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Browser-based games to play for inspiration

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I feel like I'm frequently running across cool games built using open-web tools, and I'm guessing that you are, too. Feel free to post links to any games here that you'd like to share with others, whether as a goal, an example, or simply for inspiration. 

I'll start by reposting a few games that I included on the course listing: 

Ari Bader-Natal's picture
Ari Bader-Natal
Wed, 2010-09-15 06:39

I saw Dominic Szablewski's Biolab Disaster earlier today, which I think you'll enjoy:

Dominic posted a video about how he built the game: He created his own game engine to power it!

Claudio Pinho's picture
Claudio Pinho
Thu, 2010-09-16 00:56

Ari, is it possible that during the course, all of us working together develop something like Dominic did? Build our game engine instead of creating my game, or your game, or she or he's game? Or is it faraway of what we are going to do? This occurred to me as i was at work... ;) It's just an idea.

Ari Bader-Natal's picture
Ari Bader-Natal
Thu, 2010-09-16 17:27

That's an interesting idea. My thought was that we would do some work in 2-3 person groups. Let's revisit this after we get started.

Emily Daniels's picture
Emily Daniels
Thu, 2010-09-16 22:26

Kesiev Norimaki has built an awesome HTML5 game engine here: and some very awesome people in Boston have made tutorials for using Kesiev's examples: definitely worth checking out!

Claudio Pinho's picture
Claudio Pinho
Fri, 2010-09-17 18:46

Check this out and spend some minuts in here:
and here:

Ari Bader-Natal's picture
Ari Bader-Natal
Tue, 2010-10-12 17:58

A new twist on Tetris: