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Topic for week 1 assignments, questions and answers. Please post only pastie links if you have a lot of code. It is easier to read and to refer to exact line.

Matt Weeden's picture
Matt Weeden
Wed, 2011-02-23 08:23

Here's my first stab at the assignment, using furnace and air conditioner as the objects.
I think I hit on just about every point from the reading, except for the private properties/methods as I wanted to reuse elements from furnace in ac. I kept the $temp variable outside of the objects, as in real life temperature is an ambient thing and not tied to a particular appliance :)

Bienvenido Del Rosario's picture
Bienvenido Del Ro...
Thu, 2011-02-24 17:28

This week's assignment:
I'm excited because it's all clicking into place, the article is very clear and easy to understand.

I used a person / student analogy I think it fits nicely.

Ville Viklund's picture
Ville Viklund
Thu, 2011-02-24 20:04

I went with a modified car idea. I also tried a thing my friend told me(can be seen at set-methods and on lines 103 and 104). I had trouble of finding "real life" useful idea, but I think I got the point.

Tibor Soviš's picture
Tibor Soviš
Sat, 2011-02-26 00:42

I don't know if I use Inheritance the right way.

It's hard to pick simply-enough real world object for this assigment. I think there are 2 types of objects:
1. Objects with properties only, for example: apple, battery, paper. For this objects i can do only get/set methods for getting/changing state of object (apple is green, battery is empty).
2. living objects or objects with some controls, for example: dog, mobil, elevator. This objects can DO something.

What do you think about this?

rojan sinha's picture
rojan sinha
Sun, 2011-02-27 01:43

Could not think of any "real life" example so i did some file handling stuffs. I have tried to follow Zend coding stander.

Alberto Rascon's picture
Alberto Rascon
Sun, 2011-02-27 10:47

Does this ( ) makes sense ?
Oh well, at least I had some fun coding it.

Enjoy "Pokenom battles" php style.

Vladimir's picture
Mon, 2011-02-28 23:47

Example from my life:)

Pavel Kostenko's picture
Pavel Kostenko
Mon, 2011-03-07 19:14

Finally done my assignment #1.
It's a classes to work with html tags

I've also created single html page with TOC about Zend Framework Coding Standard ( All texts was taken from . I've done it to read on my kindle.

abdallah dorra's picture
abdallah dorra
Tue, 2011-03-08 09:05

here is my assignment for week 1,
i think that the material is not enough to give u a good idea about php classes if any one knows any good links that explain more about classes that would be helpful