assigned.
e) Perhaps we should all agree to use the same browser so
that the problems we come across aren't
attributable to the different browsers being used.

Scott McGrath's picture
Scott McGrath
Tue, 2011-03-08 17:10

1. We used blogging in this course as a way to build on online portfolio, and knowledge base for the participants and also as a way to create learning conversations. Do you think making course participants blog their notes and 'questions to ponder' is a good idea?

This is a tough one to answer, because I did learn a lot researching/writing the blog. Unfortunately, I avoided looking at other people's blogs until I had finished the assignments myself, because I wanted to find my own answers. Once I started falling behind in week 3, I was reading the other blogs even less. My point is, if we're all busy writing our own blogs, we're not spending much/any time reading/discussing eachother's answers.

2. From this course, what are the three most important things you would change, if you were to run this course yourself?

a) I'd do away with the two track system. In a 101 course, we're all at pretty much the same level. If we're all working from the same material, then we're more able to help eachother.

b) Choose a better book for the course, and be sure YOU know it. If there was a downfall here, it was the confusion caused by Eloquent Javascript.

c) Again, more group discussion, collaboration, challenges. I'm not sure how you accomplish that, but it's the part of the learning experience that's still missing at P2PU.

3. From this course, what are the things you found very helpful, and would probably emulate if you were to run a course yourself?

a) The Crockford material was good.

b) The 'numbers' assignment was great. A simple concept, but I thought it really challenged me to draw on all of the knowledge I've acquired in this class.

c) I saw that you tried to comment on the discussion board, and on people's blogs. That was encouraging.

4. Any other feedback you may have about the course.

Bottom line, I learned way more than I expected to in such a short period of time. Sure, I struggled a little bit, but it was definitley worth it.

Pete Grube's picture
Pete Grube
Wed, 2011-03-09 01:21

1. We used blogging in this course as a way to build on online portfolio, and knowledge base for the participants and also as a way to create learning conversations. Do you think making course participants blog their notes and 'questions to ponder' is a good idea?

I think there is definitely value in making course participants blog their notes as a way of building a knowledge base and for readers of those blogs to see different approaches to solving a task, but I would have to agree with some of the other comments that it was a bit confusing with the large number of blogs (as dysert says "one for each student, one for Javascript 101, one for p2pu, etc.").

2. From this course, what are the three most important things you would change, if you were to run this course yourself?

2.1. Rather than leaving the examples of Javascript code at a purely theoretical level as many of them were in the course, I would have examples of how the code actually works in a web page, and have homework that involved creating javascript that was embedded in a web page that actually did something in that web page. A prerequisite for doing the course would therefore include a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.

2.2. While initially enthusiastic about Eloquent Javascript, I gradually became discouraged because once you didn't get a concept, it seemed impossible to move on. Eloquent Javascript didn't focus much on Javascript application in web pages. I would use a resource that slowly built up an understanding of Javascript concepts and then demonstrate at each stage how those concepts can be combined to create a practical example of code that will actually do something in a web page. I would provide homework that was able to be tested in a web page so that participants can see a practical application of Javascript code and can therefore more easily determine if the code they are creating is capabale of doing what they intend it to do, rather than relying only on 'reading' the code and using a Javascript validator to validate it.

2.3. There is a huge amount of jargonistic terminology which the authors (both Crockford and Haverbeke) assume that Javascript novices already are familiar with. Sure it's possible to google these terms and find out what they mean but I would have a central resource that explains all the terminology and programming lingo, a definition of terms that would clearly explain the term (eg. "parseInt"), when it would be appropriate to use it, and an example of the use of that term in context.

3. From this course, what are the things you found very helpful, and would probably emulate if you were to run a course yourself?

I found other participants blogs helpful and would certainly retain blogging if I were to run the course myself. The course coordinator (Parag) attempted to help participants with their questions and homework and this would also be something that I would emulate.

4. Any other feedback you may have about the course.

I think the philosophy that underpins p2pu of "an open community that enables learning with and from each other" is a wonderful concept and has great potential.

Seth Watson's picture
Seth Watson
Wed, 2011-03-09 05:31

I just wanted to thank Parag for giving of his time and effort for this course before it wraps up. Unfortunately, due to some family and work issues, I had to leave off in the middle of the 3rd week (just when it was getting good).

