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Week 2

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Topic for week 2 assignments, questions and answers. Please post only pastie links if you have a lot of code. It is easier to read and to refer to exact line.

Ville Viklund's picture
Ville Viklund
Thu, 2011-03-03 19:47

Here's my assignment Hope I understood the assignment correctly.

Bienvenido Del Rosario's picture
Bienvenido Del Ro...
Fri, 2011-03-04 04:21

Assignment week 2: Interface

Ben Kyriakou's picture
Ben Kyriakou
Sun, 2011-03-06 02:51

Here's my interface;

(I didn't post last week's exercise, but it was a simpler version of Pokenoms that involved animals. Hint: this interface is meant to be used with a base class of Animal.)

And an implementation of Ville's interface;

Tibor Soviš's picture
Tibor Soviš
Mon, 2011-03-07 02:00

I create Engine interface for Vehicle class (
And it's implementation in simplified Vehicle class:

Matt Weeden's picture
Matt Weeden
Mon, 2011-03-07 06:28

Here's my interface for my furnace/air example:

Afraid I'm not well versed enough in Pokemon to attempt an implementation of an interface for that :)

Alberto Rascon's picture
Alberto Rascon
Mon, 2011-03-07 08:20

I hope I got it right, I used the baby class from Vladimir (, btw nice job I had no trouble understanding your class.

Pavel Kostenko's picture
Pavel Kostenko
Thu, 2011-03-10 10:32

Here is my StyleInterface (
And here is my implementation of Ben's interface (