Thank you Parag and all the others who helped out in facilitating this course, and all those who participated with the great posts. I'm looking forward to jumping back in next month if it will be offered again.

Nick's picture
Wed, 2011-03-09 07:57

I agree with most everything that's been written.

I've got one exception and then I'll underscore a few points:

- I found Parag to be very responsive whenever I posed a question. I wasn't able to keep up with all the comments/blogs/posts (more on that below) so can only speak for my experience.

- Too many blogs/forums/discussion areas. Like others, I too often got lost and didn't know where to go to pick back up on an existing thread.

- Even if everything was singularly located, there's still more that could be done to keep people engaged. I would've preferred receiving some kind of dashboard that, at a glance, helped orient me as to where I was in the discussion. e.g. # of messages by day, most active threads/topics, most active posters (excepting the mods). Implementing a credentials system, like that at would encourage participation.

- Also agree that "Eloquent Javascript" was a poor text. Since discovering Crockford (thanks to this course) I bought his book "Javascript - The Good Parts". I found this to be a perfect supplement to the videos. Where I think it lacks is in real-world examples, e.g manipulating the DOM. So, if I were teaching this course I would use these as reference material:

- the Crockford videos
- "Javascript - The Good Parts" by Crockford

I'd then complement this with a series of examples and exercises using the DOM, so we can try out what we've learned.

Hope that helps,

Javier Díez's picture
Javier Díez
Wed, 2011-03-09 10:42

1. Yes, I think it's a good idea because you could always check what has already been said. And it's also useful, because it's content that anyone could use to learn.

2. I think I would include a more specific chapter on how to debug and develop on a browser (Firebug for example).

3. The videos were really good and helpful.

I would also like to thank Parag and all the others who helped out in facilitating this course for all his effort and help. :)

Nick's picture
Wed, 2011-03-09 15:34

Good point regarding #2: Definitely a tutorial on debugging would have been helpful and should be considered mandatory for the next course. Knowing how to debug is incredibly useful and educational.

jp roberts's picture
jp roberts
Wed, 2011-03-09 19:08

First let me say that even though I did not get all my exercises in by the deadline, I really learned a lot. Thank you so much. It really provided a way to reformat the way one thinks about problem solving which I think is something that's loosing ground to the current cut and paste way of development.

1) The blog post were hard to follow and were posted all over the place.
2) a>more centralized place for posting comments and exercise solutions. b> smaller basic exercises and more challenging ones for extra credit. c> only provide hints to solutions and make the solution more targeted towards the final output. I would like to not see solutions.
3) the material. the first 4 videos were ok the adv ones were not very useful. there was a lot assumed about prior knowledge about javascript.
4) I think it should be split up into 3 courses. Introduction to javascript, advanced javascript and javascript and the dom.

patrick collins's picture
patrick collins
Sat, 2011-03-12 22:13

1. absolutely. having to not only read and view the course material but to re-explain important concepts in our own words was a great way of learning, especially as related to theoretical concepts (for practice, the exercises were great). also, reading peer posts was very educational, since we seemed to have quite a few course participants who really knew their stuff!

2. i would unify the course into a single track, try to hold some kind of weekly meeting (with a class this large it would be complicated; perhaps using conference call software and limiting the number of speakers), and assign permanent partners for blog collaboration (you could always do more and comment on other people's blogs as well).

3. i thought watching the videos in combination with the readings worked really well as they both covered similar topics but often from different angles, which for me really facilitated understanding. i also liked having to post blogs and comment on the blogs of peers. i'll always be able to look back and reference my blog posts if i need a refresh of the concepts we covered in this class.

4. for me (a complete beginner) the workload in this course ended up being quite intense. i do appreciate that now since i feel like i got a handle on basic javascript concepts, but it was discouraging during certain weeks where i had a lot else going on. perhaps a slight reduction in content would make the course easier to get through. for instance, the lessons could have been spread out over six weeks, without the final week being a review. 

overall though, i'm extremely happy with the course because i feel i had access to great resources and knowleadgable, friendly support and encouragement from peers. thanks parag!!